Practice Session: Harmony in Nature
2 Human Society – Society based on Relationship, Co-existence Human Target – As an Individual Human Target – As a Family 1. Happiness (Trust, Justice) 2. Prosperity 3. To participate in Human Society Human Target – As a Society Integrated Family, Integrated Society
3 Human Society – Undivided Family, Human Society Human Target ( ekuo y{; ) Five Dimensions of Human Order ¼ ekuoh; O;oLFkk & i¡kp vk;ke ½ 1. Education – Sanskar - f”k{kk laLdkj 2. Health – Sanyam - LokLF; la;e 3. Production – Work - mRiknu dk;Z 4. Justice – Suraksha - U;k; lqj{kk 5. Exchange – Storage - fofue; dks’k Ten Steps ¼ nl lksiku ½ – Family – Family cluster – Village – Village cluster – Nation – World Family ~ 10 1 ~ 10 2 ~ Right Understanding & Right Feelings In Every Individual Prosperity In Every Family Fearlessness (Trust) In Society Co-Existence In Nature/ Existence
4 Individual, Family, Organisation… Activity for Excellence Human Target ( ekuo y{; ) -Self -exploration, resolution, awareness & self- purification - Learning & practice skills - development of competence -Self Study Right Understanding & Right Feelings – Resolution, All Encompassing Solution -Recognising family need of PF -Production of more than what is required by own labour -Family education sanskar -Family Meeting Prosperity – Feeling of having more than enough physical facility -Justice in Human-Human relationship -Participation in larger order, in at least one of the 5 dimensions with a view of mutual fulfilment -Org. Mtg Fearlessness (Trust) – Clarity that the other intends my happiness - Right utilisation of physical facility - Protection of physical facility - Enrichment of physical facility Co-Existence – Clarity that existence is in form of co- existence
5 Gross Misunderstanding – Activity for Domination, Sensation… Domination to be special, for sensation Madness for consumption Madness for profit (accumulation) Madness for sensual pleasure Assumptions, Confusion Feeling of opposition, wretchedness, cunningness, cruelty ( fojks?k] nhurk] ghurk] Øwjrk ) Undefined and changing need of money, physical facility Obtaining money, physical facility by exploitation Transferring assumptions in family, society Deprivation – Feeling of not having enough money / physical facility Expectations from other, family, society... Domination, exploitation, misguiding others Effort to secure oneself from others Fear, particularly from other human beings Inhuman system Utilisation of physical facility for sensation, domination Irresponsible, over-use of physical facility Mastery over nature Resource depletion & pollution
6 Human Society – Undivided Family, Universal Human Order Human Target ( ekuo y{; ) Universal Human Order – Establishment of a Societal Order in which fulfillment of the Human Target is ensured In such a Societal Order, every human being lives with happiness & prosperity; and there is an assurance of its continuity Right Understanding & Right Feelings In Every Individual Prosperity In Every Family Fearlessness (Trust) In Society Co-Existence In Nature/ Existence
7 Human Society – Undivided Family, Universal Human Order Human Target ( ekuo y{; ) Five Dimensions of Human Order ¼ ekuoh; O;oLFkk & i¡kp vk;ke ½ 1. Education – Sanskar - f”k{kk laLdkj 2. Health – Sanyam - LokLF; la;e 3. Production – Work - mRiknu dk;Z 4. Justice – Suraksha - U;k; lqj{kk 5. Exchange – Storage - fofue; dks’k Ten Steps ¼ nl lksiku ½ – Family – Family cluster – Village – Village cluster – Nation – World Family ~ 10 1 ~ 10 2 ~ Right Understanding & Right Feelings In Every Individual Prosperity In Every Family Fearlessness (Trust) In Society Co-Existence In Nature/ Existence
8 Some Indicators of Progress toward Human Family… Society 1.Index of Understanding: % of Population with Right Understanding e.g. % individuals who live in response (who facilitate right understanding & relationship in others) vs reaction (who do get irritated, angry, quarrel etc.) 2.Index of Prosperity: % of Prosperous Families e.g. families that have recognised their need for physical facility and produce/have more than their need 3.Index of Fearlessness (Trust): % of People you have Trust on their Natural Acceptance – Unconditionally, Continuously 4.Index of Sustainability (Co-existence): Enrichment of Nature e.g. Right Utilisation of Physical Facility, Air Quality, Water Table, Water Quality, Average Annual Improvement of Soil Quality, Definiteness in Weather
9 Assumptions about Human Target - Individual - Society Gross Misunderstanding ( vk/kkjHkwr Hkze ) Current State – Society based on Preconditioning, Sensation Fragmented Family, Fragmented Society… Assumptions (eg. Money is everything) In Every Individual Accumulation By Any Means In few Individuals Domination, Exploitation, Fear In Society Mastery & Exploitation Over Nature Obsession - Consumption Hkksx mUekn Obsession - Profit ykHk mUekn Obsession - Sensual Pleasure dke mUekn Resource Depletion Pollution Terrorism War
