Abraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln By Sarah
Childhood/early life Abraham Lincoln looked up to George Washington. He read books about him. Abe wanted to go to school.
Family Abe. had a sister named Sarah. His dad’s name is Tomas Lincoln. His moms name is Nancy Hank. Tomas Sarah Nacny
Accomplishments 16 th president of the U.S. Fought in the civil war. Stopped slavery.
Contributions Abraham Lincoln got marred to a woman named Mary Todd. This is Marry Todd !!!
Time line 1809 Abraham Lincoln was born 1818 read books about gorge Washington 1831 worked at a store 1860 elected for president 1865 Abraham Lincoln died
WebsitesWebsites Sc94.ameslab.gov/tour/a Lincoln html Home att.net/~jnorton/Lincoln.77.html Showcase.netins. net/web/creative/Lincoln/time line.htm W.w.w.. eiu.~ wow /Lincoln chid.html – Answers.yahoo.com/question/index ? Qid = aaoenjp. About.com