Forging new generations of engineers
What is Project Lead The Way?
PLTW is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit corporation
PLTW works with schools to implement an instructional program to prepare students to be successful in post secondary engineering and engineering technology programs.
There is no cost to schools to register with PLTW and the curriculum is free.
of PLTW is to grow the nation’s technology workforce. The primary goal
How has the workforce changed?
Is the connection between America’s Schools and the Nation’s workforce adequate? It didn’t need to be in 1960.
STEM Crisis In 2003, there were 1,300,000 engineering/engineering technology jobs available in the U.S. without trained people to fill them. Between 1980 and 2000 the number of nonacademic science and engineering jobs increased by 159%. The total number of retirements among S&E-degreed workers will increase dramatically over the next 20 years because the age group is nearly four times as large as the age group. Any sustained drop in S&E degree production would produce not only a slowing of labor force growth, but also a long-term decline in the S&E labor force. Source: National Science Foundation 2004 study
How are we doing today?
We are not graduating enough engineers and technicians.
The Problem There are currently engineering/engineering technology jobs available in the U.S. without trained people to fill them. 1,300,000
What jobs are available in engineering?
Research Complex Analysis Complex Design Development Manufacturing Test and Evaluation Routine Design Production Operation, Service, And Maintenance Distribution and Sales Four Year College Program Two and Four Year College Program Source: American Society for Mechanical Engineers Engineering and Engineering Technology -Career Paths- © Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Why should we be concerned?
Concerns? By 2010, half of all baby boomers will be gone from the workforce. By 2020, the other half will be retired. According to the Federal Government we will need 15 million engineers and technology workers by 2020.
What does the pipeline of engineers and technicians look like?
Engineering Degrees Awarded SOURCE: American Association of Engineering Societies (2002) © PLTW 2002
Engineering Technology Degrees Awarded SOURCE: American Association of Engineering Societies (2002)
What does the engineering workforce look like?
Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees Awarded in 2002 by Population Groups Source: American Association of Engineering Societies (2002) # of Bachelor’s Degrees for 2002 © PLTW 2003
Engineering Technology Bachelor’s Degrees Awarded in 2002 by Population Groups Source: American Association of Engineering Societies (2002) © PLTW 2003 # of Bachelor’s Degrees for 2002
Where do college engineering students come from? America’s High Schools
Increase student achievement Increase graduation rates Prepare students for further study Meet the needs of the community Schools are required to:
What needs to be done?
Make a small change in the culture of American high schools by: Strengthening the core academic curricula, (e.g. English, science, social studies, mathematics, etc.). Adding a rigorous, technical program of study in pre-engineering leading to 2 & 4 year post-secondary degrees.
Who needs to be engaged?
Student Success Model Private Sector Colleges/ Universities Students School District Forging new generations of engineers
How does PLTW contribute to this national vision?
By providing curriculum and professional development.
PLTW Mission Create dynamic partnerships with our nation’s schools to prepare an increasing and more diverse group of students to be successful in engineering and engineering technology programs.
Studies from High Schools That Work (HSTW) and Making School Work conclude that…. Student achievement rises even more when students are required a challenging academic core and a rigorous academic or career/technical concentration of at least four credits.
How are PLTW students doing - compared to other Career/Technical students at High Schools That Work (HSTW) schools?
Mean Scores of PLTW Students Compared to Random Sample of CTE Students From Similar Fields Source: Special Analysis of 2004 HSTW Assessment Data
PLTW Students Compared to Course-taking Patterns of Other CTE Students Source: Special Analysis of 2004 HSTW Assessment Data
Senior Students Planning to Attend 2 or 4 year Post-secondary Studies Source: June 2005 TrueOutcomes Report to PLTW Sample: 450+ Senior PLTW Students
Senior Students Planning to Enroll in Engineering or Engineering Technology Post- secondary Studies Sample: 450+ Senior PLTW Students Source: June 2005 TrueOutcomes Report to PLTW PLTW GraduatesNational Graduates
Student Retention in the 2 nd Year of Engineering or Engineering Technology Post- secondary Studies Sample: 450+ Senior PLTW Students Source: June 2005 TrueOutcomes Report to PLTW
How does PLTW facilitate this change in the schools?
Attributes of a PLTW curriculum: Is contextual project/problem based Integrates national standards in mathematics, science, technology, and English/language arts Has breadth and depth of content Is supported by comprehensive professional development for teachers Professional Development Conferences for School Counselors Prepares students for successful transition to college – into all 2/4 year programs Develops the engineering/engineering technology pipeline Is sustained and updated through a private not-for-profit foundation
PLTW Courses in the Middle School
Gateway To Technology Design and Modeling (9 wks) The Magic of Electrons (9 wks) The Science of Technology (9 wks) Automation and Robotics (9 wks) Environmental Engineering (9 wks) Flight and Space (9 wks) NASA Middle School Program:
Design & Modeling
The Magic of Electrons
The Science of Technology
Automation and Robotics
PLTW Courses in the High School
Foundation: Specialization : Capstone : Computer Integrated Manufacturing and/or Civil Engineering and Architecture and/or Biotechnical Engineering and/or Aerospace Technology Introduction to Engineering Design Principles Of Engineering Digital Electronics Engineering Design and Development High School Course Program Note: Course program requires college prep mathematics each year.
