The Hadronic Cross Section Measurement at KLOE Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa on behalf of the KLOE collaboration EPS (July 17th-23rd 2003) in Aachen, Germany
Still measuring hadronic cross section: why? The hadronic cross section is a fundamental tool to evaluate the hadronic contributions to a and to (M Z ) These quantities are not evaluable in pQCD, but one can use DATA by means of optical theorem + analyticity: For example a can be evaluated with the dispersion integral: Im[ ] | hadrons | 2 a had = K(s) ~ 1/s (kernel function)
The factors 1/s and (e e hadr) in the integrand of the dispersion relation make the low energy region and the large resonances particularly relevant The e e channel accounts for ~70% of the contribution both to a had and to (a had ) Contributions, as of today, to the error (a had ) ( s<0.5GeV) (except ) ( region) rest (<1.8GeV) rest (1.8-5 GeV) pQCD (>5GeV) (a had ) (from Davier, Eidelman, Hoecker, Zhang)
The role of the a HAD can also be evaluated starting from data and using the (approximate) isospin invariance The recent very precise BNL determination of a and some discrepancies between the value of a HAD as evaluatated with ee energy scan and data, make a new measurement relevant eeee
(had) through the radiative return at KLOE the Radiative Return A way to get the hadronic cross section (e + e ) vs Q 2 at a fixed energy machine: the Radiative Return (Binner, Kuehn, Melnikov, Phys.Lett. B 459 (1999) 279) EEEE Q2Q2Q2Q2 Radiation function H ( Q 2, )
Radiative ReturN: PROs and CONs luminosity and energy scale is estabilished at s=M and applies to all values of M 2 =Q 2 do not need to run the collider at different energies requires precise understanding of radiative processes MC used by KLOE : PHOKHARA ver.2.0 (on Tuesday 10, Jul 2003 we have received ver.3.0 which includes FSR!)
DA NE e + e - machine at Frascati (Rome) e + e s ~ m = MeV beams cross at an angle of 12.5 mrad LAB momentum p ~ 13 MeV/c BR’s for selected decays K+K-K+K- 49.1% KSKLKSKL 34.1% + 15.5% ee e+e+ KLOE detector Cross sections: 3.3 b ee b ee b e o b b
KLOE detector and Fiducial Volume Definition of fiducial volume: 50 o < <130 o 165 o where is the two-pion system This cut enhances the signal wrt ee events in which the photon is radiated from the pion (final state radiation: FSR) 6 m 7 m The price is that the kinematic region below Q 2 =0.3GeV 2 cannot be probed by these small photon angle events
Getting the cross section L=140.7pb -1 of data collected in 10 6 evts ~11000 evts/pb <Q 2 <0.97 GeV 2 ( MeV) Bin width = 0.01 GeV 2 (~7 MeV) To get the cross section must evaluate: background ; efficiencies ; luminosity Background Selection efficiencyLuminosity events M 2 (GeV 2 ) number of events (x10 3 )
Background rejection I - e/ separation e/ separation using a likelihood method: electron and pion likelihood definition based on TOF and cluster shape the log of the ratio of the two likelihoods is the discriminating variable eff( ) ~ 98% eff(e) ~ 3% log(L pion /L electron ) signal + bkgd events events e + e events
Kinematic separation between signal and background in the (M 2,M TRK ) plane where M TRK is defined as: (p -p -p ) 2 =p 2 =0 with: p =( p 2 +M TRK 2,p) this cut effects multiphoton processes (ee ) efficiency evaluated using MC Background rejection II - closing the kinematics e e signal region M (GeV 2 ) M TRK (MeV) tail
Efficiency of kinematic separation and FSR The efficiency of the (M 2,M TRK ) cut has been evaluated by MC This efficiency evaluation does not include events with a FSR photon M TRK efficiency M 2 (GeV 2 ) A preliminary run with the new PHOKHARA shows that the FSR contribution is at most 2-3% As of now, we do not apply any correction for FSR and add a contribution of 2% to the systematic error M 2 (GeV 2 ) 1 - )()&( 22 dQ ISRd dQ FSRISRd without TrackMass cut with TrackMass cut A.Denig, H.Czyz peak
Luminosity with Large Angle Bhabhas Luminosity measured with Large Angle Bhabhas: 55 o < e <135 o 2 independent generators used for radiative corrections: BABAYAGA (Pavia group): eff = (428.8 0.3 stat ) nb BHAGENF (Berends modified): eff = (428.5 0.3 stat ) nb Systematics from generator claimed to be 0.5% Experimental systematic error determined by comparing data and MC angular and momentum distributions Systematics on Luminosity Theory0.5 % Acceptance0.3 % Background ( ) 0.1 % Trigger+Track+Clustering0.2 % Knowledge of s run-by-run 0.1 % TOTAL 0.5 % theory 0.4% exp = 0.6 %
Summary of systematics Experimental Acceptance0.3% Trigger0.2% Tracking0.3% Vertex1.0% Likelihood0.1% Track Mass0.2% BKG subtr.0.5% Unfolding0.6% TOTAL1.4% ( 1%) Theory Luminosity0.6% Vacum Pol.0.1% TOTAL0.7% FSR (NNLO processes) 2.0% ( <1%) Systematic error can be reduced to in a short time scale
Observed cross section Absolute e e cross section after bkg subtraction To get ( e e ) we need the H(Q 2 ) function e e ISR ( Radiation function H(Q 2 ) H(Q 2 ) is obtained from PHOKHARA MC setting F (Q 2 )=1 and swithcing off vacuum polarization ( e e ) ~ d /dQ 2 (nb/GeV 2 ) M 2 (GeV 2 ) ee ee F (Q 2 ) ee ee V.P.
Hadronic cross section Hadronic cross section after dividing by the function H(Q 2 ) The cross section to be inserted in the dispersion integral is the bare cross section e e d /dQ 2 (nb/GeV 2 ) M 2 (GeV 2 ) Must correct for running of (s) (correction to s had (s) from F. Jegerlehner
Preliminary value for a had In order to see how our result compares with existing data, we have integrated the bare cross section in the same region covered by CMD2 (0.37<Q 2 <0.95): a had (0.37:0.95) = 1.1 stat 5.2 syst 2.6 theo ( 0. FSR) The published CMD-2 result is : a had (0.37:0.95) = 2.6 stat 2.2 syst+theo The two numbers are compatible, given the systematic error, but FSR corrections must be included before performing a detailed point to point comparison
Comparison e + e vs data Q 2 KLOE a had CMD2* a had 0.37: 4.1 ( FSR)249.7 : 2.1 ( FSR)119.8 % relative difference The difference with CMD2 value is mostly below the peak It is very difficult, with our data, to explain the discrepancy between e + e and data in the region above the resonance * our evaluation based on CMD2 published table Q 2 (GeV 2 ) peak
Summary and outlook KLOE has shown the feasibility of using initial state radiation to obtain the hadronic cross section at low energies Measurement using small angle photon events is almost finalized we have a new MC for a more precise evaluation of FSR Preliminary result on a had slightly higher, but compatible with, CMD2 value Next steps: Finalize current analysis Study events at large photon angles which allow us to cover the region (2m ) 2 <M 2 <0.35 GeV 2 Use events as normalization sample to reduce the systematic error