Accelerating Innovation: The Power of the Crowd
Rationale 2005: Austin Chamber assesses talent requirements for projected Central Texas jobs and finds projected shortage of home-grown, college completers. 2006: Chamber organizes: Matriculation Task Force to draw leadership attention. Lobby effort to hire campus-based college enrollment mgrs. Progress Report Task Force to encourage supts to set out- year direct college enrollment, college/career readiness, high school grad rates targets State of Education to draw attention to high performers. 2007: Chamber initiates CREST Team to: Create data management tools Professionally network/support leaders “in the trenches”
Service Region 15 School Districts & 5 Counties 93% of Austin MSA Students 16,000 High School Seniors 12 districts in Student Futures Project 11 districts in Education Progress Report 15 districts in Financial Aid Saturdays 100+Business Partners
Nonfarm payroll jobs Oct Dec Oct Rank DifferencePercent Change Austin MSA858,700199, %1 Houston MSA2,812,500525, Fort Worth MDiv938,600148, San Antonio MSA894,400137, Salt Lake City MSA663,00095, Dallas MDiv2,209,800314, Nashville MSA822,100111, Charlotte MSA892,900121, Orlando MSA1,079,400135, Oklahoma City MSA615,60069, Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Fastest Growing Job Markets Among Top 50 Metro Areas — Opportunity Austin Era
Resilient housing market provides foundation for sustained recovery. –United States: median sales price declined 17.6 percent during the recession period and has since fallen an additional 2.1 percent. –Austin: During the recession the median sales price increased by.8 percent and since the end of the recession, the median price has increased 1.3 percent. –Implications: affordability issues in the City of Austin; increasing rents; pressure to develop in low density patterns CHANGE IN MEDIAN HOUSING PRICES SINCE NATIONAL PEAK PRIOR TO RECESSION, Q – Q Source: National Association of Realtors via Moody’s Diversify Economy to Survive Downturns
Central Texas Flat TX, US Direct College Enrollment Rate Down Source: University of Texas at Austin, Ray Marshall Center, Student Futures Survey and Enrollment Results Accessible at:
17 Campuses Exceed Regional 84% ApTx Filing Rate Source: Compiled by Austin Chamber from Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, ApplyTexas Filings Report, May 2012.
Regional College/Career Ready Rate Improves 36 percent Source: Weighted regional average calculated from Texas Education Agency, Academic Excellence Indicator System & Texas Academic Performance Report, Campus/District Reports Reports are accessible at:
Q1 Central Texas College Financial Aid Filings Up 99% Source: U.S. Department of Education, Central Texas First-time FAFSA filings by Zip Code,
Financial Aid Filings by Campus Source: U.S. Department of Education, First-time FAFSA Applications by high school campus March-May Reports, Accessible at Federal Student Aid Application Volume Reports Page:
37,000+ Unfilled Central Texas Jobs (10/14 – 11/13/2013) Source: The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine ®
Most High-Demand Job Openings Require Post-Secondary Completion Source: The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine ®
Higher Paying Occupations Harder to HireHigher Paying Occupations Harder to Hire Source: The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine ®
Way Out is Increasing Post-Secondary Enrollment/Completion Source: The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine ® 40 th in Real Per Cap Income 21 st in Real Per Cap Income growth
Plan to support 70% direct-to-college enrollment rate for Class of Chamber: Advocate continued/strengthened regional ISD staff infrastructure Advocate/report/celebrate superintendent/Trustee target-setting Provide counselor portal. Advocate timelier, more accurate data tools Provide senior & junior exit survey, graduate tracking, statistical analysis Improves f inancial aid peer-to-peer marketing/competitive components Advocate Summer Melt scaling for Summer 2014 Superintendents, Central Admin, Principals: Make improved direct college enrollment and college/career readiness a “top three” leadership issue. Est key targets in performance evaluations. Default incoming 9 th graders on Distinguished plan. Task campus leadership with implementation of top SFP interventions. Evaluate today’s juniors on college/career readiness. Improve execution of ApplyTexas, FAFSA, college/career ready intervention