EU-Russia Science & Technology Cooperation under FP7 Vladimir MAYER Director Moscow Regional Office (Russia&NIS) French National Centre for Scientific.


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Presentation transcript:

EU-Russia Science & Technology Cooperation under FP7 Vladimir MAYER Director Moscow Regional Office (Russia&NIS) French National Centre for Scientific research Presentation prepared using materials supplied by: Delegation of EU to Russia and DG research of EC

Framework Programmes (FP) of EU Objective: To raise the competitiveness of European industry & to contribute to economic growth by supporting research, technological development & innovation activities. Tool: Multi-annual programmes to integrate research, foster excellence, pool resources, address globalisation etc. Deliver the European Research Area (ERA) and the Innovation Union (IU). Open to applications from European researchers from all sectors, in collaboration with other European and non- European researchers.

Cooperation – Collaborative applied research People – Human Potential and Mobility Joint Research Centres (nuclear) Ideas – Excellence in Frontier Research (ERC) Capacities – Research Capacity and Logistics Joint Research Centres (non-nuclear) Euratom programme + FP7 Specific Programmes

7th Framework Programme ( ) Budget: 55 billion € ~ 6% of public R&D investment in Europe 4-5 % of the EU budget Cooperation programme: EU contribution is 50 to 100 % of the cost

Evolution of annual FP budgets over the last 30 years FP6 5 years 17,5 B€ FP7 7 years 55 B€

10 Themes 1.Health 2.Food, agriculture and fisheries and biotechnology 3.Information and communication technologies 4.Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies 5.Energy 6.Environment (including climate change) 7.Transport (including aeronautics) 8.Socio-economic sciences & the humanities 9.Space 10.Security Cooperation – Collaborative research

Any undertaking, university or research organisation or other legal entity, whether established in a: - EU Member State (MS), or - Associated country (AC)*, and International organisations and participants from “third countries” (ICPC) can participate only if in addition to participants from different EU MS or AC participation of minimum three organisations from EU MS or AC is usually requested * Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey Who can participate in actions under Cooperation scheme ?

Russia as third country in Cooperation International Cooperation Partner Country (ICPC) Eligible to receive funding (same rights and obligations) Any legal entity may participate Consortia must have the minimum required number of MS / AC participants Apply in the same way Can initiate and coordinate proposals Expert evaluators

Targeted opening The participation of ICPC partners is particularly welcomed, but not an eligibility criterion. Specific International Co-operation Activities (SICA) Focus on a particular ICPC(s) addressing the specific needs of these targeted countries or regions. Eligibility: minimum 4 participants from different countries: 2 ICPC + 2 MS or AC. Coordinated calls alignment of content, timing, and selection procedures, as well as resources to launch a call coordinated with a similar call issued by a funding agency in a third country (biotech, energy, health, nano, aeronautics calls with Russia, ) Twinning of projects to promote cooperation between projects independently generated and funded under FP7 and under third country research funding schemes. Options for facilitating participation of ICPC under Cooperation FP7 scheme

Develop contacts and collaborations with partners in EU and AC countries interested in and knowledgeable of FP7 Participate at conferences, fairs, information and brokerage events Use the support of the FP7 Capacities projects (BILAT Russia) Use the networks of FP7 National Contact Points (15 in Russia) and the Cordis partners site: Ensure that foreign colleagues can contact you (e.g. Internet homepage with your profile) How to find partners for entering Cooperation projects of FP7?

Objective: to foster mutually beneficial collaboration with researchers and research institutes in third countries by: attracting excellent scientists from outside Europe to ERA sending European researchers to third countries Three specific tools: Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES). International dimension as a part of People programme One third of budget dedicated to mobility between ERA - ICPC Statics of mobility with Russia under FP6 Individual: IIF 84 Russians, IOF 4 Europeans, Host driven: 12 Russian host organizations, 204 Russian researchers

Bilateral S&T Cooperation partnerships: BILAT-RUS & ACCESSRU Coordination of national policies & funding programmes: ERA-Net.RUS (call for projects with Russia to be launched !) Bi-regional coordination of S&T Cooperation: IncoNet Eastern Europe & Central Asia (EECA) Transnational cooperation among National Contact Points (NCP) for international cooperation: INCONTACT – One World Specific FP7 Capacities – International Cooperation projects in support to enhancing EU-Russia S&T cooperation

Russian Participation in FP6 and FP7 – some statistical data FP6 success ( ): 474 Russian participants in 312 projects million € - EU contribution to Russia for overall budget of 1,4 billion € FP7 success ( ): 450 Russian participants in 264 projects 50.5 million € - EU contribution to Russia Applicants success rate in FP7 ( ): Russian participants 23,1 % (average for third countries is 23,9 % ) Main partners of Russia in FP7 calls ( ): Germany (316), France (264), United Kingdom (236)

Top 30 countries under FP7 applications main listed (Cooperation)

Top 30 third countries – FP7 applications main listed (Cooperation Programme)

Success rate per country - applications evaluated / applications main listed (FP – 2010, Cooperation programme) Average EU Success rate 20,8 %

FP7 Applications Submitted and Retained Cooperation, Capacities, Euratom Programmes

FP Applications Mainlisted, Contributions to Project Budgets: EU versus ICPC

Russia: Cooperation Programme Applications and Retained Proposals

Russia: FP7 (2007 – 2010) Cooperation Programme Success Rate

Further Information about Capacities projects facilitating Russian participation in FP7 EECA INCONET ERANET-RUS BILAT-RUS ACCESS-RU

European Research Information EU research Seventh Framework Programme Information on research programmes and projects Experts’ registration in FP7