Framingham Earl High School Options Evening 2014
N.Furneaux Headteacher Options Evening 2014
G. Yassin Deputy Headteacher Options Evening 2014
The Option Pathways Available Key Stage 4 Pathways Core Subjects (have to be studied) English, Maths and Science GCSE; Citizenship, Philosophy & Ethics full course GCSE; ICT; PSHEE, & PE OPTIONS Pathway A Four GCSE options taken. Leads to a total of 10.5 GCSEs for most students. Pathway B Vocational Courses Level 1 Equivalent to 2-4 GCSEs at D – G Up to two GCSE Options Chosen Pathway C Level 2 Equivalent to 4 GCSEs at A* - C
The English Baccalaureate (E.Bacc) New measure in Schools’ Performance Tables Introduced in 2010-11 English, Maths, 2 ‘good’ Sciences, a humanities subject (History or Geography) and a modern foreign language subject Some post 16 providers are only accepting E.Bacc candidates for some courses
The Importance of Core GCSEs Compulsory subjects are Maths, English, PSHEE, ICT, PE (Dance is offered in the Core), and Science Develop key skills and knowledge transferable to other subjects Grades in these subjects often determine which post 16 courses you can study
GCSE Options – Pathway A Choosing 4 further GCSEs that are studied in addition to the core subjects Wide variety of GCSEs to choose from – details in the option booklet and from the ‘stalls’ in the gym after these speeches
Amendment BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 4 French History French History Triple Science Spanish Geography PE Resistant Materials Art Textiles Philosophy & Ethics Food Technology Drama Computing German Music BTEC in Sport
Amendment BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 4 Psychology French History French History Triple Science Spanish Geography PE Resistant Materials Art Textiles Psychology Food Technology Drama Computing German Music BTEC in Sport
Why Take Pathway A? Many FEHS students are equipped to get good grades – guidance will be provided The courses provide a strong foundation for post 16 courses (esp. A level)– coursework, exam experience Studying in a familiar environment A range of GCSEs will give you a greater variety of possible career pathways Strong teaching
Pathways B and C A vocational focus Flexibility – employment or Further Education Suitable for all abilities Underpinned by GCSEs – core and options Building relationships with colleges you may continue to study at post 16
Open Opportunity Vocational Pathways Options Evening 2014
Initial Briefing Aims of this session: Outline the different courses that are available through OpenOpportunity and City College Norwich and provide information to support the Options process. Inform you as to how and when you can learn more about the courses. Give you an overview of the application process for the courses.
The Basics All the OpenOpportunity or CCN courses will take place on Thursday next year (and stay on Thursday the following year). Students come from a wide range of schools. They will spend all day at a different site and will wear the OpenOpportunity uniform (or appropriate clothing for CCN courses). All courses are intended to give a broad experience of a particular industry area.
The Basics II The qualifications used within our course packages vary slightly from course to course. Most are Edexcel BTECs but some may be OCR Nationals or other qualifications. Although some are Level 2 quals it is now possible to be awarded a Level 1 qual if the required standard is not met. Most VIth Forms will not accept these qualifications towards entry requirements for AS/A Levels. It is not always possible to progress directly onto a L3 course at college from the Level 2 courses.
Visual Arts and Photography Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy Health & Social Care Public Services Public Services Visual Arts and Photography Public Services Hospitality and Catering Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy Performing Arts Construction Motor Vehicle Child Care
How to find out more Sign up for a taster! Visit the OpenOpportunity website at: Talk to your Tutor, Director of Learning or Gareth Yassin E-mail me at
Assistant Headteacher R. Li-Rocchi Assistant Headteacher Options Evening 2014
‘Leading or showing the way’ Guiding Your Choices ‘Leading or showing the way’ Parents / Carers & Relatives Subject Teachers Options Booklet Colleges / Open Opportunity Form Tutors Informed & Guided Choice
The Options Forms Option Form A – Pathway A (GCSEs) Option Form B – Pathways B & C (any college course plus up to two GCSEs) If you are applying for a college course also complete a separate college application form and return it to Mr Yassin
Option Form A –Pathway A (GCSEs) BLANK EXAMPLE BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 4 French History Triple Science Spanish Geography PE Resistant Materials Art Textiles Psychology Food Technology Drama Computing German Music BTEC in Sport Dance Now that you have had a think about how your choices look, fill in the real form overleaf. Don’t forget to fill in your NAME and FORM at the top!
Option Form A –Pathway A (GCSEs) COMPLETED EXAMPLE BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 4 1 French 2 History Triple Science Spanish Geography PE Resistant Materials Art Textiles Psychology Food Technology 3 Drama Computing German Music BTEC in Sport Dance Delivered in core PE so does not count as an option Now that you have had a think about how your choices look, fill in the real form overleaf. Don’t forget to fill in your NAME and FORM at the top!
Delivered in core PE so does not count as an option Option Forms B & C – College Courses FIRST CHOICE Name of course: e.g. Hair & Beauty Therapy Level 2 Location if known: e.g. City College Norwich BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 French History Spanish Geography Resistant Materials Art Food Technology PE Textiles Drama Computing Triple Science Delivered in core PE so does not count as an option Dance
The next steps… Date Event 23rd January 2014 Year 9 Options Evening Event 23rd January 2014 Year 9 Options Evening 29th January 2014 Return of Completed Options Forms to Form Tutors (including College Applications forms) 14th February 2014 Submission of names for Open Opportunity BTEC Level 2 student taster sessions W/C 10th February 2014 Consultation meetings with students to discuss Option Courses that may not run Vocational Pathway Voluntary Advice Interviews 4th March 2014 (9am – 12pm) Open Opportunity BTEC Level 2 Student Taster Sessions Date to be confirmed Easton College Information Sessions 14th March 2014 Deadline for Applications to be sent to City College for Level 1 courses and Level 2 Open Opportunity Courses. W/C 24th March 2014 Confirmation of options letter to be sent End March Easton College Student Interviews to take place 1st April 2014 Open Opportunity interviews to take place
The rest of the evening GCSE options subjects – Gym General enquiries & Special Educational Needs (following Science / BTEC Sport presentations) Room M1 – GCSE ICT Room M2 - Easton College Room M3 – Open Opportunity / City College Evaluation forms on your seats!
The rest of the evening Triple Science & BTEC Sport presentations in the Hall (will start in approx 5 mins time) If you are not considering Triple Science or BTEC Sport as options, please go to the Gym (GCSE stalls) or the main corridor (ICT & College courses)