Unified School District C.O.M.P.A.S.S. Long Beach Unified School District Robert A. Millikan High School C Community Of Musicians, Performers, Artists, and Social Scientists
A New Direction 1. Creative Expression 2. World View The COMPASS program is designed to help college bound students find direction in their lives as scholars, creative individuals, and compassionate members of society. COMPASS students can expect to connect learning with current events and real world situations. By bringing together core curriculum, social sciences, and the Arts, the COMPASS program helps students to graduate as well-rounded individuals by fostering growth in the following areas: 1. Creative Expression 2. World View 3. Enriched Research Experience 4. Arts-based Community Service 5. Community Partnerships
COMPASS Requirements COMPASS is a specialized program that requires A suggested GPA of 2.25 and above Active interest in the Visual-Performing Arts A willingness to participate in the COMPASS Calendar of Events by supporting and promoting the Arts on campus
At every grade level, COMPASS educators focus on specific goals to help students succeed.
9th grade Academic Goals Successfully transition students in to high school and build a safe and nurturing learning community Develop student awareness and involvement in the Arts Establish a strong foundation of literacy skills and academic discipline
10th grade Academic Goals Strengthen the learning community by helping students develop a sense of belonging and identity Continue to increase student awareness and involvement in the arts Strengthen literacy skills with a focus on expository writing and developing a historical perspective
11th grade Academic Goals Refine skills with a focus on research and develop analytical skills in all core subject areas Integrate Social Science electives and Advanced Placement courses Continue integration and involvement in the Arts
12th grade Academic Goals Expand college prep electives with an emphasis on fine arts Extend arts-based community service involvement Facilitate culminating senior project (Senior Seminar) which integrates Sociology, Current Events, research skills, and the Arts
The COMPASS Community Proves Art Can Make a Difference The COMPASS Calendar of Events provides students with a variety of opportunities to participate in arts-based and altruistic activities as a small learning community. These activities allow students to work together to support the Arts and help improve the greater Long Beach community. The activities also allow the students to acquire service hours that are needed to satisfy the district’s community service requirement for graduation
The COMPASS Community Proves Art Can Make a Difference Emerson Elementary Art Project for Red Ribbon Week
The COMPASS Community Proves Art Can Make a Difference Annual Beach Walk benefiting the Children’s Clinic (COMPASS students raised over $20,000)
9th Grade Courses Technology /Health English 1-2 or English 1-2 Accelerated Algebra 1-2/AB/or Geometry Lab Earth Science Foreign Language Fine Arts Physical Education
10th Grade Courses Modern World History or MWH Accelerated English 3-4 or English 3-4 Accelerated Geometry/Algebra CD/or Int. Algebra Biology Foreign Language Fine Arts Physical Education
11th Grade Courses U.S. History (Honors/AP History Optional) English 5-6 (Honors/AP English Optional) Int. Algebra/Geometry/or Pre-Calculus Science or Social Science Psychology or AP Psychology Foreign Language or Fine Arts
12th Grade Courses Senior Seminar – Sociology and Current Affairs U.S. Government/Economics (AP Courses optional) Multi-cultural Literature/Film Analysis/ AP English Pre-Calculus/Finite Math/Int. Algebra/ AP Calculus Fine Arts
What our students have to say “The teachers are great and the classes are interesting. There is a good atmosphere in our house.” “The COMPASS community creates a balance of academics, personal growth, motivation, and encouragement.” “It’s a very good direction for the future.” “I joined COMPASS because I felt it would expand my love for the arts, and so far it has.” “COMPASS has a very open-minded, good-hearted and diverse group of people.”
The Amazing COMPASS Parents Parents are a key component of our program’s success because of the following: Strong involvement in all calendar activities Monthly parent meetings Working with teachers to build our community
Increased school involvement with the COMPASS Calendar of Events Why Choose COMPASS? Increased school involvement with the COMPASS Calendar of Events Special events that allow students to showcase their talents such as the World War I Museum, the Visual Arts Charity Auction benefiting the Children’s Clinic, and the Annual COMPASS Showcase Students, parents, and teachers work together as a cohesive unit to strengthen our Small Learning Community
On behalf of the COMPASS staff, students and parents, we appreciate your interest in our Small Learning Community.