Stormwater Education and Involvement Programs Through Clemson Extension Urban Water Quality Issues Greensboro, NC July 17, 2008
Carolina Clear is a comprehensive education and outreach initiative designed to inform South Carolinians about stormwater runoff and about practices they can undertake to minimize impacts. What Is Carolina Clear?
Polluted runoff is the #1 water quality problem in South Carolina 60% of our lakes, rivers and creeks are listed by DHEC as impaired Federal and state regulations require many communities to begin storm water outreach and education programs for their citizens. Education is better than enforcement for addressing this important issue Why Carolina Clear?
Why Clemson Extension? Education is our mission. Expertise in water quality, soils, horticulture, community and economic development, and other relevant natural resource issues. Presence in every county and watershed Opportunity for a unified message Expertise in evaluating program effectiveness Sound, thorough reporting mechanisms already in place
Homeowners Community and Homeowner Associations Local Elected and Appointed Officials Developers and Realtors Youth Farmers Timber Industry Lawn and Landscape Contractors Nurseries Business Leaders Tourism Industry Who Can Carolina Clear Target?
The Cornerstones of Carolina Clear Direct Programs: – Web Pages – Carolina Yards and Neighborhoods – Home-A-Syst/Coast-A-Syst – Master Gardeners – Fairs, Festivals, Events – Household Hazardous Waste – Numerous other programs targeted at adult, youth and under-represented populations Public Education and Outreach
Indirect Programs: – Television PSAs – Radio PSAs – Billboards – Bill Stuffers – News Articles/Press Releases – Programs appearing on Your Day and Making It Grow Public Education and Outreach The Cornerstones of Carolina Clear
4H2O Pontoon Classroom Adopt-A-Watershed/Storm Drain Volunteer WQ Monitoring Paint the Drain/Storm Drain Stenciling Neighborhood Associations Southeastern Phytoplankton Monitoring Network Varies for each MS4 Public Participation and Involvement The Cornerstones of Carolina Clear
Consortium Approach Way back in 2004… Idea was established for a consortium approach in the Myrtle Beach UA – Clemson University Cooperative Extension – CCU – Waccamaw Watershed Academy – SC Sea Grant Extension Program – NIWB NERR Each entity had education goals related to water quality Joined with communities to discuss providing the stormwater education and involvement requirements 9
Consortium Origin Recognized need to coordinate stormwater education Reasons: – Optimize regional education efforts – Differentiate between education providers – Assist with Phase II NPDES compliance for regional MS4s
Initial Consortium Meeting Attendees – MS4s: Conway, Georgetown Co, Horry Co, Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach – DHEC-OCRM – Core Education Providers Review Motivation for Consortium Select Name Brainstorm List of Participants Define Consensus Points – Regional coordination IS a good idea – Push forward with education efforts despite lack of Phase II general permit
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2020 3:1
2030 3:1
CWSEC Goal Develop and implement effective, outcomes-based stormwater education and outreach programs that will meet federal requirements and satisfy the environmental and economic needs of the community that they serve.
Who Is Using Carolina Clear? 24 MS4s in 6 urbanized areas – Myrtle Beach UA – Charleston UA – Columbia UA – Florence UA – Sumter UA – Greenville UA (Pickens) Carolina Clear takes a regional approach, forming education consortia within watersheds Coordinate development of public education and involvement strategic plans Implement customized plan for each urbanized area 18
Carolina Clear Reputation SC DHEC has carefully reviewed the scope and plan for Carolina Clear, and provided an unequivocal endorsement: "Carolina Clear is an excellent program (for educating about stormwater) and DHEC endorses the [program] and encourages it to be used by local government in administering their local NPDES MS4 program." Marion Saddler, SC DHEC February
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