V Welcome to the Abraham Lincoln Museum To hallway To speech room
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln is our nation’s 16 th president. He is well known for his accomplishments with slavery, having integrity, (which earned the nickname “Honest Abe”) and commanding the north during the civil war.
Curators office Interesting Facts Early Life Important Events Memorials
Terrifying Dream Come True Abraham Lincoln had a dream predicting his own death. He heard crying in the Whitehouse, and when he asked who had died, he was told it was the president.
Haunted Tomb Abraham Lincoln is stated to have been seen lurking around his tomb in Springfield, Illinois. Staff members and visitors have seen Lincoln pacing back and forth and even heard sobbing noises and footsteps. John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln’s assassinator, is also known to haunt a historic opera house in Texas, and a furniture store in Oklahoma.
Coincidence? Or not… Both presidents were shot in the head with a bullet on Friday Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1864, Kennedy was elected in 1964 Lincoln’s successor, named Johnson, was born in 1808, Kennedy’s successor, also named Johnson, was born in 1908
Lincoln’s Military Career In 1832, Lincoln volunteered for the Black Hawk War. He was elected captain of his company, and after 30 days of service, he signed on to become a private.
Lincoln’s Childhood Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Hardin County Kentucky on February 12, Lincoln only had 1 year of formal education as a child. When he was nine his mother passed, and soon his father remarried. His stepmother encouraged him to learn from books. They moved to Illinois on March 1830.
Lincoln’s Early Careers At age 21, Lincoln took to many different jobs. He worked as a rail- splitter, flat boatman, storekeeper, postmaster, and he also used to be a lawyer after the military.
Presidents Day A holiday to honor multiple presidents such as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln Memorial The Lincoln Memorial is a tribute to our 16 th president Abraham Lincoln. It’s located on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The architect was Henry Bacon, and the sculptor of the main statue of Abraham Lincoln in 1920 was Daniel French.
Lincoln Museum The Abraham Lincoln museum documents the life of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. It opened in April 2005, and is located at Springfield Illinois.
Election of 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected by Republicans to run for president. Lincoln won the election in 1860 because the Democrats were split between two candidates. Lincoln took in 40% of the votes.
Emancipation Proclamation On January 1, 1863, the emancipation proclamation was signed and issued. This stopped slavery from spreading to the west.
Assassination On April 14,1865, Lincoln was assassinated in the Ford Theatre by John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln received a shot in the head and died the next day. John Wilkes Booth was found hiding in a barn on April 26 th, and was shot and killed. 7 other people were hung for being involved in the conspiracy of his death. This event is also important because Lincoln was the first president ever to be assassinated.
Made by Loreena West 8 th Grade Ms. Royse social studies class
Gettysburg Address This is a segment taken from the Gettysburg Address, which is actually written by Lincoln’s own hand.
Lincoln Memorial This is the Gettysburg Address located and engraved at the Lincoln Memorial