Foundation Course: Principles Of Engineering
Foundation Course: Introduction To Engineering Design
Foundation Course: Digital Electronics
Specialization Course: Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Specialization Course: Civil Engineering and Architecture
Capstone Course: Engineering Design and Development Problem Solving in Teams Juried Presentations
What will students know and be able to do when they complete the PLTW Program?
Graduation Expectations Understand technology as a tool for problem solving. Understand the scientific process, engineering problem solving and the application of technology. Be prepared for the rigor of college level Engineering or Engineering Technology programs. Understand, technological systems as they interface with other systems.
Graduation Expectations Use the principles of mathematics in their application to problem solving. Communicate effectively using reading, writing, listening and speaking. Demonstrate the ability to work in teams.
How will the PLTW curriculum challenge students to meet higher academic standards ?
The curriculum is: “Standards Based” National Academy of Sciences National Council of Teachers of Mathematics International Technology Education Association National English Language Arts
The following is an example of student work from: Introduction to Engineering Design Grades 9-12
Profile to Revolve Axis of Revolution H Cylindrical Volume Layout Hint V = r 2 H R All volume formulas must include the cubic inch to fluid ounce conversion factor of
Truncated Cone Volume Solution 1. Assign a value to R AB 2. Assign a value to H AB 3. Find the volume of cone(AB) V AB 4. In the front view, sketch the profile of the container using the above assigned values. 5. Use the dimension function to find the length of R B 6. Find the volume of cone (B) V B 7. Plug the values of V AB and V B into the formula V A = V AB - V B. This will give the volume of the truncated cone (A). *Note: If you move the position of R B up or down, it will change the volume of the truncated cone (A).
Parabolic Container Solution
This is the kind of student work that helps students reach higher standards in the academic core.
Exposure to Real Engineering The PLTW classes are modeled after introductory engineering courses taught at the university level. Students gain first hand experience in different facets of engineering and discover where their strengths lie.
How do we help teachers to teach at this level ? Change old habits through …
Comprehensive Professional Development
The Teacher as Facilitator Helps students define problems and set timelines. Helps students become leaders, team members, and problem solvers. Acts as a resource. Is not expected to know the answers.
Ready for core training Ready for teaching Gateway To Technology (Middle School Principles Of Engineering Introduction To Engineering Design Digital Electronics Computer Integrated Manufacturing Civil Engineering/Architecture Aerospace Engineering Biotechnical Engineering Engineering Design and Development Core Training Summer Institute Self- Assessment and Pre- Core Training Continuous Training Master Teacher © PLTW 2005 Professional Development Level II Training Virtual Academy University Based
What Universities offer the PLTW Professional Development?
Summer Professional Development The University based Professional Development is an intense two week experience.
Summer Professional Development Practicing classroom teachers and university faculty conduct the professional development sessions.
Summer Professional Development Intense classroom instruction partnered with independent assignments assures teachers are prepared to teach students the curriculum.
are not the only staff members who benefit from PLTW’s Comprehensive Professional Development program. Teachers
School Counselors’ Conference --- For Middle & High School Counselors -- Regional Conference dates and times are posted on the PLTW website in the Counselor’s section.
Why is it critical to work with Guidance Departments?
Guidance Practices Increase Achievement when Students are encouraged to take challenging mathematics and science courses. Students are assisted by the end of grade nine in planning a program of study. Parents are involved. Students are provided information on postsecondary education and employment.
Who should take PLTW courses?
The Student who is: In the top 80% of his/her class. Good in mathematics and science. Interested in being an engineer or technologist. Good in art and design. Interested in computers. An underachiever who might get “hooked” by a high tech – hands on class. A struggling student who learns best by “doing.”
The Student who is: Willing to work hard!!!
A Rigorous Pre-engineering Curriculum + Highly prepared Faculty = Opportunities for Students
What states are in the PLTW network of schools?
States Participating in PLTW States & DC with 1300 School Sites & 170,000 students Hawaii
PLTW Network Growth schools - 1,138 students schools - 4,652 students schools - 14,156 students schools - 23,000 students schools - 35,000 students schools - 55,000 students schools - 65,612 students schools - 120,000 students schools - 170,000 students
What do schools commit to, should they elect to join the PLTW network of schools?
School District Agreement with PLTW Implement entire 5 unit, PLTW high school course curriculum (over 4 years or less) --- and/or --- Implement Gateway To Technology (over 3 years or less) Identify and support teachers who will participate in the 3-phase professional development program Identify & support school counselor in the conference
Provide each teacher with high-end laptop and software meeting PLTW specifications Provide and equip laboratory space meeting or exceeding PLTW specifications (over 4 years) Agree to become College Certified within two years Operate a teacher led community partnership team Participate in the systematic evaluation of PLTW Commit to continuous improvement School District Agreement with PLTW
What else makes the PLTW Program unique?
Introduction to Engineering Design Principles Of Engineering Digital Electronics Computer Integrated Manufacturing Civil Engineering and Architecture College Credit Transcripted College Credit is available to students enrolled in the following courses: This makes a transcript with PLTW courses on it attractive to Universities.
Why do teachers like this program?
Because the PLTW curriculum is developed, teachers are able to devote all of their energies to teaching and student learning.
How do you join the PLTW network of schools?
Go to: Complete a district application Complete an application for each school that will offer the program
Forging new generations of engineers