Patient Engagement Cathy Mitchell – Local Chief Officer Borderline & Peterborough Local Commissioning Groups
Purpose Propose a new Patient Engagement Structure for Peterborough Local Commissioning Group Seeking your views
For the last 4 years, the NHS Public Consultation Forum has been coming together every other month to discuss the commissioning work of the local health system. Some members (approximately 20-25) attend the bi-monthly meetings and others are corresponding members. The latter receive the agendas and minutes of the meeting and make their comments and questions known by writing, calling or ing. The database currently holds the names of 314 members (also on CCG database). Barbara Cork (Chair) and Brian Parsons (Vice-Chair) are members of the Peterborough LCG Board and CCG Patient Reference Group. Peterborough LCG manage the NHS Public Consultation Forum (NHSPCF) and associated data base. Background
Proposal Partnership with Healthwatch Peterborough In order to avoid duplication, it is proposed that membership of NHS Public Consultation Forum to be invited to join in Healthwatch Peterborough’s meetings, training and events. This will provide an opportunity for members to raise any areas of concern/improvement s and engage on CCG and Local Projects.
Proposal We have established the newly formed PFG which will made up of a representative from each PPG. The group would elect a representative for the Peterborough LCG Board and a chair for the PFG. This will ensure issues and information from practices are shared between the Peterborough LCG Board and CCG Patient Reference Group.
Next Steps NHS Public Consultation Forum members are invited to join Healthwatch Peterborough Patient Forum Group established Barbara and Brian to continue as Interim Chair/Vice chair until Older People Programme Procurement is complete Patient Forum Group elect a Peterborough LCG Chair and Board representative