2 The University of East Sarajevo is an independent and self-governing institution, consisting of the fifteen faculties and the two academies. University of East Sarajevo celebrates Anniversary Day and Cirilo and Metodije Saints Day on 24th May.
3 University “East Sarajevo” differs from the other universities, and has many advantages, м ainly because of the fact it is located in 8 towns, which makes it decentralized and therefore contributes to the faster development of these towns
4 42 Study Programmes: Agricultural Sciences Automatics and Electronics Business Economy Chemical Engineering and Technology Civil Engineering Computer Engineering and Information Dental Medicine Economy English Language and Literature Fine arts Geography Health care and Defectology History Journalistic Science Law Library Science Library science Mathematics and Physics Medicine Music о logy Music Pedagogy Pedagogy Philosophy Physical Education and sport Power Engineering Production Engineering and >Management Psychology Serbian Language and Literature Sociology Teacher Education Theology Transport Engineering
5 Faculties Number of Courses Academy of Fine Arts37 Faculty of Economics Brcko32 Faculty of Economics Pale36 Faculty of Electrical Engineering48 Faculty of Physical Education55 Faculty of Business Economy34 Faculty of Production Engineering and Management57 Faculty of Philosophy11 study programmes, each programme has about 48 courses Faculty of Civil Engineering55 Faculty of Medicine105 Academy of Music20 Faculty of Teacher Education42 Faculty of Agriculture42 Faculty of Law40 Faculty of Theology57 Faculty of Transport Engineering50 Faculty of Technology45
6 University Centre BIJELJINA Faculty of Business Economy Faculty of Teacher Education University Centre BRCKO Faculty of Transport Engineering University Centre DOBOJ Faculty of Economics, Brcko
7 Monastery Tavna
8 Ethno village Staniši ć
9 14th Century Doboj Fortress
10 University Centre FOCA Medical Faculty Faculty of Theology
11 The Holy Trinity Foca Church of St. Nicholas
12 University Centre LUKAVICA, ISTOCNO SARAJEVO Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Music Academy Faculty of Agriculture
13 Универзитетски центар : PALE Faculty of Physical Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Economics, Pale
14 University Centre TREBINJE Academy of Fine Arts Faculty of Production Engineering and Management
16 University Centre ZVORNIK Faculty of Technology Zvornik Castle
17 UES trains specialists in Bachelor, Master and PhD degree engineering programmes essential for the industrial development, as well as specialists in Low and Medicine Students - FULL-TIME STUDIES Students - POSTGRADUATE STUDIES Number of employees: 941 Research staff: 579 The UES is the largest higher education institution in RS
18 The University of East Sarajevo has over 25 bilateral agreements signed with partner universities at home and abroad. These bilateral agreements regulate different types of cooperation, such as work on subjects and projects of common interest, exchange of scholars and students, joint publications, exchange of information and other activities in order to improve the academic cooperation. Certain organisational units/faculties of the University of East Sarajevo have also a number of bilateral agreements signed with their partner faculties abroad. The University of East Sarajevo is a member of several university networks and international associations - European University Association; - EUA, the Network of Central and Eastern European Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education, BiH Rectors Conference, etc. International and Interuniversity Cooperation
19 The University of East Sarajevo has participated in 18 TEMPUS projects since 2000, two FP6 projects, one FP7 project; and other international project - such as project dealing with Brain Drain in West Balkan Countries, financed by UNESCO and 'Hewlett Packard', than ALPS/IRIS REFORM PROJECT BIH, financed by USAID, and Institutional University Development Plan the project was funded by the World Bank. Science and Research
20 Thank you for your attention!