Tropical Transitions Mission Statement: To create an environment conducive to sustainable living, community education, and a culturally complimentary way of life. James & My Parker, Marco Malatrasi, Aaron Catrett
Location is key…
Some factors to consider…
Design Challenges Soil Fertility and Management Current topsoil is between 9” – 14” Food Production Gradual Island Slope Water Retention 6 months rainy season, 6 months dry Property Slope Access and Circulation Imports
Design Solutions Water Retention Swale & Pond System Grey & Rainwater Catchment Soil Fertility and Management Blast and Build Vegetative Fixers Mob Grazing Hugelkultur & Composting Access and Circulation Homegrown Energy Solutions Local Education
Tropical Guilds Flame Tree Mango Citrus Pineapple Papaya Banana
Phase 1 Water Retention Small Scale Husbandry Crop Production Phase 2 Infrastructure Phase 3 Community Development
Permaculture: making dreams into realities