EMF Collective Bargaining Summer College – Costa da Caparica 9/2010 11 Draft overview of Topics for the Collective Bargaining & Social Policy Work Programme.


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Presentation transcript:

EMF Collective Bargaining Summer College – Costa da Caparica 9/ Draft overview of Topics for the Collective Bargaining & Social Policy Work Programme To Include both collective bargaining as well as social policy elements To include input from ad hoc SWP white collars To take into consideration new to be created work group “temporary agency work” No general introduction: elements to be put forward for general political resolution: WP = +/- 4 pages

EMF Collective Bargaining Summer College – Costa da Caparica 9/ Economic background Crisis – recovery ? Restructuring Competition Financial background Speculation – markets Social background unemployment & insecurity Demographic background labour market pensions

EMF Collective Bargaining Summer College – Costa da Caparica 9/ CONTINUED NEED COORDINATION COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Collective bargaining is the main tool in protecting and improving the wages and conditions of European MetalworkersCollective bargaining is the main tool in protecting and improving the wages and conditions of European Metalworkers Continued threat for collective bargaining results and structuresContinued threat for collective bargaining results and structures European campaign on coverage rate for collective agreements (opt out clauses, exemptions, opening clauses)? European campaign on coverage rate for collective agreements (opt out clauses, exemptions, opening clauses)? More than ever high levels of unemployment, precarious jobs and an on-going deregulation process.More than ever high levels of unemployment, precarious jobs and an on-going deregulation process.

EMF Collective Bargaining Summer College – Costa da Caparica 9/ WAGES Wage coordination rule current difficulties How to strengthen? How to improve? Implications for national <> company further decentralisation tendencies, negative wage drift Wage development <> job protection equal treatment precarious contracts minimum wages advantages <> dangers different systems > clarity - honesty

EMF Collective Bargaining Summer College – Costa da Caparica 9/ Working Time Working Time directive – continued debate ? how to introduce / improve the EMF action points? end of opt out – including managerial staff – lower de max limit ??? (re)new(ed) debate on working time (re)distribution (reduction?), working time organisation (individual / collective organisation, individual flexibility,...). Individual career development: sabbaticals, interruptions, career redistribution,...

EMF Collective Bargaining Summer College – Costa da Caparica 9/ Precarious work 2 nd common demand state of the art? Missing road maps.... Intermediate evaluation 2 nd half next year more visibility: press communications creating new work group in CBPC TAW debate with employers objective soc. dialogue committee work together with IMF other EIFS and ETUC ITUC Attentive for flexicurity debate Commission position paper EMF

EMF Collective Bargaining Summer College – Costa da Caparica 9/ Social Policy Issues Pensions – pension funds green book commission relevance information comparison systems pension funds collective & individual ageing workforce and transfer of knowledge how to organise this? Coll agreements? Role 1 st common demand work life balance: how not to remain slogan practical elements and examples Whistle blowing / Ethical charts: newer item Ethical question how to protect workers

EMF Collective Bargaining Summer College – Costa da Caparica 9/ Future European IRS Evaluation of our internal procedure MNC negotiations how to organise in practice – means, staff how to integrate with other EIFs in mixed companies how to integrate consultation method (consulting trade unions, reaching majorities,...) Continued work with expert group Commission How to ensure procedure and method are respected Initiative Commission on restructuring...

EMF Collective Bargaining Summer College – Costa da Caparica 9/ STRUCTURAL Regional networks revitalising ? How evaluating extending ? Is there a need, a use, a possibility? Closer cooperation other EIFs how to proceed ? Eucoban Annual report > how to improve? Day by day > how to improve

EMF Collective Bargaining Summer College – Costa da Caparica 9/ STRUCTURAL White Collars Overview of structure, membership, organising methods, exchange of best practice Equal Opportunities All Collective agreements should include these elements? how to ensure this? how to extend this? What about debate for further common demands procedure and principle is foreseen what about the need? what about future topics if any?

EMF Collective Bargaining Summer College – Costa da Caparica 9/ OVERVIEW Campaign Coverage rate collective agreements wages coordination rule – minimum wages wages <> job protection Working Time working time organisation WT directive Social Policy Issues pensions – work/life – whistle blowing Future IRS procedure – integration other EIFs Structural Eucoban – regional networks – cooperation – survey white collars – equal opportunities - common demands