What you need and want to know about college.
Types of colleges Private Universities Universities of California California State Universities Junior Colleges/Community Colleges
Private Universities (4 yr.) Art Center College of Design Azusa Pacific University (APU) California School of Culinary Arts Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising Loyola Marymount University (LMU) Occidental Pepperdine Stanford University of Sounthern California (USC) Tuition VARIES Ex. USC: $18,548 plus room & board
University of California System (4 yrs.) 10 Schools Berkeley(UCB) Davis (UCD) Irvine (UCI) Los Angeles (UCLA) Merced (UCM) Riverside (UCR) San Diego (UCSD) San Francisco (UCSF) Santa Barbara (UCSB) Santa Cruz (UCSC) Tution about $8,700 a year (plus room & board)
California State Universities (4 yrs) 23 Campuses Including… Cal State LA Cal State Long Beach Cal State Dominguez Hills Cal State Northridge Cal State San Diego Cal Poly Pomona Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Cal State Fullerton CSU Chico Sonoma State Tuition $4,026 Plus room & board
Community Colleges (2 yrs.) East Los Angeles College (ELAC) Los Angeles City College (LACC) Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Pasadena City College (PCC) Glendale Community College (GCC) Santa Monica City College (SMCC) Tuition: $700 (plus room & board)
Function of Community Colleges Transfer Transfer: after 2 years you transfer to a 4 year college to get BA/BS Career Education Career Education: receive AA after 2 years Developmental Developmental: remedial education (get GED or finish high school) Continuing Continuing: Non-credit courses for personal development (ex. Sewing)
Don’t Over-Worry about Money There are scholarships out there!! Need based (family not having money to pay) Vs. Performance Based (getting good grades) Plus there are many waivers for test fees and applications
Tests to get to college CASHEE: have to pass the CASHEE to graduate from high school. Take it for the first in sophomore year. PSAT: Preliminary SAT/National Merit Qualifying Scholarship Test SAT: tests if students are ready for college. reading, writing, & math Subjects reading, writing, & math Subject Tests: test your knowledge in a specific area (English, History, Math, Science, Languages) ACT: a different college entrance exam english, math, reading, science, writing Subjects english, math, reading, science, writing
AP tests … college level course in high school that allow you to earn college credits and advanced placement (higher G.P.A) For examples - Subjects… Calculus English Literature English Language Arts Environmental Science Statistics Government & Politics Chemistry Spanish Literature Spanish Language Arts U.S History You do NOT have to take the course to take the test
Focus for freshman/Sophmore and Junior years… Get good grades Take classes that satisfy A-G requirements Join clubs and other extra curricular activities
A-G Requirements (minimum courses needed to get into college) A)History/Social Science 2 years B)English 4 years C)Mathematics 3 to 4 years D)Laboratory Science 2 to 3 years E)Foreign Language 2 to 3 years F)Visual and Performing Arts 1 year G)College Prep Elective 1 year
Why go to College 1.Make more Money $$ High School Graduate: $31,075 Bachelor’s Degree: $50,394 Master’s Degree: $60,514 Doctorate: $77,445 (Taken from UC website)
2. Personal Development Living on your own Interact with students from diverse backgrounds Live in another state (if you want) Out of state tuition: usually 3 times more Handle your own finances Participate in Sports (yourself or go to games) Live in the DORMS Study Abroad Sororities & Fraternities
3. Study what you are interested in Majors (focus of study) Business, Communications, Engineering, Education, English, Math, History, Psychology, Economics, Chicano Studies Minors (smaller focus of study) Even though you still have to take G.E courses… … you get to pick them
Today’s Focus….
What is the UC System? Overview Video of the UC System Overview Video of the UC System
Where are all of the UCs?
UC Diversity: Who are the students that go to UC schools? Each UC has a breakdown of the students admitted each year. For example, for UC Merced, the breakdown is: Enrollment, Fall 2008 for UC Merced ( TOTAL ENROLLMENT 2,718 GRADUATE 184 UNDERGRADUATE 2,534 Women 46.7% Men 53.1% Undergraduates by Ethnicity African American 6.5% American Indian 0.7% Asian/Pacifi c Islander 33.0% Chicano/Latino 30.1% White 24.1% Other 2.1% Not Stated 2.5% International 1.2% Undergraduates Living on Campus 44%
How to Apply for the UCs? Fulfill all A-G requirements (*remember: Ds and Fs don’t count for college!) Take AP classes Join clubs and after-school sports Fill out an application at the beginning of your Senior Year (Don’t procrastinate!) Write a Personal Statement Video about How to Write a Personal Statement
How to Pay for a UC Education: File a FAFSA Apply for Scholarships and Grants Work Study Loans Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan Videos about Paying for UCs Videos about Paying for UCs
How about for Undocumented Students? Video about Paying for UCs for Undocumented Students Video about Paying for UCs for Undocumented Students
Next Steps…. Make sure you are getting good grades in all your classes Visit the College Center Search UC schools online Talk to your Advisory teacher and your counselor to make sure you are on track to be accepted to a UC