Oh Canada “You say Auxiliary, We say Ancillary” Kathryn LeGros, Director, Ancillary Services, Camosun College Ron Martel, VP for Student Affairs, Johnston & Wales U Ed Kane, AVP University Services, Carleton University
. Learning outcomes A general understanding of Ancillary and Auxiliary Services An understanding of similarities and differences between ancillaries and auxiliaries. A general understanding of how NACAS serves us all.
WHAT WE WILL COVER Canadian & US contexts What are ancillary services How do they work Where the money comes from Where the money goes Reporting relationships Trends
Definitions How do we define Auxiliary/Ancillary units? “providing supplementary or additional help and support” providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, institution, industry, or system. Augmenting – “make (something) greater by adding to it; increase”
What does this mean on campus? Enhancing and enriching the student experience Supporting the student academic success Supports the organizational success Recruitment and retention Revenue generation Affinity/spirit/tradition Holistic education
Ancillaries impact the student experience Recruitment Retention Student success Learning outcomes Employment Mental Health Physical health THE STUDENT EXPERIENCE
WHAT’S IN A NAME Ancillary Services Auxiliary Services Consumer Services University Services Student Services Student Affairs Business Services
. Canadian context 4 Year Degree Universities 2 Year Diploma Colleges Applied Partnerships Provincially funded universities Private universities
. US context 4 Year Public Universities 4 Year Private Universities 2 Year Public Colleges 2 Year Private Colleges
AcademicAdministration REPORTING STRUCTURES
Off the books – Corporation (Development) Research REPORTING STRUCTURES
Food, Dining, Hospitality Housing Conference Services/Centres Laundry Phones/IT Bookstores/Campus Store Computer Store Parking Pouring Rights Printing Copying Campus Card Athletics Real Estate / Property Management Health & Counselling Services TYPICAL SERVICES
Cellphone Towers/Installation Digital/Fixed Signage Daycare Upass Arts Centre Space Bookings Lockers Sustainability Branded goods Licensing Golf course Student Unions Cemetery THE NOT-SO TYPICAL SERVICES
Fees – for service, mandatory Sales – discretionary Summer business – Conference Services & Athletics Commissions Rent Rights Fees Unspent funds Operating Funds – NOT Donors WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM?
Ancillary Unit Expenses Debt servicing Reinvestment Operating Rent, Overhead, Contribution Scholarships Carryover/reserves Sponsorships WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO?
Computer Stores – When the “Apple” bites back (Cdn) Copying/Printing/Scanning The need to compete – Dining, Bookstore, Athletics, Housing – Technology Being 24/7 Price sensitivity Increased returns needed… not so much a trend more a way of life Outsourcing TRENDS
It’s not your core business De-risking It’s always better/cheaper to out source Contract out “in house” staff Management is easier To P3 or not P3….. The secret to out sourcing You can’t out source your reputation IN HOUSE OR OUT SOURCE?
Housing – Mental health issues Dining – An everyday performance Bookstore – Course delivery Athletics – not just activity – reputation & spirit Campus Card – Efficiencies Parking – Driving sustainability SOME OTHER IMPACTS
Overall NACAS benefits Annual Conference Educational sessions Networking Volunteering Business partners Webinars & virtual roundtables Regional conferences “Drive-ins” Online resources
. What attracts Canadians? Canada Day Canadian Committee Networking with other Canadians Specialized webinars Online Communities
. Got questions?