Save Water, Save life Team members: Zihan Qiu , Huiwen Zeng, Yingrong Chen, Yang xin yun
List(menu) 1.Introduction 2.The reason of water shortage(Huiwen Zeng) 3.Water crisis and the negative impact (Yingrong Chen) 4.The distribution and status of water resources in Taiwan(Zihan Qiu ) 5. Differences in the price of water and water-saving methods between Taiwan and other countries(Yang xin yun) 6.Epilogue
Introduction Water is the source of life. As the Climate Change in recent years has become more severe, the lack of water is getting serious, and makes people start to take the lack of water resources seriously.
Warning!!!!! Warning!!!!!
The reason of water shortage(Huiwen Zeng) For the hydrological conditions in Taiwan, the annual average rainfall is about 2,510 mm , and the narrow terrain makes the mountains steep and the river steep down quickly. We can't efficiently use the rain water,and there is an uneven distribution of precipitation. About 78%of the rainfall falls between May and October.And typhoons and terronial rain often cause disaters.
Uneven of precipitation. Narrow terrain(Taiwan)
Water Crisis and The negative impact (Yingrong Chen)
1.The short of available water ◎Crop reduction ◎ Lead to conflict and war ◎The lack of sanitary water
2. Water pollution ◎Endanger biodiversity ◎Disease and death
The distribution and status of water resources in Taiwan (Zihan Qiu)
The change of rainfall patterns It is the amount of annual rainfall that happenes in a very short period of time. Such rainfall not only makes us be unable to utilize water resources efficiently but leads to floods and droughts. Another is that the rainwater should fall in the reservoir catchment, but it turns out to fall in the downstream of the reservoir or at sea, which makes us be unable to effectively block the water and utilize it.
Q1. What are the characteristics of Taiwan's rivers Q1.What are the characteristics of Taiwan's rivers? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these characteristics? 1.Rivers in Taiwan flow westward or eastward because of the separation of the Center Mountain Range, which runs from the north of the island tothe south. 2.The short length of rivers.
3. There is a big variation in the amount of river water.
Q2. Why should we build reservoirs Q2. Why should we build reservoirs? What the reservoir do to save water for help? Water Supply Flood protection
Differences in the price of water and water-saving methods between Taiwan and other countries (Yang xin yun)
1.The comparison table of the price of water in major citis in the world.
2.The distribution of water in Taiwan Mt (Hundred million ) proportion(%) Industrial water 17.17 9.47 Agricultural water 137.06 75.62 Domestic water 27.03 14.91
3.Saving method (1).Popularize the water-saving machine (buying the water-saving equipment is subsidized by the government. ) The water-saving toilet
(2). Promote the water-saving Mark and System
(3).recycle the water and Reuse Providing the plants can reduce 35% of the Domestic water
Epilogue Environmental damage caused by humans may lead us to a hopeless futureIf we still continue polluting the nature, and don’t do somethihg to save our world.We will lose the clean water, sky, air, and finally our living environment.
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