Jane Acklam Paul Greenough Jane Acklam: Executive Principal Moor End Academy, CEO Moor End Academies Trust, Pennine Teaching School Alliance Paul Greenough: Headteacher Honley High School
Area of Enquiry Leading system change through school transformation Provocation question….. Given the variations in the quality of education across the region, how can we rapidly spread best practice in school turnaround, so that more schools improve more quickly?
Why would you want to work with an NLE / Teaching School? Paul Greenough: Perspectives from the Head of an RI School
Stimulus Match the vision statement to the car brand: Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. If it does not exist design it.
Honley High School: September 2013 Ofsted identified the following development areas: Students, including those who are eligible for the pupil premium, are not making the progress of which they are capable across a range of subjects. More-able students are not attaining consistently the highest grades at GCSE. Too much teaching is not consistently good enough to eradicate the pockets of underachievement which exist. Teachers do not always plan lessons so that work is set at the right level. As a result, they do not consistently challenge and engage all students so that they achieve the highest grades of which they are capable. Students are not given sufficient opportunities to work independently to develop their own reasoned ideas and arguments. Teachers do not always check how well students are learning in lessons and so are unable to adjust their teaching to meet students’ needs. The sharing of best practice in teaching in the school is not being shared fully for the benefit of all teachers. Whole-school monitoring and evaluation processes and systems for the tracking of students’ performance are not yet being consistently applied across the school. Not all subjects are allocated a sufficient amount of teaching time at GCSE.
Honley High School: September 2013 Ofsted identified the following development areas: Lots!!
Honley High School: from Jan 2014 The response: rapid systemic change Post-Ofsted Action plan implemented incorporating Over-hall of appraisal and QA processes Staffing restructure (at all levels) Introduction of compulsory CPD Review of assessment frameworks (all years) Tracking of pupil progress and timely intervention Re-direction of PPG Curriculum re-design Engagement of external partners
The role of the NLE Navigating the route … finding the right path … identifying the next steps.
The role of the NLE Critical friend
Honley High School The result of rapid systemic change Impact Robust appraisal and QA processes Staffing structure that supports pupil progress Teacher CPD: led by teachers for teachers Regular high quality assessment and feedback Focus upon pedagogy applying a Growth Mind-set Reduction in the achievement gap Continuing to improve
Honley High School Sustainable improvement and the future In a recent survey (Jan 2015) almost all staff agreed or strongly agreed that… We have a clearly defined, shared and understood vision and values; We are effective in improving the quality of teaching; We cater for the needs of all pupils; We are proud of our school and our community
Stimulus response A vision of a self-improving system Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. If it does not exist design it.
What do Teaching Schools have to offer? Jane Acklam
With limited funding what can be achieved? Models of mature system leadership Impact driven Plans Exit strategies defined Reputation
In times of limited funding how can we make ‘sustainable’ change? Funding sources S2S Self LA Diocesan Academy Trust Dialogue is the key
What do we mean by transformation? 3 words
So, now we know what it is, how do we achieve it?
rapidly spread best practice………. more schools improve more quickly……………. Speed………. What is the urgency? Moral purpose Or Government agendas?
The role of system leaders…. The spirit of racing It’s not about us…..
Provocation question… Provocation question….. Given the variations in the quality of education across the region, how can we rapidly spread best practice in school turnaround, so that more schools improve more quickly?