Graham Corporate Communications
Doers Managers Leaders 3
Produce the product Carry out the orders Fulfill the mission 4
Define the operations Enforce the rules Increase productivity 5
Identify the dream Motivate the team 6
Being the boss is not leadership Having a title is not leadership Leadership is taking followers to a new place.
Catalysts for communities Leaders of change 8
“Management is doing things right.” Leadership is doing the right things.” the right things.” Peter F. Drucker
Focused on the small: Defined the operation Followed regulations Solved problems Got people to the event He lost sight of the goal 11
What’s your mission? Can followers repeat it? Jackson Hole Chamber: Businesses v. Environmentalists "Respecting the Power of Place.”
Describe your dream for your community in 20 years If they are in your community, they are on your team they are on your team
Focus on an employee’s strengths: 73% are engaged in their work Fail to focus on strengths: 9% are engaged in their work 15
Show Compassion- caring, friendly, happy Build Trust- honesty, integrity, respect Provide Stability- security, strength, support Create Hope- direction, faith, guidance Gallup survey of 10,000 followers 16
What leader has the most positive influence on your daily life? What 3 words best describe this person’s contribution to your daily life? Why?
You will have influence with your listener when your listener knows you are listening 18
A relationship building tool that is: Simple Sincere Specific Helpful
Inspires and motivates Builds trust “Everybody likes a compliment.” Abraham Lincoln
Notice a specific personal value Recognize effort “Precise Praise” gives direction
"Thank you. You made my day!" "Thank you. I really appreciate that!”
To understand - take things apart Study parts to understand a whole. Analyze a company - look at separate parts finance, production, marketing Analysis leads to silo thinking
World was a mystery 40% of children died in infancy Few people ever traveled more than 3 miles from home
Cause and effect (analysis) explained everything: Everything has a cause God was the cause of everything Nothing by chance Environment had no impact There is no freewill
Developed factories- work was useful, but not fun … no learning Built schools- educational, but not fun and not useful Parks were places to have fun, but not useful or educational
Middle Ages- 27 years years 20 years advancement in over 500 yrs. 20 years advancement in over 500 yrs. Today-77+ years 30 years advancement in 100 years. 30 years advancement in 100 years.
Environment will have an effect: Acorn doesn’t cause an oak. Environment is required for many things to work. Everything is a system: businesses, schools, hospitals, families, chambers Analysis cannot explain everything
“A system is a whole that cannot be divided into independent parts.” No part of a system is independent of the system Each part can effect the behavior of the system. The human body is a system, the behavior of any part can effect the others
No part of a system can achieve its goal without the other parts: A car is a transportation system. Take the best parts of cars. Try to use them to make the best car. The parts won’t work well together. In fact, the car won’t run.
“A system is not the sum of its parts. It’s the product of their interactions.” What matters is how they work together.
Synthesis is the opposite of analysis. Synthesis looks at a system as part of a larger system. You can fix a problem by looking at the parts You cannot improve a system by taking it a part and improving its parts
“The improved performance of a system depends on the improved relationship of the parts.”
Name one thing that you HAVE to do. Each person in the group: Help them GET to do it
“The improved performance of a system depends on the improved relationship of the parts.”
Imagine the dream by looking at the larger systems Make your dream clear and repeatable Focus on followers’ strengths Improve their relationships to each other 39
making the complicated simple and the simple powerful ® Bill Graham Copyright © 2014 Facebook