Dan Stolts, MCT, MCITP, MCSE, TS... Sr. IT Pro Evangelist - Microsoft President – Bay State Technology Community Volunteer - Many Paul Thurrott Technology Analyst - Penton Media Editor - SuperSite for Windows
Disclaimer This presentation and the content presented by speakers is the presenters opinion. It is NOT the opinion of their employers. It is not based on futures discussions with any particular vendors. It is NOT Guaranteed Crystal Ball Stuff!
Overview – Full Agenda! Past and Future Decade Server Virtualization Storage Virtualization Presentation Virtualization Application Virtualization Desktop Virtualization IP Infrastructure Cloud Computing Management-Virtual and Physical Combined Security Innovation
The Last Decade Windows 2000 (2/2000) Terminal Services & Remote Desktop Go Mainstream MSFT Virtual Server (9/2004) Atom Processor Netbooks (2008) VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (2009) Intel Core 2 Processors QUAD Core (7/2006) Intel Leaks x64 (2/2004 Toyota Hybrid Car Virtual PC (8/2003) Bluetooth (2002) 3G Mobile Network (9/2004) YouTube (2005) Application Virtualization (2006) MSFT Hyper-V (9/2004) MSFT SCVMM Virtualization Management Twitter 2006 MSFT Windows 2008 R2 (10/2009) AMD AMD64 (4/2003) VMWare ESX Server
The Next Decade The Role of IT Changes…Specialization! Data Explosion Continues! Information when and where you want it Speech, Gestures, Handwriting Advertisements Everywhere! Virtualization extends to the consumer Fast Internet will become an Ultra-Fast Network Wireless Everywhere… Free Public Network Mobile devices grow up! Security – Cat and Mouse Game Continues Hackers Win. New Technologies will be created that we cannot even dream of today!
With Less, Do More
Server Virtualization Mainstream for all (small, med, large) Mega Data Centers Online Services Will Dominate Complexity Get Worse Hardware Capabilities Grow More Players In The Space Leaders Change… Competition breads Innovation Moving Up or Down The Stack? Management: A Whole New World! (more later)
Storage Major Investments in Technical Advances? Complex Today, Simple Tomorrow Tiering of data to manage cost Where is the data? It could be anywhere! Organize and “Easily” Manage Centrally Who Owns it? Storage as Dynamic as Servers are today Massive “Dead” Data (in the cloud) High Definition Media / Large Data
Desktop Virtualization Terminal Services / Presentation Virtualization … Will change thinking Bring the OS to the client or Take the Client to the OS? BOTH? Prices fall, functionality skyrockets The very Old is New AGAIN Mainframe->Client Server->Terminal Server-> VDI Maturity will come fast Adoption… Maybe not so fast VDI as a “secure” solution (Instead of VPN) Hardware Performance Improvements Continue to explode Management changes the game
Application Virtualization Applications continue to grow in complexity Leading to more need for virtualization Deployment GREATLY Simplified Centralized Management familiar tools As prolific as non virtualized applications Virtualization of components (modules) are introduced
IP Infrastructure – IPv6 / Bandwidth Internet Bandwidth Wireless EVERYWHERE! What is IPv6 and why it will survive Mobile devices Why Adoption has not happened Consumers will want IPv6 Small Businesses will want IPv6 Enterprises will want IPv6 Ok, so when?
Cloud Computing – OS/Data/Services In The Sky Definition of Cloud computing will one day be understood – massive growth assured So much more than just a server in the Cloud… It is the future of virtualization Massive $$$$ investment Online services will dominate the IT World Paying for what you use, not what you THINK you will eventually need Who owns the data? Federal and International Data Laws Availability, Archival, Recoverability Service Agreements What happens to you and I when companies move to the cloud? Automation!!!!, Specialization!!!! Outsourced to the Cloud Provider Small Business Consultants and IT people are most at risk short term Cloud vs On Premise Line will get grey as applications seamlessly work on either/both platforms (Long Term) Eventually, you will not be able to tell the difference The Term “Server” and “Cloud” will be synonymous
Management Automation becomes the holy grail of the virtualization platform. Management MUST encompass all areas of the infrastructure Physical Virtual Online … And All Disciplines Server, Storage Application, Presentation Desktop, Cloud Etc. Microsoft with System Center Virtual Machine Manager has a HUGE head start so I would expect them to be at the very least a top contender. More likely they will be the clear leader.
What CEOs Are Saying: Virtualization Leads Source: Barclays Capital CIO Survey, May 2009
Security Segment Physical from Virtual Different Nics, Different Vlan’s, Different Disk, Etc Outsourcing Security – Specialization may be the answer Companies are not taking security seriously but they are making a HUGE MISTAKE. Security will get more complex as the data moves and the connection paths increase… (remote, local, data center, cloud, federated) Security concerns move in a big way to devices (phone, etc) Centralized Security MAY move to the cloud for consumers (and business?) Safety/recoverability of the data/machine is as important part of the security story Federated Services (LiveID, etc) Keys and passwords stored online for consumers
Innovation Will Continue Virtualization will lead the way to new innovations Chips will get smaller, faster, cheaper Innovations will come in all areas Disk Size and Speed CPU / GPU / Memory Software, Cloud New Devices and Synthetic devices Products and service Will grow at a staggering pace Things we have not even dreamed of Pricing will evolve Virtualization is everywhere and it is not going away, learn It, embrace it, enjoy it and make or save money using it!
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