Chapter 5-1 Chapter Five Demand for Labour in Competitive Labour Markets
Chapter 5-2 Chapter Focus Labour demand curve Short and long run Demand for Labor Elasticity
Chapter 5-3 Demand for Labour Factors of production inputs into the production of final goods Linked to the firms demand for goods/services Derived demand
Chapter 5-4 Employment Decisions Short-run – one or more factors of production cannot be varied (e.g., k) Long-run – firm can adjust all of its inputs (N and K) State of technical knowledge is assumed to be fixed
Chapter 5-5 Demand for Labour The quantity of labour services the firm would employ at each wage: N=N(w) Depends on the firms objectives and constraints Objective is to maximize profits
Chapter 5-6 Firm’s Constraints Demand for product (output) Supply of labour (and other factors of production) Production function ( the maximum output given the various combinations of inputs) Fixed quantity of one or more factors of production (short run only)
Chapter 5-7 Theory of Labour Demand Examines the quantity of labour the firm desires given the market-determined wage rate Assume: The firm is a perfect competitor in the labour market.
Chapter 5-8 Market Behaviour A firm’s behaviour in the product market affects demand for labour wage rate employment decisions The structure of the labour market affects supply curve - amount of labour available to the firm at various wage rates
Chapter 5-9 Categorizing the Structure of Product Markets Industry Structures perfect competition monopolistic oligopoly monopoly decreasing degree of competition
Chapter 5-10 Categorizing the Structure of Labour Markets Industry Structures perfect competition monopsonistic competition oligopsony monopsony decreasing degree of competition
Chapter 5-11 Characteristics of Industry Structures Categories are independent of each other 16 possible combinations that affect wage and employment outcomes
Chapter 5-12 Demand for Labour in the Short Run Perfect Competition Case
Chapter 5-13 Production Function Firms use factors of production (labour- N, capital -K) to produce Q (quantity of a single output) Q=F(K,N) In the short-run K is fixed so the production function is simply a function of N
Chapter 5-14 Profit-Maximization Situation Costs fall into two categories: fixed variable Decision Rule #1 Operate as long as variable costs are covered Total revenue exceeds total variable costs
Chapter 5-15 Profit-Maximization Decision Rule #2 Increase output until the additional cost associated with the last unit produced equals the additional revenue associated with that unit Marginal Costs equal Marginal Revenue, I.e., MC=MR
Chapter 5-16 Profit-Maximizing in Terms of Labour Demand Terminology is modified: Total Revenue Product (TRP) - the total revenue associated with the amount of an input employed Marginal Revenue Product (MRP) - the change in total revenue associated with a change in the amount of input employed
Chapter 5-17 Profit-Maximizing Decisions in terms of Labour Firm should: produce as long as the total revenue product generated by the variable input exceeds the total costs associated with employing that input expand employment of labour to the point at which its marginal revenue product equals marginal cost
Chapter 5-18 A Firm’s Short-Run Demand for Labour In competitive markets: price taker can hire labour without affecting market wage marginal (and average) cost is market wage hire labour until the MRP equals the W short-run labour demand curve is it’s marginal revenue product curve (for labour)
Chapter 5-19 Figure 5.1 Short-Run Demand for Labour Labour Services N* 0 Wage Rate ARP N MRP N N* 1 W 1 Wages higher than W 1 the firm would shut down W0W0
Chapter 5-20 Short-Run Demand for Labour Firm will shut down if average cost of labour (wage rate) exceeds the average revenue product of labour Short-run labour demand curve MRP N curve below the point at which the average and marginal product curves intersect
Chapter 5-21 Short-Run Labour Demand Curve Downward sloping because of diminishing marginal returns to labour in wage rate will cause in demand for labour (movement along the curve) in K will cause in demand for labour (shift in demand curve) in p will cause in demand for labour (shift in demand curve)
