Carmela Di Santo Research Directorate-General European Commission Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways IAPP.


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Presentation transcript:

Carmela Di Santo Research Directorate-General European Commission Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways IAPP

FP7 overview ( ) Collaborative research 10 THEMATIC AREAS ERC Capacities : M€ 4100 People : M€ 4750 Marie Curie Research Capacity Cooperation : M€ JRC : M€ 1750 Euratom : M€ 2750 Nuclear research Ideas : M€ 7510 Total FP7 budget : M€ Aim : Contribute to EU becoming the world’s leading research area EU’s main instrument for funding research FP6 ( ) Marie Curie Actions € 1580 million

People Programme in FP7 People programme = Marie Curie Actions Objectives:  Strengthening the human potential in R&D in Europe  Stimulate people to enter into the profession of researcher  Encouraging researchers to stay in Europe  Attracting researchers from around the world  Addressed to researchers at all stages of their careers

Open to all domains of research (bottom-up approach) Application through calls for proposals Selection criteria: S&T quality Training/Transfer of Knowledge Implementation Impact Trans-national and inter-sector mobility Budget covers mainly salaries of researchers Main characteristics Marie Curie Actions

Initial training Initial Training Networks (ITN) Initial training Initial Training Networks (ITN) Life-long training and career development Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) / Reintegration Grants (RG) Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND) Life-long training and career development Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) / Reintegration Grants (RG) Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND) Industry dimension Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) Industry dimension Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) International dimension Outgoing & Incoming International Fellowships (OIF & IIF); International Cooperation Scheme (IRSES) International dimension Outgoing & Incoming International Fellowships (OIF & IIF); International Cooperation Scheme (IRSES) Specific actions Researchers’ Night; EURAXESS Specific actions Researchers’ Night; EURAXESS Funding Schemes

Foster co-operation between non-commercial research organisations & commercial enterprises based on joint research projects. Stimulate long-term collaboration between sectors through secondment of researchers between the public & private research domains. Diverse career possibilities & research experience for researchers, knowledge sharing/cultural exchange. IAPP Objectives

At least 1 non-commercial organisation At least 1 commercial enterprise Non-Commercial  Universities/research centres  Non-profit or charitable organisations (NGOs, trusts)  International European Interest Organisations (CERN, EMBL)  Joint Research Centre of European Commission  International organisations (WHO, UNESCO) Commercial  Commercial enterprises of ALL sizes (incl. SMEs, spin offs, start ups)  National organisations if commercial IAPP Participants

At least 2 different EU or Associated States + free choice. EU Member States (MS) & Associated Countries (AC): EU27 + Switzerland, Israel, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Croatia, FYROM, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia. “Third Countries” 2 categories International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC): based on three categories according to income per capita (low-income, lower-middle-income, or upper-middle-income) Other Third Countries (OTC): US, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand. IAPP Participants

Compulsory Secondment of staff Majority of support in IAPP Always inter-sector Normally 2-way with in-built return Up to 30% for secondments within 1 country Optional Recruitment of experienced researchers Not substitute for secondment Other Networking activities Workshops & Conferences: participants' own research staff & external researchers IAPP Main activities

P2 (IT) Recruited researchers from publicized vacancies Sector 2 (commercial) Sector 1 (non-commercial) Staff secondment P3 (UK) P4 (CH) Recruited researchers from publicized vacancies Limited to 30% IAPP Activities & Participants Coordinator P1 (MT) P5 (MT)

Secondment Early-stage/Experienced researchers (2-24 months) Must be staff members for at least 12 months Reintegration into the home institution for at least 1 year Recruitment Experienced researchers from any country (12-24 months) Experienced researchers 2 pay scales 4-10 years experience (ER) >10 years of research (MER) IAPP Eligible Researchers Early-stage researchers (ESR) Experience ≤ 4 years No PhD

Secondment No nationality restrictions Recruitment Researchers not residing / having main activity in country of the host > 12 months in last 3 years before recruitment Hosts in ICPC or OTC can only recruit MS or AC nationals IAPP Nationality Rules

IAPP Activities Joint Research Project Research of mutual interest to all partners Milestones & deliverables Secondments underpin co-operation between partners in different sectors Possibility to recruit experienced researchers Networking Activities Organisation of scientific/managerial network meetings Invitation of external experts Attendance at international conferences & workshops Electronic networking (internet webpages, , video conferencing)

Community contributions Living allowance * € / per year (ESR: post-graduates) € / per year (ER: 4-10 years) € / per year (MER: > 10 years) Mobility allowance * € 500 or 800 per month Travel allowance € 250 to 2500 per year Career exploratory allowance € 2000 per recruitment > 1 year Research/training/networking costs € 1200 per researcher-month Small equipment expenses for SMEs max. 10 % of SME contribution Overheads 10% of direct costs Management costs max. 3% of total contribution Gross amounts (rates for 2009) *Correction Coefficients apply Fellow expenses Host expenses

