TKA Navigation for severe deformations Pascal A. Vendittoli, MD MSc FRSC Montréal, Canada
How good are we without surgical navigation ?
Jenny, ESSKA 2002 Valgus Varus Mechanical axis 0°2° 4° 6°8°2°4°6°8° Navigated: 73% Controls: 62% % Axis 0+2° Multicentric study
Valgus Varus Mechanical axis 0°2°4°6°8°2°4°6°8° % Navigated Controls Navigation reduces outliers Jenny, ESSKA 2002
Pourquoi la navigation? Radiographie simple 2 plans: frontal et sagital Ombre de la réalité… angulation et translation rotation?
Femur Deformation exceed instrument with preset angle (7°: Varus - 4°: Valgus)
Deformed or obliterated intra medullary canal Extra medullary alignment + fluoroscopy Lateral alignment almost impossible…
Extra-medullary instrument Translation
Is there a tool available to help us? Yes : computer assisted surgery Can Navigation Do Everything? NO… Planification is still the key for success
Grandeur + Niveau de la déformation Donc il n’existe pas d’indication absolue Association de l’angle + le niveau = l’indication
Example: 20 degree valgus deformity
Intra articular correction vs summit of the deformity? Not decided on #degrees…. Collateral ligaments attachment Joint line obliquity Age and possible use of TS implant
Limiting Factor: Coll Ligaments mm mm
Maximum 7-10 mm If more: 3 options -corrective osteotomy -epicondyle transfert -constrained implant
When your plan is made, use the Power of Computer Assisted Surgery Follow intra operatively your pre op planning Make small adjustments according to intra op findings Feel confident that what you expect is what you will get…
25 degres Complete correction: Oversize or Flexion instability No correction = Post Impingement
10 degres flexion Anterior apposition To maintain post space
Sagital 15 degres flexion of the implant = undersize
5 degres extension of the implant
Young patient 45 y Full medial release = still unbalanced Kept 3 degres varus to avoid constrained implant Sagital plan = 4 degres of extension
Discussion I do use navigation for all my primary TKA: ASM I only use full navigation for deformed cases Advantages: — Be familiar with the unusual anatomy — Intra operative fine tunning… — Avoiding difficult hardware removal — Full extention ? — Increased time (20 minutes) is compensated in the deformed cases (fluoroscopy, time spent for adjustment, etc.)
Rotation Fémur C ol fémoral Condyles post. 14° ext. Tibia Plateaux postérieurs Malléoles26 ° ext.
Sites contributoires Sommet de la déformation Cortex Axes mécaniques Axes anatomiques
Niveau de la déformation Proche du genou : malalignement Loin du genou : malorientation