Taking the ILP beyond Compliance
ILP and Accountability Requirements
ILP – What’s Required? 704 KAR 3:305 Minimum HS Graduation Requirements Regulation: Districts shall implement an advising and guidance process that supports ILP Districts shall develop a method to evaluate the effectiveness and results of the Individual Learning Plan process Feeder middle schools and high schools shall work cooperatively to inform parents and students of connections between career opportunities
ILP – What’s Required? 704 KAR 3:305 Min. HS Graduation Requirements Regulation: Beginning with class of 2013, ILPs will begin with 6th grade focusing on career exploration and related postsecondary education Beginning in 8th grade, in the ILP, students will set personal and academic goals, as well as identify courses, electives, and postsecondary goals Schools shall maintain the ILP, make it readily available and review it annually with student and parent
ILP & Accountability Students in the graduating classes of who do not have an ILP must have a completed IGP to fulfill their high school graduation requirements. Completion data will be collected through the electronic ILP system. Schools must certify, at the individual student level, that an up-to-date IGP is on file and available for inspection. This option is only available for those students in the graduating classes of 2009 – 2011.
Why the ILP? The purpose of the ILP is to: engage students in preparing for their future help students explore choices for post- secondary improve relationships between adults and students heighten college awareness reduce work load for counselors increase advising of students
The Benefits of Education are Real $75,691 $48,097 $27,963 $20,
We can do nothing to change the past, but we have enormous power to shape the future. Edward Cornish President World Future Society
With the ILP, Students will….. Have a positive vision of their future Have the skills required to make informed choices Be more receptive to the vigorous academic training required to succeed in the 21 st century
Students take ownership for their future Exploring Careers Learning what is required for careers Planning courses based on those requirements Accumulating accomplishments
How? Students will achieve at higher levels…. when they see the connections between rigorous class work and the careers they want to pursue.
Challenge students to strive for higher achievement Learn to understand how education, training, and career choices impact their personal lifestyle Motivate students to apply themselves to impact their future success Does your school use the ILP to help students?
ILP Improve School Culture
Use ILP Data as a Foundation for Student/Staff Relationships How? Teachers/Advisors have access to individual student information –Goals –Career Plans –Education Plans –Hobbies/Interests –Assessment Results Administrators understand student needs on an individual level
Creating a Student Centered Environment using ILP Data Assign students to groups by interest –Breakfast/lunch groups –Study groups –Support groups –Hobby clubs –Career interest groups
Advantages of Using ILP Data Advising Programs can be based on Needs rather than: –Adopting a “menu” of topics from other schools –Only using a “canned” program –Whatever is easiest for teachers….Remember Student-Centered Advising Using Data will assist in developing an evaluation of the ILP program –For improvement and student centered culture
Advantages of Using Data Generate a wide variety of customizable reports for every data element in the ILP, for example… –Career Interests –Post-Secondary Goals –Career Planning Activities –Hobbies and Interests –Volunteer Hours –Course forcasting
Advantages of Using Data Allows the monitoring of student progress at a glance Provides Career and College Fair Information Educators can identify concerns and determine what help or supports are needed - Interventions Schools can disaggregate data to apply for grants
Advantages of Using Data Add or delete course offerings to link to student career goals Interface curricula with colleges/universities where students plan to attend Offer opportunities to students according to career interest & post-secondary interests
School Use of Data Students should be made aware that the school will use ILP data for: Preparing for career fairs in the school College fairs Positions in mentoring Job shadowing Course offerings Student groupings for advising Advisors/teachers relating to the students on a personal level
Student Use of Data Students should be aware they can use the ILP for: Applying for summer jobs Scholarships for camps Recording awards & recognitions Career research College research Preparing college application Preparing scholarship applications And more…
The ILP Opens Communication Between advisor/teacher and student through the system Between parent and student through the parent ILP Between counselors and students because counselors can access large amounts of information on a student in the ILP Between student and others through the invite others option
For More Information For more information, please contact: Kentucky Department of Education: Sharon Johnston Career Cruising: ext 137 Jim Daigneau