CASE 4 67 yo man HIV Hypertensive CD4 on diagnosis 110/7% AZT initiated soon after diagnosis
CASE Referred for 2 distinct episodes (2008, 2011) of 5kg weight loss/profound fatigue and pancytopenia lasting 4-8 weeks each time
CASE 4 DATEHBWBCPLTSBone Marrow / Normal progenitor cells 2008/
CASE CT abdomen – normal liver – Spleen 16 cm – No nodes – Spleen size unchanged from 2004 U/S CT chest – normal
CASE Bone Marrow Aspirate/Biopsy – Normal progenitors for all cell lines with no evidence of malignancy – Compatible with peripheral destruction/sequestration
CASE Noted that both episodes of constitutional symptoms occurred in temporal relationship to the initiation/reinitiation of Eprosarten therapy for hypertension – This medication was discontinued without further recurrence of symptoms over the next 2 years
CASE Blood counts recovered though platelets remained lower than previous
CASE 4 DATEHBWBCPLTSBone Marrow / Normal progenitor cells 2008/ Normal progenitor cells
CASE Required a laparoscopic cholecystectomy and intra-operatively liver noted to be “coarse/nodular”
CASE 4 DATEASTALTALKBILIPLTSALBINR No ETOH – significant previous history x 20 yrs HCV RNA/HBV DNA (-) secondary liver disease workup (-)
CASE 4 Fibroscan done… kpa! U/S – No varices – +Ascites – Liver 18.7 c.m/nodular contour – Spleen 18.9 cm – Normal portal/hepatic veins
CASE 4 Transjugular liver biopsy performed F2-3 scarring from steatohepatitis Venous/sinusoidal pressures compatible with nodular regenerative hyperplasia or non cirrhotic portal hypertension OGD…no varices Ascites managed with diuretics
CASE 4 Take home message… Low platelets, which have a very long differential diagnosis in the context of HIV, can be a clue to occult severe liver disease…ie. cirrhosis with portal hypertension, or far more rarely, non cirrhotic portal hypertension