Class III Assembly February 4, 2015 R3
Ms. Elizabeth McCoy Assistant Head Master
Recommend 1 – 3 AP courses / student Discuss interest with parents and guidance counselor Submit Course Request Form by March 6 th Elective list will be reviewed by Program Directors and teachers Class I and II Students
Mr. Thomas Kennelly Community Service & A.P. Coordinator Program Director, History
COMMUNITY SERVICE POLICY Each student is required to complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified community service in order to graduate. 50 of these must be completed in school and 50 must be completed outside of school. Any student in grades 8-12 is eligible to count hours toward the graduation requirement Verification forms available in guidance and from Mr. Kennelly (outside service requires a letter). Refer to community service overview posted in Homerooms. See Mr. Kennelly in room 253 or with any questions or concerns.
ADVANCED PLACEMENT AP exams May 4 – May 15 -info available at -Exams administered at BLS and MCPHS -BLS testing schedule will be posted and distributed in April Exam registration will continue until Feb. 28th -registration at or on SIS Exam Fees (checks to Mr. Kennelly in 253) -Exam fee is $97 per exam and $10 for those eligible for a fee waiver/reduction Questions -talk to your AP teacher or Mr. Kennelly.
Profile of a Successful AP Student Motivated to work (1+ hours per night on homework—reading, note-taking, study) Good attendance and attention in class Scored 150+ on PSAT Grades of B or better in current courses you are taking in the same department
Class I and II History options AP U.S. History - includes entire history of the United States, starting with pre- Columbian American civilization going through to the present day. United States History II – covers the History of the United States from Reconstruction (1865) to the present.
Economics AP Economics (for Class I only) AP Modern European History AP U.S. Government American Foreign Policy Facing History & Ourselves Art History History Electives for Classes I and II
Ms. Susan Moran Program Director English
English Elective—Class I and II Humanities This course will appeal to students who enjoy exploring connections among the arts, history, literature, philosophy, religion, science, psychology, and other disciplines. Readings span cultures and time periods. Students with strong reading and writing skills will do well in this class. Students are expected to work well on their own and on collaborative projects. Class participation is vital, both during daily discussion and more formal presentations.
English Elective—Class II only Advanced Placement Language and Composition (aka “AP Writing”) Students take this course in addition to English II. This is an intensive course for students who write well, work effectively alone and in collaboration with others, and enjoy the craft of writing. All work for this course – readings and writings – is primarily non-fiction. Students enrolled in this course must sit for the AP exam in May, 2016.
Mr. Jonathan Mulhern Assistant Head Master Student Leadership
Ms. Sherry Lewis-daPonte Assistant Head Master Classics
AP Latin The Myth Tradition Greek I Latin 5 Poetry Class II Classics Electives Class IV B required Latin 4 Latin Prose
Ms. Kathleen Bateman Program Director Mathematics and Science
Biology II (prerequisite: Chemistry 1) AP Biology (prerequisite: Chemistry 1) Chemistry I AP Chemistry (prerequisite: Chemistry 1) Environmental Science AP Environmental Science Physics I AP Physics C: Mechanical (prerequisite: Physics I) AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism (prerequisite: Physics I) Class I and II Science Electives
Class II Math Options Pre-Calculus Advanced Pre-Calculus Algebra 2 Advanced Algebra 2 Elective AP Computer Science
Ms. Christine Kelley Program Director Modern Foreign Languages
Chinese French German Italian Spanish Modern Foreign Language Options
Chinese 3, 4 AP Chinese Language Comprehensive Chinese French 3, 4 AP French Language Italian 3, 4 AP Italian Language Spanish 3, 4 AP Spanish Language AP Spanish Literature German 4 AP German Language Modern Foreign Language Choices Students also have the option to choose a new language and pursue two years of study during their final two years.
Mr. Paul Pitts Program Director Fine Arts
Fine Arts Electives Fundamentals of Visual Arts Class II and I Prerequisite for A.P. Art A.P. Art Class I only
Foundations of Visual Art Scratchboard Linoleum Block Printing Ceramics
Foundations of Visual Art is an enrichment class in which students build skills through art-making techniques. Students will learn fundamentals of drawing, painting, printmaking, design, and ceramics. No prior art experience is necessary to take this class! All abilities welcome! Linear Perspective Drawing Watercolor
Imagine what you can do if you spend 45 minutes a day engaging in creativity! Observational Charcoal Drawing Acrylic Painting
Fine Arts Electives Music Theory Class II and I Musical experience is recommended but not required A.P. Music Theory Class I Prior music theory experience recommended Ear training, dictation and sight singing are perhaps the most difficult aspects of the course and the AP test
Mr. Jim Montague Program Director Guidance & Support Services
Choose courses with an eye to college admission requirements…… 3 years of science for all and 4 or more for others. Make your final high school years your best. Take on challenges that are reasonable – don’t overdo it. Meet with your Guidance Counselor as early as possible.
There is a limit of three A.P. courses that any student may take. Students who feel an exception should be made must complete the online application and submit by February 20 th. They will be notified by February 27 th.
Maintaining good health, both emotional and physical, is critical. Stress management is important. Getting adequate sleep is too. Effective time management is a skill that must be developed. If you need help, see your Guidance Counselor.