Welcome Presentation by Bill Mackay - Interim Patient Participation Group Representative Litsa Worrall – Interim Patient Participation Group Representative 19 December 2014
Today’s agenda 1:00- 1:10pm Welcome and feedback from the last meeting (you said, we did) Litsa Worrall and Bill Mackay 1:10-1:30pm Update on PPG elections Gail Hawksworth 1:30-1:50pm Discussion on elections Questions from floor and group work 1:50-2:20pm NHS Five Year Forward View session Gail Hawksworth 2:20-2:30pm Tea and coffee break 2:30-3:00pm Medicines management and reducing waste CCG pharmacy team 3:00-3:30pm Group work – how can PPGs feedback and work together in 2015 let’s set some aims and objectives together 3:30-3:40pm Training, support and future meetings Gail Hawksworth 3:40-3:50pm Update on PPG DES 3:50-4:00pm Any other business Thank you and event close Litsa Worrall and Bill Mackay
You said………we did! You said: that candidates for PPG elected representative role needed to be a member of an Enfield PPG for at least 6 Months We did: The Chair of the Governing Body and the lay Chair of the Patient and Public Engagement Committee considered this request, but agreed a candidate needed to been a member of an Enfield PPG for at least 3 months. You said: That there should be 1 vote per PPG and the vote had to be taken by the chair as long as the chair was a patient; where the chair was a Practice Manager, the vote had to be made by a nominated patient of that PPG We did: This was agreed You said: Confirm the electoral system being use i.e. first past the post We did: It was agreed that the candidate with the most votes would win the election You said: If the PPG representative resigned or was removed from office, then the candidate with the next most votes would complete the term of office left We did: This was agreed
You said…………..we did! You said: CCG to ensure that as the Term was for 3 years that there were suitable clauses in place that could remove a PPG representative whose behaviour was inappropriate We did: This matter was reviewed and it was agreed that the safeguards currently in place were sufficient and in line with those for the rest of the Governing Body members You said: You wanted clarity on who was interviewing. We did: The Chair of the Governing Body and the lay Chair of the Patient and Public Engagement Committee decided that interviews would be carried out by the lay Chair of the Patient and Public Engagement Committee, Director of Service Quality and Integrated Governance and a PPG member from another area