10 An Inconvenient Truth Watch a video summary "An Inconvenient Truth", 2006 HindiHindi (27 min), English (17 min)English Observe: 1.State of the Planet 2.Root Cause of the Problems 3.Solution for the Problems What were you doing when you had the time to do something? We will discuss your observations
11 Discussion 1.State of the Planet 2.Root Cause of the Problems 3.Solution for the Problems More: Al Gore: What Comes After An Inconvenient Truth? May 2009Al Gore: What Comes After An Inconvenient Truth?
12 Problem (as stated in the video) 1.Population 2.New Technology + Old Habits 3.Our Way of Thinking
13 Population 1.Madness for sensual pleasure (Kaam Unmad) 2.Individualistic Lifestyle (Village Family Joint Family Nuclear Family Individual Split Personailty …) 3.Modern Medical Science Lower infant mortality Longer Lifespan Healthier / More purposeful? Eg. population of bees is a function of need & opportunity. Goal & effort reqd – That is the existential order Small Family & Long Life VIDEOVIDEO World Population Extrapolation VIDEOVIDEO World population from 1800 to 2100 Source:
14 Lifestyle - World Energy Demand World energy outlook 2010
15 Discussion Root Cause of the Problem (as stated in the video) 1.Population 2.New Technology + Old Habits 3.Our Way of Thinking Assumption: The Earth is so big that humans can not have any lasting impact on it
16 Suggestions about Solution (Technology)
17 Discussion Root Cause of the Problem (as stated in the video) 1.Population 2.New Technology + Old Habits 3.Our Way of Thinking Assumption: The Earth is so big that humans can not have any lasting impact on it What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know… It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so With incorrect assumptions, the recognition & fulfilment is also incorrect, i.e. it is not mutually enriching with Nature nor mutually fulfilling for Human Being
18 Problem – Population, old habits, Our way of thinking (or only symptom?) Action taken to get rid of it – Technology (or symptomatic relief – Temporary?) Current ApproachWork to be Done in Society 1.Clarity of All Encompassing Solution (Samadhan) 2.Effort for All Encompassing Solution Human Education, Human Conduct, Human Constitution, Human Order 3.Problem – Analysis in the light of Samadhan – Inhuman Conduct (exploitation of nature, domination… are only the symptoms) 4.Effort for getting rid of problem – Ensure Human Conduct through Human Education
19 Problem (restated) 1.Population Population without Right Understanding 2.New Technology + Old Habits Technology developed and used without Right Understanding i.e. with wrong assumptions 3.Our Way of Thinking Thinking on the basis of wrong assumptions (preconditioning, sensation)
20 FAO Report – 11-May-2011 Of the 4.2 billion tons of food produced, more than 1 billion tons of food is lost or wasted every year, UN-backed report finds (11 May 2011) About a third of all the food produced for human consumption each year – or roughly 1.3 billion tons – is lost or wasted, according to a new study commissioned by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)studyFAO Global Food Production is 6 times requirement Global Food Wastage is 1/3 rd of production Wastage is enough to feed 1300 crore people/year Have we understood right utilisation? Is it a question of production? Is it a question of relationship? Is it a question of right understanding? It is a question of right education-sanskar
21 We’re Running Out of Atmosphere (March 2012) How Much Carbon in the Atmosphere is Too Much? In last 650,000 years, CO2 levels nearly steady at 300 PPM Greater than 350 parts per million CO2 is not compatible with the planet on which civilization developed and to which life on earth is adapted Today, the atmosphere is 395 PPM of CO2 And rising at about 2 PPM per year From climatologist Jim Hansen and his team at NASA. For more, see: _climate_change.html
22 Approaching a state shift in Earth’s biosphere – NATURE June 2012 Human activity now dominates 43 percent of Earth’s land surface and affects twice that area.affects twice that area One-third of all available fresh water is diverted to human use. A full 20 percent of Earth’s net terrestrial primary production, the sheer volume of life produced on land every year, is harvested for human purposes.20 percent of Earth’s net terrestrial primary production Extinction rates compare to those recorded during the demise of dinosaurs.recorded during the demise of dinosaurs Average temperatures will likely be higher in 2070 than at any point in human evolution.
