Water for Life: Community Education for Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting in the United States Affiliated Pacific Islands Feb. 5, 2013 workshop: Reducing Disaster Risk for a Healthy Pacific Ethan Allen Director of STEM Honolulu, HI
Water for Life (WfL) Build infrastructure for ISE to foster science literacy Help meet growing regional needs for potable water Sites: Palau, Yap, Chuuk, & Marshalls 5 years, started late 2012 NSF ISE Prevention Mitigation Preparedness
Needs Growing populations > more need for drinking water Climate change > shrinking supplies of drinking water 21 st century global economy > value of broad science literacy Contextualized to each site
How will WfL work? Core Team of 3-4 reps at each site will: Join Professional Learning Community Learn about water, water issues, & ISE Prioritize needs & identify resources Recruit, lead, & help educate Implementation Teams at each site Collaborative
How will WfL work (cont’d)? Implementation Teams of ~10 members at each site will: Learn about water, water issues, & ISE Decide on local projects Identify, recruit, teach, & work with Community-Youth Groups Lead CYGs in water-related service learning projects: rainwater catchment, water quality monitoring, etc. Leverage
Collaborator: Pacific islands Climate Education Partnership A collaborative network of Pacific Island communities and friends responding to the impacts of climate change, and committed to enhancing climate education in the Pacific Island region Alliances
Water for Life in Pacific island communities: - Reduce health disaster risks - Build resilience for climate change & other challenges - Prepare for 21 st century life Please join us!