Illinois Learning Standards The Illinois State Board of Education adopted new Math and ELA standards for K-12 education aligned to college and career readiness. Agency Goal # 1 : Every student will demonstrate academic achievement and be prepared for success after high school. Illinois State Board of Education 1
2 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Developed in collaboration with teachers, school administrators, and education experts. Where did the CCSS come from?
4 Why are a Common Set of Standards Important? Preparation: These standards are designed for students to be college and career ready upon completing secondary education. Quality: Teachers are given more flexibility to teach standards in depth and across disciplines that can be tailored to fit the students needs. Skilled Workforce: These standards emphasize skills and application, in addition to content, to prepare students for working in the current workforce.
5 Why are a Common Set of Standards Important? Clarity: The standards are designed to help teachers, students, and parents understand what is expected of them to be ready to enter the workforce or college. Consistency: These standards will level the playing field so all students will be held to the same rigorous expectations. Global Society: The standards are internationally benchmarked to high performing countries to help our students succeed in a global economy.
6 What does College and Career Ready Mean? The College and Career Ready descriptions are not standards themselves but instead offer a portrait of students who meet the new standards. As students advance through the grades and master the standards in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language, they are able to exhibit with increasing fullness and regularity these capacities of the literate individual.
Contextual Skills and Awareness Academic Behaviors Key Content Knowledge Key Cognitive Strategies Four Dimensions of College and Career Readiness
What do the CCSS look like? D
10 Overview of the K-12 ELA Standards The standards are separated into four strands: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language. K-8 standards are listed by grade level. Standards in grades 9-12 are listed in two year bands to allow flexibility in course design. The K-12 ELA standards are benchmarked to College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards. Grades 6-12 are covered in two content-area specific sections: – English Language Arts Teachers – Teachers of history/social studies, science, and technical subjects
12 What are some key points regarding the ELA Standards? Text complexity addressed at each level Balance of literature and informational texts Direct link to college and work readiness Literacy standards for science/technical and history/social studies
13 What are some key points regarding the ELA Standards? Clear vertical progressions across grades Emphasis on writing, writing applications, and presentation Anchor standards established for college and career readiness in reading, writing, language, and speaking and listening, with anchors for each grade level
Appendix A provides definitions of key writing types Appendix B includes text exemplars and sample performance tasks Appendix C includes student writing samples at various grade levels. Take Note of Appendices 14
Standards for Mathematical Practice Standards for mathematical proficiency: reasoning, problem solving, modeling, decision making, and engagement. Describe mathematical “habits of mind” Common Core State Standards for Mathematics Grade Level Standards K-8 grade-by-grade standards organized by domain high school standards organized by conceptual categories.
16 The K-8 Math Standards are organized by Domain, Clusters, and Standards. Domain: Overarching ideas that connect topics across the grade levels. Clusters: Demonstrate the grade by grade progression of task complexity. Standards: Define what a student should be able to know and do at that grade level. Overview of Math Standards
Design of the 9-12 Math Standards The standards are organized by conceptual categories: number and quantity algebra functions modeling geometry statistics and probability
What about assessment?
Illinois is part of a 25- state consortium on assessment (PARCC) focused on developing a richer more authentic evaluation of student learning. 19
20 – More Meaningful Standards: consistent across states, clear to the public and on track for college – Higher Quality Tests: assessments will include performance tasks to measure critical thinking, strategic problem solving, research and writing. – Through-Course Testing: Students will take parts of the assessment at key times during the school year, closer to when they learn the material. Assessment System Design 20 D
21 – Maximize Technology: PARCC assessments in most grades will be computer based. – Cross-State Comparability: States in PARCC will adopt common assessments and common performance standards. Assessment System Design 21 D
What is the transition timeline for the CCSS? K
Evolution not a revolution The transition process should begin with local review and discussion New assessment system in place
24 Phase I: Awareness, Communication and Planning. Phase II: Communication, Resource design, and Design of Implementation System. Phase III: Transition, Implementation, and Technical Assistance. A new statewide assessment system will be in place for the 2014(fall) – 2015 (spring) school year. How will the Common Core State Standards be Implemented?
25 What do the implementation phases really mean? (a potential timeline) Awareness of the CCSS Initial conversations and planning Articulation and alignment to CCSS Unit and lesson development Pilot aligned units and lessons Evaluate the effectiveness and make changes as needed Teach the newly designed curriculum that is aligned to CCSS Teach the aligned curriculum Complete through-course testing (25, 50,70,90)
How can ROE SchoolWorks assist you in this process? Unpacking the standards Articulation and Curriculum Alignment Professional Development Content specific Literacy Higher Order Thinking Skills Student Engagement Information and Updates 26
27 Beware of text book promises Beware of quick fixes Beware of generous self assessments Beware of the “platter” Beware of the notion that “this to shall pass”
28 Analyze the historical significance and educational implications of the advice Thomas Friedman gives his daughters “Girls, finish your homework--people in China and India are starving for your jobs.”
These standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business. They are a call to take the next step. It is time for states to work together to build on lessons learned from two decades of standards-based reforms. It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep. -CCSSO and NGA Center, The Promise of the Standards K
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Let’s examine the standards… D