23 27-Sep-2013 Earth may reach tipping point by 2038 India outlook 4 deg temp rise 20% increase in rainfall
24 India Rainfall 2014 (as of 4 July 2014 ) 41% less than normal (all India) – Driest June in 10 years – Shortage of water will lead to higher drinking water prices… Crop plantation is 35% less than average (all India) – Lowest in 5 years – Fall in production will induce increase in food prices… India 3,287,590 km² 890 mm average rainfall Total annual rainwater 2925 cubic km Total annual water use 230 cubic km
25 India's Ground Water Table to Dry Up in 15 years (DH March 2013) India's estimated use of ground water = 230 cubic km annually 60% of irrigated agriculture 80% of rural and urban water supplies 5,723 ground water blocks in the country 1,615 or 29% classified as semi-critical, critical or overexploited 60% of aquifers in India will be in a critical condition by 2028 if the trend of indiscriminate exploitation of ground water continues World Bank report calls for immediate corrective measures table-dry.html
26 Example of a Study Project in dimension 3-production-work "Sourabha" is located in southwestern part of Bangalore (Vijayanagar). Plot area is 2400 Sq. ft. (40 ft. x 60 ft.) Constructed1995 Entirely dependent on rainwater for all its needs since 1994 (including construction) No Corporation or BWSSB water connection ever Rainfall ~1000 mm/year Collection ~2,23,000 lts/year Need~1,80,000 lts/year RechargesGround Water
27 Some Efforts Within Existing System: About Water & Food Farmland/Village -Natural Farming (E.g. Maharashtra – Subhash Sharma) -Water Management (E.g. Rajasthan – Anupam Mishra) Grassland -Reversing Desertification (E.g. 15 mn hectares on 5 continents – Allan Savory) Video (18 mins)Video Forest -Contribute to its right utilisation, protection & enrichment -or just leave it to nature
28 Overall The physical facility for fulfilling the need of human being are available in abundance on Earth, in continuity We only have to realise what our need really is - happiness, prosperity and its continuity And how to go about fulfilling that need - happiness – through right understanding & right feeling in the Self (I) - prosperity or feeling of having more than required physical facility for nurturing, protection and right utilisation of the Body – through a) identification of need of physical facility– by right understanding b) production of more than the need– by right skills - continuity – through undivided family & universal human order
The Club of Rome publishes "Limits to Growth" The Club of Rome publishes "Limits to Growth". The report is extremely controversial because it predicts dire consequences if there is not a slowdown of "growth" (throughput of raw materials from nature). Northern countries criticize the report for not giving enough weight to technological solutions while Southern countries are incensed because it appears to advocate abandonment of economic development. The ensuing debate nevertheless heightens awareness of the interconnections between several well-known global problems. The authors make use of the notion that the stability of ecological and economic could be "sustainable far into the future".
