Nervous System Transmits information from 1 part of the body to another, rapid communication
2 major divisions Central Nervous system (CNS)– brain and spinal cord Peripheral (PNS)– nerves of the body Autonomic nervous system (ANS)– regulates involuntary functions
Cells of nervous system Neurons – made of dendrites, cell body, axons Dendrites – take information to cell body Axons – take information away from cell body 3 types of neurons Sensory – to brain or spinal cord (afferent) Motor – away from brain/spinal cord (efferent) Interneuron – conduct impulses from sensory to motor neurons.
Structure of neuron See handout Myelin – white fatty substance that covers some axons outside of CNS Schwann cell – forms myelin Nodes of Ranvier – indentions between schwann cells Neurilemma – outer cell membrane of a schwann cell
Neuroglia cells (glia) Support cells for neurons, do not transmit impulses. 3 types of glia Astrocytes – star like extensions that hold neurons and blood vessels together. Microglia – small, used as microphages (microbe eating scavengers) Oligodendrocytes – hold nerve fibers together and produce fatty myelin sheath that envelops nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord (instead of schwann cells)
Disorders of nervous tissue Neuromas – tumors of nervous system, seen mostly in glia cells (glioma) Multiple neurofibromatosis – inherited Numerous fibrous neuromas Multiple sclerosis – (CNS) disorder of oligodendroglia Myelin lost and destroyed becomes plaque like lesions Nerve conduction impaired
Nerves – see figure 9-6 Group of peripheral nerve fibers (axons) in PNS Look white, covered in myelin CNS – called “ tracts ”, White matter – part of CNS covered in myelin, axons Grey matter – dendrites and cell bodies not covered in myelin sheath
Nerve structure Endoneurium – thin fibrous connective tissue covering of each axon Fascicles – group of wrapped axons Perineurium – thin, fibrous covering of fascicles Epineurium – tough fibrous covering of entire nerve
Reflex arc Specialized type of neuron pathway that nerve impulses travel 2 neuron arc, simplest, ex – knee jerk 3 neuron arc, ex. Withdrawal reflex impulse ->receptor (end of dendrite) -> sensory neuron ->cell body (ganglion)-> axon-> synapse ->chemicals sent across gap ->dendrite -> cell body (ganglion) -> axon of motor neuron -> creates reflex.
Nerve impulses Self propagating wave of electrical disturbance that travels along the surface of a neuron ’ s plasma membrane. Must be initiated by a stimulus (pressure… At rest, the membrane has slightly + charge (Na+) outside and – inside When stimulated, inside membrane becomes + and – outside temporarily. Impulses travel in 1 direction across neurons surface. Saltatory conduction – faster impulses when nerve has myelin covering.