Chapter 5-22 Industry Structure Perfectly Competitive Company price taker can sell output without affecting market price MR Q =product price employs labour services until the value of MP of labour just equals the wage Monopoly firm is so large it influences price when the monopolist hires more labour to produce more output, both the marginal physical product of labour and the marginal revenue falls
Chapter 5-23 Perfectly Competitive Firm Perfectly Competitive Company price taker sells output without affecting market price MR Q =product price Employs labour services until the value of MP of labour just equals the wage
Chapter 5-24 Application: Proposals by Carter and Bentsen (1979) Cartel: subsidize firms by x dollars per worker hired. Bentsen: subsidy is given only if firms hire more workers than they did previously. Conclusion: Bentsen’s proposal is better in terms of job creation (I.e., Nb>Nc)
Chapter 5-25 Figure: Cartel vs Bentsen w Labour w1 w1-x N1N1 Nc D W1-y, where y>x Nb
Chapter 5-26 Labour Demand in Long-Run
Chapter 5-27 Isoquants “Equal quantity” Combinations of labour and capital used to produce a given amount of a product (output) Slope exhibits a diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution MRTS
Chapter 5-28 Figure 5.2 Isoquants K N 0 Q0Q0 Q1Q1
Chapter 5-29 Isocost Line All combinations of capital and labour that can be bought for a given total cost C M =rK+wN Total Cost =(price of capital * K)+(wage rate*employees)
Chapter 5-30 Figure 5.2 b Isocost N K K H =C H r 0 K M =C M r 0 Slope=-w 0 /r 0 0 N H =C H W 0 N M =C M W 0
Chapter 5-31 Figure 5.2 c Cost-Minimizing N K 0 K0K0 N1N1 N0N0 NMNM KMKM K1K1 Q0Q0 E0E0
Chapter 5-32 A Firm’s Labour Demand Obtained by varying the wage rate and tracing out the new equilibrium, profit maximizing amounts of labour employed
Chapter 5-33 Figure 5.3 a Isocost Rotation from a Wage Increase N K K P =C 1 r 0 K M =C 0 r 0 0 N M =C 0 w 0 N P =C 1 w 1 Slope=-w 0 /r 0 Slope=-w 1 /r 0 E0E0 Q0Q0 K0K0 N0N0
Chapter 5-34 Figure 5.3 b Profit Maximizing Output and Derived Labour Demand N K 0N0N0 NMNM KMKM Q0Q0 E0E0 N KNKN N1N1 E1E1 Q1Q1
Chapter 5-35 Figure 5.3 c Derived Labour Demand Schedule K N 0 D w1w1 w0w0 N1N1 N0N0
Chapter 5-36 Perfect Competition wage rotates isocost line downwards with a greater slope The firm will maximize profit by moving to a lower level of output wage also shifts up the firms’s marginal and average cost curves In a perfect competitive industry each firm reduces output raising the price of the product
Chapter 5-37 Figure 5.4 a Perfect Competition Price Output P1P1 P0P0 MC 1 MC 0 Q1Q1 Q0Q0
Chapter 5-38 Figure 5.4 a Industry Price Output P1P1 P0P0 S1S1 S0S0 q1q1 q0q0 D
Chapter 5-39 Figure 5.4 a Monopoly Price Output P1P1 P0P0 MC 1 MC 0 q1q1 q0q0 DMR
Chapter 5-40 Figure 5.5 Substitution and Scale Effects of a Wage Change N K 0NSNS N0N0 NMNM KMKM KNKN Q0Q0 E0E0 N1N1 E1E1 Q1Q1 ESES
Chapter 5-41 In Theory Demand schedule is downward sloping firm would substitute cheaper inputs for the more expensive labour SUBSITUTION EFFECT Firm would reduce its scale of operations because of the cost increase associated with the increase in wage SCALE EFFECT
Chapter 5-42 Relationship Between the Short and Long Run Short-Run amount of capital is fixed no substitution effect Long-Run firm has flexibility by varying its capital stock response to a wage change will be larger in the long run
Chapter 5-43 Elasticity of Demand for Labour Demand for labour decreases as wages increase (negative function) Wage increases have an adverse effect on employment The magnitude of the effect can be seen by the elasticity of the derived demand for labour
Chapter 5-44 Elasticity of Demand Measures the responsiveness of the quantity of labour demanded to the wage rate Equals the % change in the quantity of labour demanded divided by the % change in the wage rate
Chapter 5-45 Figure 5.7 a Inelastic W N 0 D
Chapter 5-46 Figure 5.7 b Elastic W N 0 D
Chapter 5-47 Elasticity of Demand for Labour Basic determinants of the elasticity of demand for labour: availability of substitute inputs supply of substitute inputs demand for output ratio of labour cost to total cost
Chapter 5-48 Elasticity of Demand If inputs can not be easily substituted elasticity of labour demand If demand for output is not effected by a price increase (due to cost of wage increase) demand for labour will be inelastic Demand for labour will be inelastic if labour cost is small portion of total cost
Chapter 5-49 End of Chapter Five