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Presentation transcript:

Business Forms Group4 members :陈宇慧 郭晓欣 伍思欣 孟欣 劳洁莹 张炜靖 黄旭妍 叶美玲 郭锡瑶

Company company privately owned non-profitprofit publicly held (usu. C corp.) privately held (S corp., LLC) quasi-publicly owned publicly owned

Publicly owned---Sinopec Group 公 有企业 --- 中国石油化工集团公司(中石化) Reorganized base on the original China Petrochemical Company in 1998 The total share capital reach 867 billion in 2007 Net profit 707 billion in 2010 Considered as the most responsible one by the Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Report( 中国企业社会责任 报告白皮书 ) in 2014 Development process

Why called sinopec? B e c a u s e p e o p l e c o n s i d e r S i n o i s t h e t r a n s l i t e r a t i o n o f “ 秦 ” a n d “ p e c ” i s t h e a b b r e v i a t i o n o f p e c t r i f a c t i o n. management aim scientific development

Business Overview oil-gas exploration oil refining petroleum products petrol diesel oil Jet fuel oil No.3 Lubricant

The overseas market Oil and gas exploration and development overseas International Petroleum Engineering International Petrochemical Engineering International Trade Rank the fourth in the world's largest fortune 500 companies in 2013 !!!

What is this company?

A simple of Publicly held profit private companies Apple Inc. (usu.C corp.) 一般股份有限公司 Apple Company

Location : cupertino, California Founded time : April 1, 1976 Founder: Steve Jobs Steve wozniak Ronald Gerald Wayne

Business scope: Annual turnover : Us $156.5 billion(2013) World top 500 ranking: 19 (2013) Number of employees : 76,100 ( 2013 年) Electronic science and technology products

Main products &Company Nature: Company Nature: Listed Company ( On December 12, 1980, listed on the NASDAQ,Code : AAPL.O ) Usu.C corp(Usual C-Corparation Company) Main products: the iPod, the iTunes and Mac laptop and desktop computers, the OS X, and the iPhone and the tablet

GUANGZHOU SECURITIES Establish:1988 Address:19th and 20th floor, Guangzhou International Financial Center,Zhujiang New Town, Zhujiang West Road, Guangzhou City,China Slogan:New for you Thepredecessor: GUANGZHOU SECURITIES Limited Liability Company LLC.

Introduction of shareholders 广州越秀金融投资集团有限公司 59.54% 广州恒运企业集团股份有限公司 24.48% 广州越鹏信息有限公司 4.04% 广州城启集团有限公司 3.62% 广州富力地产股份有限公司 3.54% 广州市广永经贸有限公司 1.78% 广州市白云出租汽车集团有限公司 1.69% 广东省邮政公司 1.31%

The business scope Acting sale of securities 证券的代理买卖; Debt servicing, dividends payable 代理证券还本付息、分红派息; Generation custody, verification 证券代保管、鉴证; Registration accounts; 代理登记开户; Underwriting of securities 证券的承销; The securities investment consulting; 证券投资咨询; The customer asset management; 客 户资产管理;

Substantial investment banking team business results and so on...

Quasi-Publicly Owned Corporation China Mobile Communications Corporation ( CMCC )

CMCC Company setted up in April 20th,2000 CMCC became a listed company in May 16th,2000 Their customer reached over 720 million in 2012 In 2013,CMCC changed their LOGO, China Mobile Communications Corporation ( CMCC )

Introduction China Mobile Communications Corporation is a Chinese state-owned telecommunication company that provides mobile voice and multimedia services through its nationwide mobile telecommunications network. The company is one of the largest mobile telecommunications companies by market capitalization today, and it was named as such in March China Mobile Limited is listed on both the NYSE and the Hong Kong stock exchange. As of July 2013, China Mobile is the world's largest mobile phone operator by subscribers with about 760 million.

Ping An Property & Casualty Insurance Company of China.

Established in 1988 in Shekou, Shenzhen. The first insurance company in China to have a shareholding structure. Three core businesses: insurance, banking, and investment. The Group’s shares are listed on the Hong Kong Stock. Introduction

Mission ·To investors:fulfill its commitment to investors ·Delivering stable returns to customers ·To employees:offering career development opportunities and a fulfilling working environment ·To society : giving back to the community and doing our part in nation building

Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd.

Converted into a joint stock company from the former limited liability company on June 28th, Large state-owned holding enterprise group The first A+H shares the overall listing of state-owned automobile group

That's all. Thank you :)