30 Disappearing islands of India – December 26th, 2006 Lohachara and Suparibhanga Islands Once home to around 10,000 people, Lohachara island has slipped beneath the ocean and it’s neighbor, Suparibhanga island, met the same fate a while back. india.html
31 Island nation swallowed whole by the sea – 9 th March 2012 The president of Kiribati, Anote Tong, is in desperate negotiations with the country of Fiji to find his nation (pop 110,000) a new, higher elevation home…
32 Island nation swallowed whole by the sea – Fri, Mar 9, 2012 The sinking nation of Kiribati is preparing for a mass evacuation to Fiji Scientists have warned for years about the dangers of global warming, raising the grim specter of rising sea levels and cities being swallowed by the ocean. It all seemed more like a Hollywood movie plot than reality. But for residents of the Pacific island nation of Kiribati, global warming is a terrifying real problem: Their entire country is about to be submerged under water.dangers of global warmingnation of Kiribati At this point, the only workable solution seems to be to abandon the island entirely. That is why the president of Kiribati, Anote Tong, is in desperate negotiations with the country of Fiji to find his nation a new, higher elevation home. The ambitious plan, according to Tong, calls for a slow integration of his people into Fiji to reduce the impact on the Fijian people. An initial wave would send only skilled workers to Fiji. Subsequent waves of immigration would bring the rest of the nation's population, estimated to be just north of 110,000. Already, the ocean has claimed a number of Kiribati's atolls, and much of the nation's agriculture and fresh water reserves have been ruined by invading salt water. Villages have been abandoned, and it is believed that the nation will soon be uninhabitable. Kiribati, a sovereign nation recognized by the U.N., is considered to be one of the most sensitive to climate change and rising sea levels. The average elevation of the island is about 6 feet above sea level. nation-swallowed-whole-sea html
33 Islands Which May Disappear Due to Global Warming SUBMITTED BY SRIRAD0675 MAY 19, 2012 Many islands close to the sea level are about to disappear in the near future due to rising sea levels. Main cause of this isappearance isglobal warming. According to research, global temperature has risen more rapidly during the industrial age due to emission ofgreen house gases like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, etc. Here is a list of islands which are affected by rising sea levels. Some have already disappeared. Lohachara and Suparibhanga Islands These Indian islands, where more than 10,000 people lived, have already disappeared into the sea (Bay of Bengal). Scientists who have studies this case of disappearance have attributed the cause to global warming. Bermeja Island This small island which was near Gulf of Mexico has already disappeared into the ocean. It featured prominently in the maps used between 16th and 19th centuries. Carteret Islands These islands are also known as Carteret Atoll, Tulun Islands or Kilinailau Islands. They are located in the South Pacific. These islands are expected to be totally submerged by Paul Tobasi, the atoll’s district manager and many environmental groups are suggesting that the island may disappear due to global warming. Maldives It is an island nation in the Indian Ocean. The high point is only 8 feet. Other places in the island are much lower. It the ocean level rises further, this island will disappear. Vanuatu Island Also called as Republic of Vanuatu is another island nation in the South Pacific which may be submerged due to rising ocean level. Tuvalu Islands This island is located between Australia and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The high point is 15 feet. Nearly 11,000 people live here. They are noticing that the waterline is moving closer. They have already started evacuating. New Zealand has agreed to grant refuge to 75 Tuvaluans everyyear. It is estimated that this island will disappear in 50 years from now. Kiribati Island This island is officially called as the Republic of Kiribati. It is located in the central tropical Pacific Ocean. Kiribatiis also experiencing rising water levels. Marshall Islands Also called as Republic of Marshall Islands is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This islandmay become another victim of rising ocean levels. Tonga Island Officially known as the Kingdom of Tonga, is located in the South Pacific Ocean. If ocean levels rise, this island is likely to be affected. These are just a few islands facing disappearance. There are many more uninhabited islands which are facing disappearance which is turn would cause damage to many plant and animal species.
