The Missouri Compromise was an agreement passed in 1820 between the pro- slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States Congress. 1.) Missouri entered the Union as a slave state. 2.) Maine entered as a free state. 3.) Any territory above the 36’ 30’’ line will remain free territory.
The Tariff of 1828 was a protective tariff passed by the Congress of the United States on May 19, It was designed to protect industry in the northern United States. It was labeled the Tariff of Abominations by the southern states because of the effects it had on the antebellum Southern economy.
July 14, 1832, this was a protective tariff. The purpose of this tariff was to act as remedy for the conflict created by the Tariff of The Tariff of 1832 led to the Nullification Crisis. South Carolina threatened to secede from the Union if the Tariff was not repealed.
1.) California entered as a FREE state. 2.) Area from Mexican Cession divided into Utah and New Mexico. Slavery issue to be decided by POPULAR SOVEREIGNTRY. 3.) It ended the slave trade in the District of Columbia. 4.) Strict Fugitive Slave Act 5.) Settled border problems between New Mexico and Texas.
This law was part of the compromise of It was a law that REQUIRED citizens to catch runaway slaves. If a person did not comply, they cold be fined up to $1000 or put in jail for SIX months. Judges received $10 if they returned a slave and $5 if they freed them. MANY blacks who were free were captured and sent back into slavery. Northerners HATED this law because it forced them to become a part of the system of slavery. /micro/222/8.html
A novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It told of the evils of slavery by telling the story of an older slave who was whipped to death by his owner. Northerner began to see slavery in a new light. Southerners were upset because they thought the book made them look evil. It was full of lies.
Divides lands into Kansas and Nebraska territories. Decided that SLAVERY issue would be decided by POPULAR SOVREIGNTY. Pro-slavery and Anti-slavery fight— called Bleeding Kansas! Effectively repealed the Compromise of 1820.
John Brown and his sons killed five pro-slavery men in a small town called Pottowatomi Creek. John Brown believes he is doing what “GOD has told him to do”.
Dred Scott was a slave who lived in free territory with his owner. His owner, who was in the military, moved back to a slave state, and died soon after. Abolitionists filed suit for Scott. They believed he was free because he resided in a free state for a while. The Court ruled he was not a citizen but rather was property and therefore he could not file a lawsuit. They also ruled that Congress could not ban slavery in any of the territories. Southerners LOVED the ruling while Northerners HATED it. It meant slavery could spread into all the territories!
John Brown led five blacks and thirteen whites into Harper’s Ferry. They planned to raid an arsenal and start a slave revolt. No slaves “rose” to help. A number of his men died and Brown was arrested by Robert E. Lee. Brown was tried and found guilty of murder and treason. He was later hanged. He became a martyr to many abolitionists.
The Lincoln–Douglas Debates were a series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln, the Republican candidate for Senate in Illinois, and the incumbent Senator Stephen Douglas, the Democratic Party candidate. Douglass believed in deciding slavery by popular sovereignty. Lincoln believed that slavery should not be allowed to spread into the territories.
Lincoln ran against Douglas in the Presidential Election of The Southern supported Douglas. Lincoln won because of the Democrats split their votes. Southerners were afraid that Lincoln would abolish slavery and threatened to secede.