Facts and Opinions This is to be used as a review for your Lincoln study. Each page has important information. Each step has a timer to give you a chance to answer the question before you are shown answers.
What was Lincoln’s childhood like? He was born February 12, the son of Nancy & Thomas. born in Hodgeville, KY. only in school a very little time. raised in a log cabin. He was uneducated.
Name some of the personal characteristics of President Lincoln. He was sloppy. honest. secretive. He was unorganized. tall. thin. well-read.
What do you know about Mary Todd Lincoln? She was defiant. supportive. by the President’s side when he died. She was witty. stylish. vivacious. opinionated
Tell one fact and one opinion about President Lincoln’s children. Their names were Robert, Edward, William and Tad. They were the first children to live in the white house. Edward died in February 1850 Willie died in February They were spoiled by their parents. President Lincoln gave them everything that they wanted.
What do you know about Lincoln the lawyer? He was a partner of William Herndon. very slow at speaking. practiced law for 25 years. He was shut-mouthed. a slow thinker. a very good lawyer.
Why do people say that Lincoln was a great communicator? He was the writer of the Emancipation Proclamation. a famous debater. the writer and presenter of the Gettysburg Address. He was the best speech writer of all times. the best speaker. the winner of the Douglas- Lincoln debates.
What have you learned about President Lincoln? He was the greatest President. suffering with Marfan Syndrome. uneducated because he didn’t attend school much. He was from a very poor family. elected in challenged by slavery. President during the Civil War. re-elected in helped politically when Sherman took Atlanta. assassinated April, 1865.
Can you tell about the death of President Lincoln? He was shot in the head. killed while watching a play. warned that someone was going to try to kill him. He was going to die anyway from Marfan. There were others involved in his assassination plan. He was assassinated because the south was losing the war.
Bibliography Slide 1: "Indiana Polka" (Band). By Edmund Jaeger, arranged by J. Schatzman From Peter's Sax-Horn Journal (Cincinnati: W.C. Peters & Sons [1859]). The piece was also published in 1856 by the same firm in a piano arrangement. Slide 2: Creel Cabin, HODGENVILLE, Larue County, KY Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site CALL NUMBERHABS, KY,62-HODGV,2- CREATED/PUBLISHED Documentation compiled after. Slide 3: PRESIDENT LINCOLN, WRITING THE PROCLAMATION OF FREEDOM. January 1st, Slide 4: Abraham Lincoln's last reception / Hohenstein, Anton, c artist. CREATED/PUBLISHED Philadelphia : John Smith, 1865.Hohenstein, Anton, c SUMMARY Abraham Lincoln & Mary Todd Lincoln greeting Union generals, Cabinet members, & others at a reception Slide 5: A photograph of the President and Thomas (Tad) made by Mathew B. Brady on February 9, Slide 6: Lincoln as a lawyer Brady National Photographic Art Gallery (Washington, D.C.), photographer. CREATED/PUBLISHED [1864 January 8]Brady National Photographic Art Gallery (Washington, D.C.),
Bibliography Slide 7: Lincoln Douglas debate : Du Page County Centennial, August 27th, West Chicago / Kreger. CREATED/PUBLISHED Ill[inois] : Federal Art Proj., WPA, [between 1936 and 1939] SUMMARY Poster for a reenactment of the Lincoln- Douglas debate to be held at the DuPage County Centennial, showing bust portraits of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas Slide 8 America Singing: Nineteenth-Century Song Sheets President Lincoln's favorite poem. A. W. Auner,... Phila. [n. d.] Slide 9: The assassination of President Lincoln: at Ford's Theatre, Washington, D.C., April 14th, CREATED/PUBLISHED New York : Currier & Ives, Reward poster for Lincoln’s killer Slide 10: "Old Memories" (Vocal). Words and music by Stephen Collins Foster. First edition, New York: Firth, Pond & Co.,