Secondary Information Systems Introduction to CEM Secondary Information Systems Dr Robert Clark ALIS Project Manager
The Analysis
Linear Least Squares Regression . Linear Least Squares Regression Subject X -ve VA +ve VA 0 2 4 6 8 Residuals Regression Line (…Trend Line, Line of Best Fit) Outcome = gradient x baseline + intercept Correlation Coefficient (~ 0.7)
The position of the national trend line is of critical importance Measuring Value-Added – An Example National Trend ‘Average’ Student A* U B C D E F G Result -ve (- 2 grades) Alf Bob Subject A Subject B +ve (+ 2 grades) Chris Low Ability Average Ability High Ability Baseline Score The position of the national trend line is of critical importance
Some Subjects are More Equal than Others…. A-Level (Alis) Grade > 1 grade Photography Sociology English Lit Psychology Maths Physics Latin C D E C B A A* Average GCSE
Business and Management Some Subjects are More Equal than Others…. IB (Alis) Biology Business and Management Chemistry Design Technology Economics English_A1 Film French_B Geography History Mathematics Music Philosophy Physics Psychology Spanish_B Theatre Arts Visual Arts 7 6 Grade 5 4 C B A A* Average (I)GCSE Score
Some Subjects are More Equal than Others…. GCSE (MidYIS or Yellis) F E D C B A A* Test Score GCSE Grades Art & Design Biology Chemistry Economics English French Geography German History Ict Mathematics Media Studies Music Physical Education Physics Religious Studies Science (Double) Spanish 1 grade
Standardisation of Residuals (Raw) Residuals can be used to examine an individual’s performance Standardised Residuals are used to compare performance of groups Standardised Residuals are independent of year or qualification type For a class, subject, department or whole institution the Average Standardised Residual is the ‘Value-Added Score’ Standardised Residual = Residual / Standard Deviation (National Sample) When using Standardised Residuals then for an individual subject where N = number of results in the group (for combinations of subjects consult the relevant project) 95% Confidence Limit = 2.0 x Standard Error 99% Confidence Limit = 2.6 x Standard Error 99.7% Confidence Limit = 3.0 x Standard Error
The Projects
Alis : yr 12/13 Yellis : yr 10/11 Secondary Age Range Projects Insight : Yr 9 MidYIS : Yr 7/8/9 InCAS : Primary Pips : Primary
Typical Timeline Autumn Term August September Measure Baseline Prediction Reports Collect Results August Value-Added Feedback September
Baseline Measurement
Baselines A / AS / IB etc GCSE Year 13 Alis Paper test (TDA) or Computer Adaptive Baseline Test Year 12 GCSE Year 11 Yellis Paper test or Computer Adaptive Baseline Test Year 10 Combines curriculum tests with developed ability (end Y9 & end Y8) INSIGHT Year 9 MidYIS Paper test or Computer Adaptive Baseline Test Year 8 (+ additional) Year 7
Problems with Key Stage Baselines Not all students have KS baselines no KS2 / KS3 Foreign Students (Vocational Students) (Adult Learners) KS exams do not always represent ‘Start of Course’ ability Post-16 : Year(s) out or intermediate years Prior Value-Added Can you add value at every Key Stage ? Under achievement leading to under expectation One teacher’s output = another teacher’s input A level playing field ? Teaching to the test Does performance represent ability, effort or exam technique ? Aptitude & fluency vs Achievement & knowledge
In line with Expectation The Effect of Prior Value Added Beyond Expectation +ve Value-Added In line with Expectation 0 Value-Added Below Expectation -ve Value-Added Average GCSE = 6 Do these 3 students all have the same ability ?
Key Stage baselines are confounded by the effects of prior treatment. Although Key Stage baselines can be a very good indicator of potential attainment, by themselves they are not sufficient. Key Stage baselines are confounded by the effects of prior treatment. Need for independent, non-curriculum embedded baseline tests yrs 7 / 8 / S1 / 9 / S2 yrs 10 / 11 yrs 12 / 13 + Online Computer Adaptive or Traditional Paper
The Computer Adaptive Test Test performed online – results automatically transmitted to CEM. LAN version available if Web access unreliable. Minimal installation / setup required - if any. Adaptive – difficulty of questions changes in relation to ability of student. Efficient – no time wasted answering questions that are far too easy or difficult. Wider range of ability Less stressful on students – more enjoyable experience than paper test. Less demanding invigilation. Cheaper ! In 2009 / 2010 over 200,000 students across yrs 7-13 sat this test Try it yourself at
Baseline Feedback Reports, Graphs & Predictions
IPRs (Individual Pupil Record Sheets) Look for sections that are inconsistent Also available based on MidYIS, Alis & INSIGHT scores
Intake Profiles Also available based on MidYIS, Yellis and INSIGHT scores
Intake Profiles (Historical)
Intake Profiles – 7 Band for Independent Schools (Midyis)
Predictions Average performance by similar students in past exams Predictions are available in the following forms: Formal Reports (Alis) Spreadsheets (All Projects) Paris Software (Alis / Yellis / MidYIS) Feedback is available on Web / CD
Predictions – MidYIS example Similar spreadsheets available from Yellis and INSIGHT
Predictions - Alis example
Value-Added Feedback Reports & Graphs
Statistical Process Control (SPC) Chart Value Added Feedback… What is my score ? does it matter ? Statistical Process Control (SPC) Chart 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year
Subject Summary Standardised Residual Graph
The Scatter Plot Grade Points Equivalent Look for Patterns… Baseline Score Grade Points Equivalent Look for Patterns… General Underachievement / over achievement ? Do any groups of students stand out ? – high ability vs low ability ? – male vs female ?
Other things to look for… Why did these students do so badly ? Why did this student do so well ? How did they do in their other subjects ?
Independent Schools Analysis
A. It depends on what question you are asking… MidYIS provides… Independent schools baseline standardisation Independent schools specific predictions & chances graphs 7 Band Intake profiles Independent schools specific value-added analysis Alis provides… Independent schools specific value-added analysis Q. Which one should I use – Independent only analysis or all schools analysis ? A. It depends on what question you are asking…
PARIS Software
PARIS is ….. PARIS analyses ….. PARIS provides ….. Software to install and use in school An interactive reporting tool Included free with Alis / Yellis / MidYIS PARIS analyses ….. Potential Performance Intermediate Performance Actual Performance PARIS provides ….. Student level reports Subject Level reports Institution Level Reports
There is more to school / college than exams…. Student attitudes Student Welfare & Safety Non-academic activities Support Social and personal development Parental Survey Induction Survey Self Evaluation (Every Child Matters) Attitudinal MidYIS INSIGHT Attitudinal Yellis Full ALIS Try it yourself at
Other Issues
Points to mull over… Independence – no agendas Transparency of Analysis Self Evaluation Straightforward and standardised administration Prompt Feedback Full working hours phone / email support Student focus Replacement for KS3 Innovative online adaptive testing available – student experience Longitudinal analysis with appropriate error backgrounds Non-curriculum embedded baselines available Attitudinal surveys available – Every Child Matters…
Dr Robert Clark Alis Project Manager 0191 33 44 193