34 Hunger is not a Scourge but a Scandal Contrary to popular opinion, malnutrition and starvation are not the result of over-population, of poor climate or lack of cultivatable land. The reason why hunger exists on such a vast scale is because world food supplies are controlled by the rich and powerful for the wealthy consumer. Vested interests share responsibility for the fate of the poor. Working with local elites & protected by the powerful they are gradually imposing control over the whole population. This classic study of world hunger was written after the World Food Conference in 1974
35 First Greenhouse Gas Inventory, September 2000 The Royal Government of Bhutan National Environment Commission 3.2 Current Scenario and Possible Impacts of Climate Change Forests and Biodiversity Agricultural Activities Water Resources Glacial Lake Outbursts Human Health Landslides Integrated Assessment of Effects Identifying Vulnerabilities Assessment of Adaptation Opportunities
36 The following basic measures, however, have to be undertaken, not only to meet climate change, but also in the context of the country's development process: Human Health 1. A reliable and safe drinking water supply is essential. To ensure safedrinking water for all, the number of water treatment plants must be increased. [Also work to enrich water resources, and stop polluting the water] 2. The development of proper waste disposal methods needs to be encouraged to minimize the existence of vector breeding habitats. 3. Regular cleaning and vaccination campaigns are conducted at sites where the mosquito vector is abundant. There is a need to further improve public health measures.
37 Water Resources 1.Community involvement and awareness are very important in using water resources more sustainably. [To understand need for Physical Facility and its Right Utilisation. To have clarity of my responsibility. As an individual citizen, as a family and as a society] 2. Land use planning should be improved to promote afforestation in degraded water catchment areas. There is a need to extend, improve and maintain water supply infrastructure, including water tanks, pipes and so forth.
38 Agricultural Activities 1.There is a need to develop varieties of crops and livestock with greater resilience to limited arable land and extreme temperature events. [Also understand Sanyam and identification of required physical facility. E.g. What to eat, how much to eat… What to produce, how much to produce, how to produce, consume, exchange, store…] 2. Quarantine surveillance should be increased against alien/invasive species with higher temperature optima and others, which may be adapted to higher elevations. 3. Agro-forestry or agro-silvo-pastoral systems may be utilized to reduce erosion and run-off on steep slopes. This could also be used to mitigate heat stress and respiration problems, as well as soil fertility loss. [Also understand the inherent complimentarity of Nature and design human systems to enrich nature, rather than to deplete it]
39 Forests and Biodiversity 1. Community-based forest management and afforestation projects should be encouraged in areas where there is rich biodiversity. The method of forest management should be done in such a way as to contribute to its proper purpose, which includes national land conservation, water resource conservation, nature conservation, wood production and human living environment conservation, as well as contributing to the prevention of global warming. 2. Research in developing a sustainable socioeconomic system, which can ensure that society is in harmony with the natural environment, should be initiated. 3. Research in tree species that are fast-growing and more resistant to insect damages from diseases, natural phenomena and forest fire should be initiated.
40 4. Improvement to an appropriate database for natural resources such as forests—not only in the context of climate change but also for support to other development strategy frameworks—is urgently required. 5. Banning of export of raw timber products by the Royal Government in the recent years was one good example of adaptation measures for the sustainability of the forest cover. Renewable Energy 1. Technology and financial support to hydropower potential access, including transmission and distribution. 2. Research for other renewable energy alternatives, including solar power. 3. Enhancement of Power Master Plan. 4. Research for replacement petrol/diesel engine motor transport.
