Rig Selection Things To consider Water Depth : 76 m (appx : 250 ft) 3 types of major drilling rig are feasible Tender Assisted (44 MMUSD/day) Jack up rig (50 MMUSD/day) Semi Submersible (297 MMUSD/day) Tender Assisted Rig Water depth Seabed soil condition Costing rig, capacity and stability
Well Trajectories Factors Target of the wells The drainage radius Well azimuth and inclination May be revised accordingly to actual well results, geological and res. modelling. All wells are proposed to be vertically drilled. Total number of producing wells = 11 wells Total number of injecting wells = 9 wells
Well profiles Well Name Target Layer Well TVD (m-MDDF) Profile Name Target Layer Well TVD (m-MDDF) Profile Completion Type Remarks BE-1 M 2/3 1280.0 Vertical Single Producer BE-2 1270.0 BE-3 Dual M 7/8 1305.0 BE-4 1295.0 BE-5 1321.0 BE-6 1307.0 M 9/14 1342.0 BE-7 1318.0 BE-8 1330.0 BE-9 1350.0 BE-10 1320.0 BE-11 M 15 1338.0 BE-12 1400.0 Injector BE-13 1390.0 1410.0 BE-14 BE-15 1380.0 BE-16 BE-17 1370.0 1395.0 BE-18 1430.0 BE-19 BE-20
Casing Design & Bit Selection Casing Setting Depth (m-TVD) Casing OD (in) Casing grade Bit size Type of bit Conductor 80 26” X-56/ Threaded - Surface 500 13-3/8” L-80/BTC 17-1/2” PDC Intermediate 950 9-5/8” P-110/LTC 12-1/4” Production 1328 7” V-150/ Extreme-line 8-1/2”
Assume Pressure Gradient (psi/ft) Proposed Mud Weight (ppg) Drilling Fluid System Hole Size (in) Casing Size (in) Casing Type Mud Type Assume Pressure Gradient (psi/ft) Proposed Mud Weight (ppg) 26 20 Conducto r Sea water + Hi Vis Sweeps 0.433 9.1 - 9.2 17-1/2 13-3/8 Surface Seawater Polymer 9.2 - 9.4 12-1/4 9-5/8 Intermedi ate KCL / PHPA 0.478 10.1 - 10.3 8-1/2 7 Productio n 10.0 - 11
Producing Well (BE-1 – BE-11) Injector Wells (BE-12 – BE-20) Casing Cementation Well Casing Top of Cement Lead (ppg) Tail (ppg) Producing Well (BE-1 – BE-11) Injector Wells (BE-12 – BE-20) 20” Surface 15.8 13-3/8” Lead: Surface Tail: 150m above 13-3/8 shoe 12.6 9-5/8” Lead: 150m above 13-3/8” shoe Tail: 150m above 9-5/8” shoe 7” Top of Liner
Type of Cement / Additive Casing Cementation Casing OD (in) Casing ID Type of Cement / Additive Lead Slurry Volume Tail Slurry volume Total 26” 25.65” Class “G” 493 sacks Seawater 54.46 bbl Mixing Fluid 63.25 gal Fluid Loss 24.64 gal 13 3/8” 12.459” 556 sacks 462 sacks 1018 sacks 146.7 bbl 51.04 bbl 197.74 bbl 165.48 bbl 59.29 bbl 224.77 bbl 27.8 gal 23.1 gal 50.9 gal Retarder 33.36 gal 9.24 gal 42.6 gal Dispersant 556 gal 161.7 gal 717.7 gal 9 5/8” 8.535” 397 sacks 210 sacks 607 sacks 107.56 bbl 23.22 bbl 130.78 bbl 118.04 bbl 26.98 bbl 145.02 bbl 19.83 gal 10.51 gal 30.34 gal 23.8 gal 4.2 gal 28 gal 396.62 gal 73.57 gal 470.19 7” 6.366” 542 sacks 59.67 bbl 69.62 bbl 27.12 gal 10.85 gal 189.87 gal
Potential Drilling Hazards Shallow Gas Lost Circulation Zone CO₂ and H₂S Content Occupational Safety Hole Cleaning Stuck pipe/differential sticking
Time and Cost Estimation
Drilling Optimization Monobore Completion Multilateral Completion Rotary Steerable System (RSS)