Spinal vertebras
Cross section
Spine – localization of lesion
Anterior spinal artery syn
Brown-Sequard syndrome
Central cord syndrome
Sub acute combined degeneration
Tabes dorsalis
Tabes dursalis-pathology
spinal tumors
Intra medullar lesion
Extra medullar extra dural
Extra medullar intra dural
Lumbar Pancture
Summary questions-spinal cord
Which of the following answers best describes the level of crossing of the axons from the second order neurons for the spinothalamic tracts and the dorsal column – medial lemniscus system?
A. Level of crossing is immediate for both systems. B. Both cross at the level of the medulla. C. Spinothalamic crosses at the level of medulla and the DC-ML cross almost immediately. D. DC-ML cross at the level of the medulla while the spinothalamic crosses almost immediately. E. There is continuous crossing as both tracts ascend to the thalamus.
A patient has loss of pain and temperature sensation below the level of the umbilicus on the right side. Vibratory and position sense are normal on the right and left sides. Which one of the answers best describes where the lesion is?
A. The right half of the thoracic spinal cord. B. The anterior quadrant of the left side of the thoracic spinal cord. C. The left half of the thoracic spinal cord. D. The anterior quadrant of the right side of the thoracic spinal cord
A patient has loss of pain and temperature sensation on the right side of his body up to the level of the nipple. There is also loss of tactile direction and position sense in the left lower extremity but not the left upper extremity. Which of the following answers best describes the location of his lesion?
A. The right half of the thoracic spinal cord. B. The left half of the thoracic spinal cord. C. The right half of the lumbar spinal cord. D. The left half of the lumbar spinal cord. E. The right half of the cervical spinal cord. F. The left half of the cervical spinal cord