The Project Preparation Phase Inception Workshop and the First Steering Committee Meeting of the UNEP/GEF Project “Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches.


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Presentation transcript:

The Project Preparation Phase Inception Workshop and the First Steering Committee Meeting of the UNEP/GEF Project “Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions” ( FNR_Rio ) 9-11 February 2010, UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK Asghar M. FAZEL Global Project Coordinator

Quick recap of the project Work plan and budget Activities Approval United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

The Project details Project Title: Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions Project Number: ICA/DGEF/2009/003 GFL 3707 Responsible Divisions/Units in UNEP: Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA) Project starting date: April 2009 Project completion date: September 2009 Reporting Period: Final Report Reference to UNEP Sub-Programme/GEF Strategic Priority and expected accomplishments: Resource efficiency- sustainable consumption/production United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Objectives Overall objectives of the project: (maximum quarter of a page) The purpose of the ICA was to establish the conditions for the execution of the Project Preparation Grant (PPG) of the Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches To Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions project as set out in the “Request For Project Preparation Grant” approved by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in the letter of 11th February, The main objective of the PPG was the preparation of a CEO approval request document for a Medium Size Project on Pilot Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions. Since the PPG has requested to prepare the MSP, resources have been used to 1) conduct project design activities at the national level in the six participating countries, 2) to provide international consultation support in the overall design of the global project and interlinkages with the national-level activities and 3) to cover the costs of the international consultant for writing up the project proposal and travel costs to one of the pilot countries. The objective of this phase was to experiment nationally-driven integrated processes and approaches to reporting to the three Rio Conventions (CBD, UNCCD and UNFCCC). More specifically, the project will (a) develop integrated approaches to data collection/analysis and information management of relevance to the three Rio Conventions; (b) increase synergies in the process of reporting to the three conventions without compromising COP decisions in this regard; and (c) contribute to improved overall planning and decision-making processes at the country level related to the implementation of these three conventions. United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

The Project – Components 5

Budget  Total Budget (US$): (specify contributions by donor/s)  The total budget was $50,000 (30,000 by GEF and 20,000 co-financing from UNEP-WCMC) but the actual expenditure is $85,500 The co- financing from UNEP-WCMC has been $55,500, which is $35,500 more than the committed amount by the Centre. 6

Partners  In consultation with GEF focal points, several national consultants were contracted by UNEP-WCMC to gather baseline information in the six pilot countries on design options and management arrangements for integrated reporting to the Rio Conventions and also to develop an overall project framework and establish details of each project component, detailed implementation and coordination arrangements, budget, Monitoring and Evaluation plan, and various other operational details needed for a project brief.  This included the international consultant travel to Afghanistan (6-11 June 2009) as one of the pilot countries.  Partners and leveraged resources:  The governments of six pilot countries (Afghanistan, Eritrea, Lao PDR, Liberia, Mauritius, and Palau) and the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) 7

Activities/Outputs 1.Correspondence to participating countries 2.Establishment of the project teams (national and international, consultants as well as national focal points, etc) Completed1.ICA signed between UNEP/DGEF and UNEP/DEWA 2.Countries informed of the project status 3.National, institutional and individual focal points have been approached in each countries 4.The national ad-hoc Steering Committees established in Afghanistan, Palau and Mauritius 1.Gather baseline information in six countries Completed1.National studies on the baseline information/data of all the six pilot countries conducted. 8

Activities/Outputs 1.Consultation with stakeholders in six countries on design options and management arrangements for integrated reporting to the Rio Conventions (justification: each country has its own system of dealing with information management and reporting processes. In addition, each country has its own institutional set up and it will be difficult for the project to dictate a top-down approach to design. Therefore, a bottom-up approach is necessary to have effective implementation arrangements and to increase national ownership and buy-in from all stakeholders concerned) Completed1.Several meetings and consultations organized with stakeholders 2.Project financing tables finalized 3.The coordination mechanism of the MSP established both at global and national levels 9

Activities/Outputs 1.Develop an overall project framework and write the details of each project component, detailed implementation and coordination arrangements, input-output budget, monitoring and evaluation plan, and various other operational details needed for a complete project brief. This will include international consultant travel to UNEP-WCMC in Cambridge, UK and a visit to one of the pilot countries. UNEP and UNEP- WCMC will provide co-financing for hosting the consultant, towards covering the cost of WCMC- UNEPconsultant consultation meeting and the production of the brief. Completed1.The MSP logical framework, financial arrangements, management plan and M&E framework drafted. 2.A CEO Endorsement request in UNEP format drafted 3.A Project Document (PRODOC) drafted in UNEP format 4.CEO and PRODOC drafts approved by all parties 1.Submission to GEFSECCompleted1.The request for CEO approval and PRODOC, submitted to the GEFSEC 10

Documentation The Request for CEO endorsement The Project Document Co-finance letters Country endorsement letters Financial Statement 11

Review and approval  The final draft of the PRODOC and the Request for the CEO Approval have been submitted to DGEF on 1 st of September  Consul with pilot countri  21 oct GEF appro 12

Thank You Inception Workshop and the First Steering Committee Meeting of the UNEP/GEF Project “Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions” ( FNR_Rio ) 9-11 February 2010, UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK