Agenda 1) What is a career pathway? 2)Where does the student locate information about pathways and academic required courses? 3) Why do we investigate career pathways and the academic plan? 4) How are you going to use this information in your next few years of high school?
Rationale for Pathway A pathway is a method of searching for a career that fits your interests and lifestyle and then allows you to build academic courses around it. The pathway recommends individual high school courses – both academic and career-related – to concentrate on which are specifically geared toward the career you’ve chosen. James Campbell High School has established pathway smaller learning communities (SLC) that offer programs of study (POS). POS are recommended sequences of courses to be taken in preparation for careers in specific areas. SLCs will give students the opportunity to meet and work with other students who share the same interests, acquire work-based learning experiences, and receive college and career guidance.
Pathways Arts and Communication Business Health Services Industrial Engineering and Technology Natural Resources Public and Human Services Located in Campbell Registration Guide pages on_guide_ pdf
Pathway Assignment Retrieve the Program of study from Dropbox Save as last name, Program of Study Open link: ell_registration_guide_ pdf ell_registration_guide_ pdf Go to page 7 and begin looking at the pathway options Select the pathway that interest you- fill out the form
Directions for Pathway 1) The first box to fill in is the Program of Study Name (purple line) 2) Next, fill in the Program study name (yellow line) 3) Third box is the academic requirement (green line) 4) Fourth, fill in the Core course (turquoise blue line) 4) Fifth, fill in the concentration course (red line) 5) Last box, fill in the year you plan to complete the course 6) Type in your name and Graduation year at the top 7) Save your document (last name, program of study), attach it to and send to class , then upload into your Dropbox)
High School Acdemic Plan Be patient while filling out this form! It takes a bit of outside of the box thinking. Step 1) Open High School Academic Plan from the Dropbox or Desktop FAA folder Step 2) Save document as: last name, HS academic plan Step 3) Open ation_guide_ pdf ation_guide_ pdf Step 4) Go to page 5: graduation requirements Step 5) Go to next slide Note: You may use the blank form or you may use the partially filled out form. If you decide to use the blank one, make sure you include all courses you are required to take to graduate. THIS IS A PLAN! SO FILL IT ALL OUT
Type Your name and check Sophomore 1) One page 5 of registration book the first course to address is English. If you are using the partially filled form, you do not need to do anything as all of the Language Arts courses are filled in for you. 2) Social Studies is next. You are required to take 4 credits, and the first three are filled in for you. Go to pages 35 & 36 to pick your fourth Social Studies course. For most of you this will be Psychology and Sociology--type Psy/Soc in Senior Year under social studies. Go to next slide
Directions continued The Next course is Mathematics. You are required to PASS Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra 2. You may have taken Algebra I in Intermediate School, make sure counselor has given you credit for this. Go to page 29 to pick the math course you would like to take. You must have three math credits to graduate. If you are going into technology, science, business it is recommended that you take more math. Write in the math courses you took under the year you are taking them. Go to the next slide
Directions Continued Science is the next requirement. You must have 3 credits of Science-(Chem, Bio, Physics is recommended for BOE diploma) Two of your sciences have been selected for you, so you will need to select the next one on pages Select one science and type it in your junior or senior year
Directions cont. Physical Education is the next course, 1 credit is required. This has already been written in for you. If you did not take it your freshman year, make sure you put it into one of the other years. Health is required along with the PTP course you are taking currently. These courses are.5 of a credit, both are graduation requirements-you must pass both of these to graduate. World Language/Fine Arts/CTE- you are required to take 2 credits of these courses to graduate. If you are in band, ROTC or taking art, you will not need to take a foreign language. HOWEVER, if you are planning to go to college, you are required to have two years of foreign language: French, Spanish, Japanese are your options
Directions Continued The last two items to discuss are electives and Career Pathway You have six electives that you are required to complete throughout your high school years. In your freshman and sophomore years you take two workshops in math and language arts-this uses up two electives. The remaining 4 are used as you need. If you have failed a course or need to take Nova net, these will be your electives. RTI is also a required elective for some students Do not forget to list your program of study in the sophomore year- most of you will take this in your junior and senior years. Save your document, it to class , and upload completed document into your Drop box.
Conclusion You have selected a program of study that interests you; this can be put on your resume as a specialization You have also completed a high school academic plan that you will use to plan your courses for the next two years.
Formative Assessment 1) What is a career pathway? 2)Where does the student locate information about pathways and academic required courses? 3) Why do we investigate career pathways and the academic plan? 4) How are you going to use this information in your next few years of high school? Directions: Open a Google Doc, label it last name, pathway and academic plan assessment, put your name and date on top of the document. Copy and paste the four questions below and answer in complete sentences. Questions three and four must be full complete paragraph (5-8 sentence each question/answer). Share your assessment with the class .
Common Care Standard WHST 9-10: Research to Build and Present Knowledge # 7 Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and over reliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.