Transition What do you need to prepare for as you become an adult?
Three Critical Areas To Consider as You Enter Adulthood Residence Where am I going to live? Personal Life Self-esteem, maturity, family, friends and intimate relationships Employment What appropriate training and educational programs are available? Where are they located? Do I have the right job seeking and keeping skills?
Why Start Now? You need the right connections before leaving school, so there isn’t gap in services You need to know how to navigate the “system” – for example: different agencies need different documentation of your disability You will not get the same kind of help after school that you get now. No single agency is required to provide or coordinate all needed services It’s up to you! Do you know what you need to know?
Skills you Need to Learn NOW! Self discipline skills Job specific skills Work habits and related soft skills Self Advocacy based upon the Americans with Disabilities Act Job seeking skills/Job keeping skills
Defining Career/Vocational Goals Work with school staff, family, and people and agencies in the community to define and refine transition plan. Make sure that the IEP includes transition plans. Identify and take high school courses that are required for entry into college, trade schools, or careers of interest. Identify and take vocational programs offered in high school, if a vocational career is of interest.
Defining Career/Vocational Goals (continued) Become involved in early work experiences, such as job try- outs, summer jobs, volunteering, or part-time work. Re-assess interests and capabilities, based on real world or school experiences. Is the career field still of interest? If not, re-define goals. Participate in on-going vocational assessment and identify gaps of knowledge or skills that need to be addressed. Address these gaps.
Prepare Academically Determine what the focus of your training will be Meet academic requirements Obtain information on the schools of your choice Math, English, Language, Science, etc. (credits) GPA College track courses Apply early and have a back-up school in mind
Prepare Financially Complete financial applications Complete scholarship applications Develop a college budget How do you plan to pay for school Explore the different types of loans How will being away from home impact your medical insurance Private Public (Title XIX)
Prepare for the Environment Are the school facilities accessible Check dorm rooms/apartment Electric outlets for equipment Room for nurse/aid Room for equipment Distance to class rooms Snow removal Meals Are there nursing staff/personal assistants available in the local area to support your needs Transportation Medical services
Prepare For Accommodations Do you know how your disability impacts you on a daily basis? How it impacts you Triggers or cycles Do you know how to request an accommodation? Meet staff at the disability resource center Meet student services staff (for environmental requests) Can you/Have you advocated for yourself Have previous accommodations been effective?
Prepare Medically Set up equipment rentals Transfer/copy medical records Identify a local physician/hospital Do they have knowledge of your disability needs? Do they have the equipment necessary for your treatment? Prescriptions Home health care needs Personal attendant care
Success vs. Access Differences between: IDEA ADA Section 504
Record Keeping Start during high school High school transcripts, IEP, evaluations, test and therapist reports On-the-job training reports or other work experience you have had including recommendations from employers Telephone conversations with different agencies Have file folders handy to hold brochures or handouts you are given All letters you write to agencies and the letters they write to you
Example Sheet for Record Keeping Name of Program: Date Contacted: Contact Person: Services available, eligibility requirements, referrals, other notes: