1 * Assistance to Entrepreneurs: 5328 Nos. - Prospective Entrepreneurs : 4137 Nos. - Existing Entrepreneurs : 1191 Nos. * Project Profiles : 15 Nos. * Project Profiles on Ancillary Items : 3 GENERAL ACTIVITIES
2 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (EDP) DURING Organized 22 EDPs and earned a revenue of Rs. 11,86,750/-. Out of 675 trainees of 22 EDPs, 270 trainees have been provided Provisional SSI/SSSBE registration during the course of the programs.
4 MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES DURING Twelve MDPs have been organized on subjects such as: Export Marketing,E-Business, Marketing of Services, Marketing Strategies in Competitive Environment, Human Resource Development, Financial/ Hospital Management, Event Management & Project Appraisal. Revenue earned :Rs 2,42,000/-.
5 PROGRAMMES ORGANIZED DURING THE YEAR * E.D.P.s : 22 * M.D.P.s : 12 * Motivation Campaigns : 22 * V.D.P. : 1 * ISO- 9000/TQM : 2 * ISO-14001(EMS) : 1 * Energy Conservation : 1 * Intellectual Property Rights : 1 * Waste Minimization & : 1 Cleaner Production
6 REVENUE EARNED DURING FINANCIAL YEAR YEAR RS ,02, ,59, ,87, ,68, ,54,158 (Till Date)
7 ASSISTANCE FOR EXPORT MARKETING Assistance provided to 28 SSIs of Vidarbha region to participate in various International Trade Fairs/Exhibitions. Representatives of 4 units visited in 2 trade fairs namely Spring Fair, Birmingham (U.K.) & Muba-2005, Basel (Switzerland).
9 Marketing Assistance under Single Point NSIC Registration 30 SSI units were assisted for registration and a revenue of Rs.30,000/- was earned by the Institute.
10 PROGRESS MADE DURING CURRENT YEAR Programme Target Achievements > E.D.P > M.D.P > I.M.C
11 DETAILS OF E.D.Ps. FOR THE YEAR Topic Venue RevenueParticipants Fashion Designing Nagpur Rs.67,200/- 36 Mobile Repairing Nagpur Rs.79,500/-30 Computer HardwareNagpur Rs.72,500/-34 Cosmetics & BiotechAmravati Rs.27,750/-22 Fashion Designing Nagpur Rs.54,000/-28 Photography& VideoNagpur Rs.67,200/-33 Beauty Culture Nagpur Rs.51,600/-28 Decorative Items Nagpur Rs.62,400/-30 Two Wheeler Repairing YavatmalRs. 23,250/-21 Mfg of Cosmetics & Biotech NagpurRs. 62,400/-31 Fashion Designing ChandrapurRs. 22,500/-22 Computer HardwareBhandaraRs. 29,250/ TOTAL Rs. 6,29,550/
12 DETAILS OF M.D.Ps. Topic Venue Revenue Airline, Travel and Tourism Nagpur Rs.31,800/- Airline, Travel and Tourism Nagpur Rs.33,000/- Value Added Tax Nagpur Rs.23,400/- Export Marketing Nagpur Rs.30,600/- Export Marketing Nagpur Rs.18,600/- Total Rs.1,37,400/- VI th programme on Financial Management commenced from 26 th December,05 at Nagpur.
13 DETAILS OF MOTIVATION CAMPAIGNS Venue No. of Participants Amravati 98 Central Jail, Nagpur 324 Nagpur 48 Nagpur 362 Badnera, Amravati 93 Pulgaon, Wardha 117 Wardha 58 Gadchiroli 85 Yavatmal 300
14 REVENUE FOR CURRENT YEAR TILL NOW Programme / Activity Revenue (Rs.) > E.D.P. 6,29,550/- > M.D.P. 1,37,400/- > WORKSHOP 19,773/- > NSIC INSPECTION 41,000/- > SCX REGISTRATION 4,250/- > OTHERS 32,760/ TOTAL: 8,64,733/
15 CAD-CAM TRAINING CENTRE With the efforts taken by SISI, Nagpur & IGTR, Aurangabad, a CAD-CAM Training Centre was established on 2 nd June,2005 at Nagpur to provide opportunity for Engineering/Diploma students, professionals from industries for upgrading their skill & knowledge in the field of CAD & CAM.
16 Forthcoming Programmes 11 Entrepreneurship Development Programmes. 04 Management Development Programmes. 14 Intensive Motivation Campaigns One Day Awareness Programme on ISO One Day Sensitization Programme on Bio- Technology Seminar on Packaging for Exports Vendor Development Programme (Buyers - Sellers Meet) Four Day Programme on ISO-9000 & TQM
17 Other Activities for the year District Industrial Potential Survey: Gadchiroli, Gondia & Wardha. State Industrial Profile (Vidarbha Region) No. of Units visited by SISI Officials: 110 Total No. of visitors enquiries received in SISI: 1582