41 Even Small Individual Choices Add Up. E.g. Choice of Food 20% of all life produced on land every year is harvested for human purposes kg grain & 21,000 litres of water 1 kg meat The world's cattle alone (not including other livestock) annually consume food grains enough for 8.7 billion people Land use – 3¼ acres/person on meat diet vs 0.2 acres/person on veg diet 20% Amazon rain forest (the size of California) destroyed since % of this land is used for cattle raising By feeding grain to livestock, we lose 90% of the protein, 96% of the calories, 99% of its carbohydrates, and 100% of the fiber. Animal-based diets are high in saturated fat, excessive protein and cholesterol, leading to heart disease and stroke (nearly 50% of all deaths in the US) VideoVideo (1 min)
42 Man who Planted Trees Dr. Parmeshwara Rao, NASA scientist returned to his native village about 30 years ago Ermachally (near Chennai) 100 villages 5000 trees Nariyal, 5000 trees Taad
43 Example of a Study Project in dimension 3-production-work All the houses are built using wood and other eco-friendly building materials All have a large roof photovoltaic modules Each house produces more energy than it consumes Sonnenschiff solar city in Freiburg, Germany
44 Individual Efforts for City Dwellers City dwellers can start taking responsibility for right utilisation, protection & enrichment of nature -Urban Agriculture (E.g. Terrace Gardening, Square Foot Gardening) -Bio Composting -Water Harvesting (E.g. KSCST, Bengaluru) -Urban Beekeeping (E.g. Queen of the Sun) -Solar Energy for Cooking, Lights & Fans (E.g. Freiburg) -Bio Gas from Peels, Left-over Food (E.g. Aarti) -Eco Toilet, Dry Toilet -Bio Gas from Nightsoil (E.g. BARC, DRDO) -Natural Cooling (E.g. Mitticool "fridge") -Natural Ventilation (E.g. Beas) -Most (> 60%) diseases are lifestyle diseases. Developing a healthy lifestyle can be a long lasting addition to managing disease When the 4 orders are separated artificially, what gets accumulated as "waste" would otherwise have been a valuable resource…
47 Source: dro/dynamic/rfmaps/daily.jpg&imgrefurl= nhac/dynamic/Monsoon_frame.htm&usg=__sVXANG39JRtVwaaMYvg Mj- YlC14=&h=1055&w=826&sz=643&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&tbnid=Fno ld1FLRPAntM:&tbnh=137&tbnw=107&ei=uLBnUNaaPMLhrAewqYCg CQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drainfall%2Bin%2Bindia%2B2012%26tbnh %3D146%26tbnw%3D114%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26sig%3D %26biw%3D800%26bih%3D509%26tbs%3Dsim g:CAQSEgkDlEl3RO_1WtCFsr0eOvAQFTA%26tbm%3Disch%26prm d%3Dimvns&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=97&vpy=40&dur=5062&hovh=254& hovw=199&tx=123&ty=199&sig= &page=1& ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:50
48 Discussion
49 ekuo ds lkFk “kklu (Domination), “kks’k.k (Exploitation) “ks’k izÑfr ds lkFk fot; (Mastery), “kks’k.k (Exploitation) laca/k & U;k; (fo”okl]lEeku]Lusg--- izse) mHk; lq[k (Mutual Happiness) O;oLFkk & ijLij iwjdrk mHk; le`f) (Mutual Prosperity) ekuo dh vfLrRo es Hkkxhnkjh (Participation)
50 The problem is not – the incorrect actions of bad people The problem is – the inactivity of the good people
51 1.See Your Own Natural Acceptance Swatva 2.Live in accordance with itSwatantrata 3.Participation in Larger OrderSwarajya Family – Family cluster – Village – Village cluster – Nation – World Family ~ 10 1 ~ 10 2 ~ Starting Point… Individual… Followed by Family… Society…
52 Solution only with Right Understanding – in Every Individual MaterialPurpose Fossil Fuels - Coal, PetroleumThermostat Minerals - BauxiteWater Capacitor Radioactive MaterialsInter Planetary Communication / Control
53 Harmony in Nature 1.Physical order– soil, metals etc. 2.Plant order– trees, plants etc. 3.Animal order– animals, birds etc. 4.Human order– human beings There is a relationship of mutual fulfilment amongst these 4 orders. So far, the first 3 orders are mutually fulfilling for each other as well as for human beings Human being has natural acceptance for mutual fulfilment Human being has to understand this mutual fulfilment to be complimentary Nature = Collection of Units = 4 Orders
54 The role of Human Being is to realize this mutual fulfillment in Nature – For this, all that we need to do is: 1.To understand the mutual fulfilment that is inherent in nature – we do not have to create it 2.To live accordingly – then the mutual fulfilment amongst the 4 orders will be realised (and there is every provision in nature for living in a mutually fulfilling manner)
55 Program of Action (Individual) 1.Adhyayan, Self-Exploration – Right Understanding in the Self 2.In Relation to Human Being – Mutual Happiness 2.1.Right Feeling in oneself 3.In Relation with Rest-of-Nature – Mutual Prosperity 3.1.Right Utilisation with clarity of purpose, characteristic 3.2.Protection ensuring Inheritance 3.3.Enrichment Production of Necessary Physical facility with Avartansheel Process