Several social media platforms are used to alert readers to recently published papers as well as to providing fora for authors to discuss their work or comment on the works of others. All venues are accessible directly from the JAN website. Twitter LinkedIn YouTube JAN Blog: Our Virtual Issues, published several times yearly, bring together collections of papers on similar topics, thus providing readers with free access to collected works on timely topics. Conclusion In an age of information overload and competing demands, engaging readers in discussions about ground-breaking research and health care developments affecting the profession and the public can be a difficult process. This presentation will illustrate strategies used by one journal to involve its readers in scholarly discussions. Introduction Background Results There has been an increase in the number of readers contributing to JAN’s scholarly dialogue. To remain relevant in our ever-changing and highly connected world, editors and publishers need to consistently seek opportunities to engage their constituencies in scholarly dialogue. The Journal of Advanced Nursing (JAN) connects with readers using social media, research networks, and the journal pages. Readers can receive the table of contents automatically and the journal’s app makes articles available on mobile devices. The editorial team examines trends in nursing and health care, identifying topics likely to provoke discussion. Editors “champion” these topics by seeking scholars to write papers or commentaries or to contribute to the journal’s blog. We also encourage authors to engage readers by making videos and writing blog posts for JAN Interactive. In 2013, JAN’s website was visited by 4.3 million people. Downloaded articles are enhanced by Wiley’s innovative software. JAN currently has >10,500 followers on Twitter and >1,300 connections on LinkedIn. JAN Interactive has grown from 13 editor-authored blog entries in 2013, to > 40 in JAN’s Virtual Issues make many papers on key topics available to readers free of charge and at no cost to the authors. In 2014, the JAN website ( had 1,657,754 unique visitors. Also in 2014, there were 1,357,042 article downloads (up from 1,326,770 in 2013). JAN has been very successful with Twitter. Our Twitter account, has over 10,500 followers JAN has used LinkedIn for a number of purposes, including hosting asynchronous, interactive discussions with our editorial review board. We currently have 1,305 LinkedIn connections. On YouTube, JAN has posted 5 videos, 3 from editors and 2 from other authors. JAN Interactive, our journal blog, has published more than 100 posts since April 2013, including: 64 posts by the editor-in-chief, 9 from the editors, 17 author posts including 8 commentaries or responses, and 5 guest blogs. These JAN Interactive posts have received over 35,000 views to date. We have tracked journal papers using Altmetric over the past few years. JAN now has 1,401 articles with an Altmetric score of at least 1; our median score is 2.7. The total Altmetric Score (all papers’ scores combined) is 8,175, which puts JAN as the highest ranked nursing journal. Our top-ranking paper is ‘Can I get a retweet please? Health research recruitment and the Twittersphere’ with a score of 295. This paper is in the top 5% of all articles ever tracked by Altmetric. (O’Connor A., Jackson L., Goldsmith L. & Skirton H. ( 2014) Can I get a retweet please? Health research recruitment and the Twittersphere. Journal of Advanced Nursing 70(3), 599–609. doi: /jan.12222) JAN is also the top nursing journal on Google Scholar with an h5-index of 50 and JAN is now ranked 10 th (of 110 in the nursing (science) category) with a Thomson Reuters Impact Factor of Strategies to Engage Readers in Scholarly Dissemination and Dialogue Rita Pickler, PhD, RN, PPCNP-BC, FAAN; Mark Hayter, PhD, BA, MMeDSci, RN, Cert Ed, FAAN; Roger Watson, PhD, FRCN, FAAN; Jane Noyes, MSc, Dphil; Lin Perry, PhD MSc RN; Brenda Roe, PhD, RN, RHV, FRSPH; Irene Hueter, PhD; Gareth Watkins, BA (Hons), MA; Di Sinclair, BA (Hons), BSc, RN JAN’s Social Media Presence TRIFOLD AREA – THIS GUIDE WILL BE REMOVED BEFORE PRINTING – TRIFOLD AREA – THIS GUIDE WILL BE REMOVED BEFORE PRINTING – TRIFOLD AREA – THIS GUIDE WILL BE REMOVED BEFORE PRINTING – TRIFOLD AREA – THIS GUIDE WILL BE REMOVED BEFORE PRINTING – TRIFOLD Several social media platforms are used to alert readers to recently published papers as well as to providing fora for authors to discuss their work or comment on the works of others. All venues are accessible directly from the JAN website. Twitter LinkedIn YouTube JAN Blog: Our Virtual Issues, published several times yearly, bring together collections of papers on similar topics, thus providing readers with free access to collected works on timely topics.