Government of the Punjab Management and Professional Development Department Theme Public Policy and Governance Presentation by Prof. Dr. Khawaja Amjad Saeed Professor Emeritus & Founder Principal, Hailey College of Banking & Finance, University of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan ( ), Member Governing Council, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), New York ( ), President, South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) (1997), President, Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan ( ), President, Association of Management Development Institutions of South Asia (AMDISA) ( ), Pro Vice-Chancellor University of the Punjab, Lahore ( ), Founder Director, Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of the Punjab, Lahore ( ), and Senior Faculty Members, Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Date & Venue Lecture Theatre of PMD Department, Lahore 13 th December, 2011 Event 7 th PPG (Public Policy Governance) Course for Promotion of PMS Officers From BS-18 to BS-19 1 Topic Effective Leadership
P RESENTATION F RAME 1.Definition of Leadership. 2.Leadership Traits. 3.Four Quotient Models of Leadership. 4.Four Es Model of Effective Leadership. 2
1. DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP 1.The exercise of Command, Direction and Control by a Leadership over an Organization and its members. 2.Vision. 3.Mission. 4.Leadership Engine. 3
2. LEADERSHIP TRAITS a)Physical Traits i.Physical Factor. ii Self-Confidence. iii Will. iv Dominance. 4
2. LEADERSHIP TRAITS b) Other Traits Framework I. Intelligence. II. Social Maturity. III. Inner Motivation. IV. Achievement Drive. V. Human Relation Attitude. 5
2. LEADERSHIP TRAITS c) Theories of Leadership ITraits Approach. IIBehavioral Approach. -Technical Skills. -Human Skills. -Conceptual Skills. IIISituational Approach. Recognize differences in culture, and individual jobs in an organization. 6
2. LEADERSHIP TRAITS d)Leaders Power and Influence a) Legitimate. b) Reward. c) Cohersive. d) Referent. e) Expert. 7
2. LEADERSHIP TRAITS e) Leadership Styles Autocratic. Participative. Paternalistic. Others 8
3. FOUR QUOTIENT MODELS OF LEADERSHIP a. Intelligent Quotient:* Has the capacity not only to abstract but also to be practical. b.Physical Quotient: -Height -Weight. -Physical Build. -Energy. -Health. -General Appearance. c.Emotional Quotient: -Will -Initiative -Persistence -Ambition *Proportion 9
3. FOUR QUOTIENT MODELS OF LEADERSHIP d. Spirtual* Quotient: -Moral Frontiers -Ethics -Value System -Western -Iran Curtain -Divine -Al-Quran: 16:90 *Pertaining to the moral feelings or states of the soul as distinguished from the external actions. God’s law is spirtual. 10
4. Four Es Model of Effective Leadership a. Energy: -Conversationalist. -Cheerfulness. -Enthusiasm. -Expressiveness. -Alertness. -Originality. 11
4. Four Es Model of Effective Leadership b. Energize: -Create synergy out of (a) above. -Direction: Synergy c. Edge: -To move gradually for success. -To succeed in a contest by a narrow margin d. Execute: -True implementation in letter and spirit. -Time Overruns. -Cost Overruns. -Administrative Aspects. -Monitoring. -Follow Up. 12