What does IAPP offer? 100% funding Simple application procedure: short and precise Few reporting requirements – 2 main reports in 4 years Support – in particular NCPs Top class public and private sector evaluators Marie Curie label Networking and conference costs SMEs – equipment contribution

Previous IAPP evaluations CallBudget (€ million) Submitted eligible proposals Negotiated proposals Success rate % % Budget for the 2009 Call: € 65 million Call open: 24 April Deadline: 27 July, 17h Brussels time

Marie Curie Actions Industry dimension Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) Industry dimension Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) Life-long training and career development Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) / Reintegration Grants (RG) Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND) Life-long training and career development Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) / Reintegration Grants (RG) Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND) Initial training Initial Training Networks (ITN) Initial training Initial Training Networks (ITN) International dimension Outgoing & Incoming International Fellowships (OIF & IIF); International Cooperation Scheme (IRSES) International dimension Outgoing & Incoming International Fellowships (OIF & IIF); International Cooperation Scheme (IRSES) Specific actions Researchers’ Night; EURAXESS Specific actions Researchers’ Night; EURAXESS Funding Schemes

Aims to improve career perspectives of early stage researchers in both public & private sector :  Joint research training programme  For nationals of any country other than the country where the host is located  Support mainly early stage training (up to 36 months) Structuring the Initial Training of Researchers at EU level :  International Networks of Participants  Mutual recognition of Training/Diplomas  Opening training events to external researchers  Complementary skills acquisition: entrepreneurship, management, IPR, grant writing, communication ITN Objectives

Participant rules:  Participants must be universities, research centres, companies, SMEs  Typically located in at least 3 different MS or AS  Involvement of private sector essential ITN Participation & Eligibility Rules Eligible researchers : From MS, AS & TC  Early-stage researchers (funding: 3-36 months)  Experienced researchers (funding: 3-24 months)  Visiting scientists (experienced researchers): for short stays Community Contribution:  Salaries of recruited researchers / visiting scientists  Research and networking costs  Organization of training events open to external researchers

Previous ITN evaluations CallBudget (€ million) Submitted eligible proposals Negotiated proposals Success rate % % Budget for next Call: ~ € 240 million Call open: End of 2009 Deadline: Early 2010

Useful info Marie Curie website: Cordis FP7 website: FP7 Calls:

IAPP Project - Example PEP2BRAIN Synovo Tübingen Univ Synovo GmbH Girona Univ. BioAlvo SA IMM Selected peptides as drug candidates directed to pain and neurodegeneration

IAPP Project - Example PEP2BRAIN Aim: To bring an identified (but not yet optimised) lead compound into pre-clinical development for the treatment of pain and/or neurodegenerative disorders Research Plan: In vivo efficacy tests performance (IMM & BLV) Computational medicinal chemistry/structure-based drug design (UT) Synthesis, purification and testing compounds derivatives (UdG) Drug discovery & Early toxicity testing (Synovo) IAPP Added values: Expansion of the project (recruitments, new collaborations) Clear time schedule and set of objectives Increased motivation (mobility and complementary training) Increased visibility towards both sectors ("visit card") SME Equipment: BLV purchase of hardware & software for computer-based assessment Final objective: Rank lead compound and its suitable set of derivatives

IAPP Project - Example 12 FM 6 FM Secondment & Recruitment Plan: Total secondments: 7 Fellows (2 ESR, 3 ER, 2 MER) x 6 FM each = 42 FM Total recruitments: 3 Fellows (3 ER) x 12 FM each = 36 FM Total awarded FM: = 78 FM Final checks: 42 FM sec. > 36 FM rec. 6FM same country/ 78 FM total = 8% OK PEP2BRAIN Euro for 4 years

Archaeology Project To clarify the role of dairy farming and animal husbandry in the peopling of post-glacial Europe. LeCHE Lactase persistence & Cultural History of Europe ITN Project - Example

LeCHE Lactase persistence & Cultural History of Europe 1.Uppsala University SE 2.University of Bristol UK 3.University of York UK 4.University College London UK 5.Oxford University UK 6.University of Copenhagen DK 7.Johannes Gutenberg University DE 8.CNRS, Paris FR 9.Trinity College Dublin IE 10.Römisch Germanische Kommission DE 11.Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NE 12.Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen DE 13.Stockholm University SE ITN Project - Example Euro for 4 years

LeCHE Lactase persistence & Cultural History of Europe 17 Associated Partners DE, UK, FR, CH 60 staff SE headquarters 292 employees DE, US, SG ~100 staff UK industry association 3 larger organisations: Biotage company Dairy UK CNIEL FR FR industry association 2 SMEs: GATC Biotech A.G. Applichem ITN Project - Example

Dairy associations Communications Media Industry training Courses Sequencing DNA Decontamination LeCHE Lactase persistence & Cultural History of Europe ITN Project - Example

Thank you for your attention!