Curse of the 0’s William Henry Harrison -Elected in On March 4, 1841, he went to the cold, rainy inauguration without a coat and delivered the longest inaugural speech in history (2 hours). He developed pneumonia and pleurisy. -He died on April 4.
Curse of the 0’s Abraham Lincoln -Elected in 1860 and On April 14, 1865, Lincoln attended a play at Ford’s Theater, where he was shot by John Wilkes Booth. -He died on the next day.
Curse of the 0’s James Garfield -Elected in On July 2, 1881, he was shot by Charles Guiteau at a train station in Washington D.C. -One bullet lodged in his spine and could not be found. It became infected causing blood poisoning and, eventually, a heart attack. He died on September 19.
Curse of the 0’s William McKinley -Elected in 1896 and On September 5, 1901, while attending the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, he was shot by anarchist Leon Czolgosz. -One bullet went through his stomach, colon and kidney. He developed gangrene and died on September 14. -Last words: “It is God's way; His will be done, not ours”
Curse of the 0’s Warren Harding -Elected in His administration was full of scandal, and he is considered by many the worst president in history. -While on his “Voyage of Understanding”, he became mysteriously ill. He died of a stroke or heart attack on August 2, 1923 in San Francisco. -His wife would not allow an autopsy.
Curse of the 0’s Franklin Roosevelt -Elected in 1932, 1936, 1940, and Roosevelt had contracted polio at age 40, which caused many other medical problems. -While resting in Warm Springs, GA, he suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage and died on April 12, 1945.
Curse of the 0’s John Kennedy -Elected in On November 22, 1963, while riding in the motorcade, he was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.
Curse of the 0’s Ronald Reagan -Elected in 1980 and On March 30, 1981, Reagan was shot in the chest by John Hinkley, Jr. -He died June 5, 2005