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Select A, B, or C Be quick –1 “Which set has the Dewey Category in order?” Literature Fine Arts History General Works Social Science Religion General Works Philosophy LanguageSocial Science General Works Religion
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Select A, B, or C Be quick- 2 “Which Dewey numbers are in order?” Quick-2
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Select A, B, or C Be Quick –3 “In the Fine Arts Category, which of these would you find?” drawing music art sports cooking music sports Playing cards historybiology sports water polo Quick-3
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Select A, B, or C Be Quick – 4 “Select the topics that would be found under General Works?” biographies libraries yearbooks encyclopedias newspapers encyclopedias libraires newspapers journalismlibraries encyclopedias philosophy Quick-4
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Select A, B, or C Be Quick - 5 “Which one of these topics would be under Social Science?” fairy tales short stories commerce education money fairy tales education lawslavery fairy tales animals Quick-5
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Quick-6 Select A, B, or C Be quick – 6 “Which one of these topics would be listed under Philosophy?” philosophy catering psychology ducks philosophy psychology mind UFO’s sports carsmind psychology Socrates
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Select A, B, or C Be quick- 7 “What Dewey Category is in alphabetical order?” General Works Literature Language Fine Arts Language Philosophy Literature General Works Pure ScienceLanguage Fine Arts History Quick-7
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Select A, B, or C Be Quick – 8 “Are these Dewey Categories in the correct order?” Social Science Useful Arts Fine Arts Religion Pure Science Fine Arts Religion LiteratureSocial Science General Works Language Quick-8
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Select A, B, or C would be Be Quick – 9 “Which of these topics would be found under Pure Science?” snakes cooking botany geology hurricanes botany geology flowers zoologypets botany dinosaurs Quick-9
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Select A, B, or C Be Quick - 10 “Are these topics listed under Language?” Madame Uno Horses Arabic Bon Jour! Arabic Biographical Dict. Webster’s Dict. Madame!etiquette Uno German Quick-10
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Select A, B, or C Be quick –11 “ is Language, what Dewey categories would follow?” Literature Pure Science Social Science Useful Arts Social Science Literature Pure Science Useful Arts History Pure Science Literature
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Select A, B, or C Be Quick – 12 “What Dewey numbers are in order for the category of Religion?” Quick-8
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Select A, B, or C Be quick –13 “Which of these topics are in Literature?” Fairy tales Short stories literature jokes riddles jokes plays horsesliterature short stories jokes
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Select A, B, or C Be Quick – 14 “WHICH SET OF TOPICS IS UNDER THE HISTORY CATEGORY?” customs biography history maps geography travel maps geography biographyeducation maps history Quick-10
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Select A, B, or C Be Quick – 15 “WHICH SET OF TOPICS IS IN THE USEFUL ARTS CATEGORY? kittens bridges cooking medicine rice technology mathematics telephones kittenscustoms Your skin gerbils Quick-8
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