Comprehensive Assessment System Webinar #7 January 11, 2012
Session Topic: Cultural & Linguistic Demands of Assessment
Session Objectives The purpose of this session is to: – Describe factors that impact assessment of ELLs – Share resources for developing/selecting assessments and scoring assessments – Provide guidance for interpreting assessment data of ELLs – Answer questions
Factors that Affect ELLs Country of origin Educational experiences in L1 Linguistic backgrounds – Development of first language – Circumstances of second language development
Stages of 2 nd Language Development 1 Pre-production/Entering 2 Early Production/Beginning 3 Speech Emergence/Developing 4 Intermediate Fluency/Expanding 5 Advanced Fluency/Bridging
ListeningSpeakingReadingWriting Stages of 2 nd Language Development
Remember… Proficiency in social language = 2-3 years Proficiency in academic language = 5-9 years Ells have to learn English and they need to simultaneously learn content IN English
English is tricky! The bandage was wound around the wound. The farm was used to produce produce. I did not object to the object. The insurance was invalid for the invalid. The wind was too strong to wind the sail. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
Universal Design/Plain Language Cultural/socio-economic lens Developing Local Assessments
WIDA Can-Do Descriptors 4 domains: – Reading – Writing – Speaking – listening Organized by grade level and language proficiency level
Authentic Assessment Practical demonstration of knowledge and/or understanding Ex. Observations, performance tasks, etc. Perhaps writing an essay is not the best way to determine the student’s level of understanding of academic content
Resources for Consideration of Commercial Assessments Review technical manual
The WIDA standards and assessment framework ELPS Summative Research on second language development Formative Instruction ELP Assessments Assessment Data Performance Definitions CAN-DO Descriptors
PurposeAdministrationScores W-APT (WIDA Access Placement Test) ScreenIndividual- 20 min.Proficiency level MODEL Screen or interim/benchmark Individual – min. Scale score, proficiency levels ACCESS Summative Jan/Feb – multiple day, group or individual Raw score, scale score, proficiency level ELP Assessments
Question your first assumptions Use multiple measures Use the knowledge you have about that student Consider linguistic demands (do you still have construct validity?) Interpreting Data
Imagine if… What additional questions would you want to ask about these 2 students? Two 5th grade ELLs at a WIDA level 2.5 score in the most at risk range on a math screen.
Student A Arrived to the US 3 months ago Demonstrates grade level literacy in L1 Preliminary adaptation phase Student B Arrived to the US 3 years ago Some oral L1 proficiency but no L1 literacy Integrative adaptation phase – culture split Given the contextual ELL factors, how do you respond? What would you do next for each student in ESL/bilingual instruction the general education classroom additional intervention if any
Compare L1 and L2 measures, when possible Use WIDA rubrics (in addition to content rubrics) Progress Monitoring data Considerations from structured language observations + performance tasks Multiple Measures/Triangulation
Additional Screening Information Needed for ELLs When using traditional screening measures to determine the degree and type of intervention ELLs will need, also: Review language proficiency data Consider level of acculturation at the time of screening Check to see if the measure has been normed on ELLs
Upcoming Webinars February 8 th 9:30-10:30 Interpreting NECAP Data