MicroPET: Radiotracer Imaging of Rodents and Non-Human Primates Alexander K. Converse, PhD University of Wisconsin–Madison Waisman Center - Brain Imaging Core Town Hall - Thursday 2 February 2012
Radioactive Decay & Positron – Electron Annihilation
Positron Emission Tomography
UW-Madison PET
Animal Brain PET Scanners 6 uL 3 uL 2 uL + MR
Fig. 26 BLOOD VOLUME: Carbon monoxide imaging of hemoglobin in rat 12 Fig. 25: QUANTIFICATION: Logan determination of binding of a dopamine D2 tracer 5 PHARMACOKINETIC MODELING Fig. 24 DOPAMINE RELEASE: Time activity curves of a dopamine D2 receptor tracer in response to amphetamine 5 Fig. 23. PARAMETER ESTIMATION: Time activity curves from a multiple injection study of a dopamine D2 receptor ligand in rhesus 15
Fig. 19 ASTHMA: Glucose metabolism in inflammation in a rat lung 10 Fig. 20 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: Microglial cell activation in white matter in response to zymosan in rat 11 INFLAMMATION
Fig. 21 OPIOID RECEPTORS: Kappa opioid receptor availability in parrot brain 6 PAIN Fig. 22 AVIAN VETERINARY ANALGESIA: Increased glucose metabolism in response to experimental arthritis in parrot 6
Fig. 15 STEM CELL THERAPY: Dopamine synthesis in a rhesus model pre- and post- unilateral lesion 13 Fig. 16 NEURODEGENERATION: Rat model of striatal neurodegneration for pre- (left) and post- (right) stem cell treatment (first image from the microPET P4, 2002) Fig. 18 L-DOPA: Recovery of AAAD activity in a rhesus model 7 Fig. 17 GENE THERAPY: Dopamine synthesis pre- and post- lentiviral delivery of GDNF in a unilateral lesion rhesus model 8 PARKINSON’S DISEASE
Fig. 7 CHILDHOOD ANXIETY: Dopamine D2 receptors in rhesus 1 MOOD DISORDERS Fig. 9 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR: Glucose metabolism in female marmosets Fig. 8 CHILDHOOD ANXIETY: Glucose metabolism in rhesus 9
Fig. 10 PRENATAL ALCOHOL EXPOSURE: glucose metabolism alterations due to a reversal task in rhesus 3 Fig. 11 PRENATAL ALCOHOL EXPOSURE: Serotonin 1A receptors in rhesus 2 ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Fig. 14: EATING BEHAVIORS Dopamine D2 receptor response to deep brain stimulation in rhesus 14 Fig. 12 PRENATAL ALCOHOL EXPOSURE: Image of dopamine transporter in rhesus and time activity curves 4 Fig. 13 AMPHETAMINE: Blood flow alteration correlated with dopamine release in rhesus 5
Radiotracers Used with the Waisman Center microPET
DesignLogisticsRadiochemistryScannerAnalysis PET
Alex Converse Director, MicroPET Imaging Waisman Center Brain Imaging Core