Coincidence… ? The information which follws is true and verifiable.
Abraham Lincoln was elected to congress in Abraham Lincoln was elected president in John F. Kennedy was elected to congress in John F. Kennedy was elected president in 1960.
The names Lincoln and Kennedy are made up of 7 letters. Both men were very devoted to defending Human Rights.
The wives of both presidents lost a child whilst living at The White House. Both presidents were killed by a shot to the head.
Both presidents lost their lives on a Friday. Lincoln’s secretary was called Kennedy. Kennedy’s secretary was called Lincoln.
Both presidents were assassinated by “Southerns”. The successor to both presidents was a “Southern”.
The name of each of their successors was composed of 7 letters, both were called Johnson. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, who killed Lincoln, was born in Lee Harvey Oswald, who killed Kennedy, was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names. In total each of their three names were made up of 15 letters.
Lincoln died in a theatre called ”Kennedy”. Kennedy died in a car called “Lincoln”.
John Wilkes Booth attempted to escape from a theatre and was stopped in an apartment block. Lee Harvey Oswald attempted to escape from an apartment block and was stopped in a theatre.
Booth et Oswald were both assassinated before their trial... One week before being assassinated, Lincoln was on holiday in Monroe, Maryland. And now the most surprising thing … One week before being assassinated, Kennedy was on holiday with Marilyn Monroe.
Is all of this purely coincidental? Is it not possible that our world is guided by forces which really we know nothing about …?
… ELSEWHERE... The truth is no doubt...