3ie Grantees Communication for Policy Influence Clinic Negombo 16 th – 18 th July 2012
Theory of Change An on-going process of reflection to explore change and how it happens and what that means for the part we play in a particular context or sector
Agenda for the session Presentations from participants (25 minutes) Some more on theory of change (15 minutes) A group exercise to develop a theory of change (45 minutes) LUNCH (think about implications for own PiPs) Feedback after lunch (30 minutes)
Presentations by participants Smitri and Rithambhara: The Impact Of Mother's Literacy And Participation Programs On Child Learning and Discussion Shahid: Index insurance in Gujarat
Where has it come from People have long explored theories of social change Evaluators pushing for more explicit analysis of how change happens Increasing pressure from donors to articulate long term impact NGOs and research organisations encouraged to focus on change beyond activity 5
What are the benefits? 1.Common understanding 2.Clarity and effectiveness 3.Monitoring and evaluation 4.Partnership 5.Organisational development 6.Reporting framework 7.Empowerment 6
A good theory of change process… Think openly about how change happens Draw on wider learning from many others Change and actor focussed not just activities and outputs Acknowledge that not everything can be captured Based on on-going learning 7 Source:
A good theory of change process… Covers: – Context for change – Organisational contribution to change – Application of theory of change Articulated using diagram or narrative Work out the implications for project and organisation 8 Goal (Beneficiaries) Management, inputs Project Management (Budget, HR, Organisational Practices) Purpose (Policy Influencing Objectives) Output 2 Target or audience Output 3 Target or audience Approaches or Activities 1Activities 2 Output N Actions of actors not targeted by DFID Activities A-Z from other actors Output 1 DFID Activities A-Z from other actors Stra tegy Obj ecti ves
Tools to develop theory of change 9 The political context – political and economic structures and processes, culture, institutional pressures, incremental vs radical change etc. The evidence – credibility, the degree it challenges received wisdom, research approaches and methodology, simplicity of the message, how it is packaged etc External Influences Socio-economic and cultural influences, donor policies etc The links between policy and research communities – networks, relationships, power, competing discourses, trust, knowledge etc.
Short exercise 10
Exercise Each table, 1 policymaker and researcher counterpart to volunteer Policymaker will map out channels Researcher will ask questions Others ask questions and discuss Think about the implications of this for your own policy influencing plans (45 minutes)
Feedback What were the results from the exercise? What lessons are there from doing it? Has this exercise helped you to review your own policy influencing plans Do you have any emerging ideas for evolving them, or for applying the theory of change approach more systematically as you develop them? 12
ODI is the UK’s leading independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues. We aim to inspire and inform policy and practice to reduce poverty by locking together high-quality applied research and practical policy advice. The views presented here are those of the speaker, and do not necessarily represent the views of ODI or our partners. 111 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7JD T: