Our Mission Provide the first two years of a baccalaureate degree Support all curriculum programs by providing general education courses Provide tutorial services and computer- assisted instruction Provide the first two years of a baccalaureate degree Support all curriculum programs by providing general education courses Provide tutorial services and computer- assisted instruction
Inquiring Minds Want to Know! Total # of Students (CT)3583 Graduated293 (9%) GPA 2.0 – (40%) GPA 3.0 – (60%)
Whom Do We Serve? College Transfer Total 3,733
Student Profiles Fall 2003 College Transfer Students3583 Part-time1422 (40%) Full-time2161 (60%) Males1473 (41%) Females2110 (59%) In-State3375 (94%) Out-of-State208 (6%) Day3235 (90%) Evening348 (10%)
Student Profiles Fall 2003 White2972 (82%) Black388 (11%) Hispanic64 (2%) Indian26 (1%) Asian34 (1%) Other99 (3%)
Most Popular Programs of Study Associate in Arts: General Studies--The “I-Don’t- Know” majors Associate in Science: General Studies--The “Focused Know-Where-I’m-Going” majors Business Education and Marketing Education Premajor-- “No-Teaching-Just-All-Business” majors Elementary Education, Middle Grades Education, and Special Education—”Teaching-the-Little Kids” majors Psychology—”We-Know-Everything” majors Associate in Arts: General Studies--The “I-Don’t- Know” majors Associate in Science: General Studies--The “Focused Know-Where-I’m-Going” majors Business Education and Marketing Education Premajor-- “No-Teaching-Just-All-Business” majors Elementary Education, Middle Grades Education, and Special Education—”Teaching-the-Little Kids” majors Psychology—”We-Know-Everything” majors
Performance Measures & Standards
New Program, Revisions, and Courses Objective 1 Goal #1: Deliver quality programs and effective instruction that result in students achieving identified learning outcomes Drama Pre-major Goal #1: Deliver quality programs and effective instruction that result in students achieving identified learning outcomes Drama Pre-major
Objective 1 contd… Recommend prerequisite changes in the Common Course Library and in some program standards at the state level Revise the AS program to prepare students better Assess transfer students’ perceptions of excellent teaching for future in-service activities and goals Develop a website for the transfer program Recommend prerequisite changes in the Common Course Library and in some program standards at the state level Revise the AS program to prepare students better Assess transfer students’ perceptions of excellent teaching for future in-service activities and goals Develop a website for the transfer program
Objective 1 contd… Some New Courses Election Rhetoric In-Line Skating
Objective 1 contd… Some New Courses Social Dance
Backpacking & Wilderness Pursuits
Objective 2 Develop a plan to identify and respond to the impact of the new minimum math standards for admission to senior institutions Identify and install network and/or Internet software for use in math classes Assess oral competency for students Have all disciplines in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department actively participate in strategic planning Improve students’ proficiency levels in reading, composition, and grammar –Administer common assignments in English 075, 085, 095, and 111 Develop a plan to identify and respond to the impact of the new minimum math standards for admission to senior institutions Identify and install network and/or Internet software for use in math classes Assess oral competency for students Have all disciplines in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department actively participate in strategic planning Improve students’ proficiency levels in reading, composition, and grammar –Administer common assignments in English 075, 085, 095, and 111
Objective 3 Man! I’m tired of standing while the students dissect me! We need a cadaver table! Goal # 4: Enhance the teaching and learning process through the provision of adequate, up-to-date equipment and learning resources that are accessible to users and in formats consistent with prevailing technologies suitable to the college’s needs and goals. We also need a cooler! Or, we can ask Dr. McKeithan!! I know! We can apply for a CFCC grant or get a donation of a table
Objective 3 contd… Develop and organize Exam Study Hall for students to get together in groups and study for exams –Arrange for a facility to be used as study hall –Develop study guides and test-taking skills –Facilitate tutoring as needed Develop and organize Exam Study Hall for students to get together in groups and study for exams –Arrange for a facility to be used as study hall –Develop study guides and test-taking skills –Facilitate tutoring as needed
Objective 4 Goal # 13: Enhance internal communication among faculty, staff, and students English Department - Improve communication Monthly newsletter Part-time outreach Humanities/Fine Arts Department Increase faculty use of Blackboard and other technology systems Increase cultural experiences through exhibitions, performances, and forums
Objective 4 contd… Social & Behavioral Sciences Department –Develop workshops for adjunct faculty orientation Learning Lab – Apply for the TRIO Grant –Research resources to help write grant proposal –Collect related data from Student Development and Chamber of Commerce –Write the proposal Social & Behavioral Sciences Department –Develop workshops for adjunct faculty orientation Learning Lab – Apply for the TRIO Grant –Research resources to help write grant proposal –Collect related data from Student Development and Chamber of Commerce –Write the proposal
Objective 5 Goal # 6: Strengthen partnerships with business and industry, public schools, universities and others that are mutually beneficial and that maximize resources in meeting the educational needs of the service area Social & Behavioral Sciences will meet with various representatives of senior institutions and organizations to actively enhance student success before students transfer to senior institutions Meet with four-year college department chairs Explore feasibility of CFCC Honors program by attending national honor’s conference Continue to support Huskins classes and help facilitate their expansion
Objective 5 contd… Humanities/Fine Arts faculty will increase their levels of interaction with other community college and university faculty in their respective fields –Faculty members will be required as one of their goals to join an organization dedicated to professional development –Faculty will be evaluated on proof of membership and attendance at conferences Math/Science/PE Department will investigate having a CFCC faculty member serve on the National Science Foundation grant review committee Humanities/Fine Arts faculty will increase their levels of interaction with other community college and university faculty in their respective fields –Faculty members will be required as one of their goals to join an organization dedicated to professional development –Faculty will be evaluated on proof of membership and attendance at conferences Math/Science/PE Department will investigate having a CFCC faculty member serve on the National Science Foundation grant review committee
Objective 6 “Orangel, it is an emergency! Please stop!” An Urgent Message from the Arts & Sciences Division!
Special Acknowledgements Jacque Jebo - Instructor, Journalism Frank Carter – Chair, Humanities/Fine Arts Tim Vandenberg – TV/Video Kathy Komis – Instructor, English Jamie Stowe – Assistant Director, Student Activities James Magnatta – Math Facilitator, Learning Lab Jacque Jebo - Instructor, Journalism Frank Carter – Chair, Humanities/Fine Arts Tim Vandenberg – TV/Video Kathy Komis – Instructor, English Jamie Stowe – Assistant Director, Student Activities James Magnatta – Math Facilitator, Learning Lab
Students Adam Santoro Farrah Scales Roberta Racine