Academic Communities
Your Student’s Academic Place at UNM UNM is a BIG place – made up of Colleges and Schools (Fine Arts, Engineering, Arts & Sciences, Univ.College….. ) made up of Departments that offer Courses … to your student Your student’s academic home, either: Declared Major or Program Exploratory, Pre-Health: University College Your student can: Change Majors; change Colleges Take courses in other Colleges (sometimes) Design his or her own Major (within limits)
Appropriate Placement for Success; Progress to Degree Core Math, English required for ALL students ACT scores determine initial placement COMPASS re-test to challenge placement throughout summer Quantitative Reasoning, Critical Text Analysis support courses for students who test below cut off scores.
Foundational Skills for Success at UNM Content Knowledge: Discipline-specific, facts: Obtaining evidence and data Google Integration:Combining content to Solve Problems, Think Critically about evidence and data Link ideas, concepts Collaboration: Strategies for effective teamwork Intercultural communication Impact: Community Engagement; Responsibility
Why these Learning Outcomes? Your student’s future: More than 1/3 of the entire US labor force changes jobs ANNUALLY. Today's students will have jobs by age 38. Every year, more than 30 million Americans are working in jobs that did not exist in the previous year.
Academic Options: All students, All majors First Year Transition Seminars Interdisciplinary “Big Question” classes Paired Learning Communities: Core Course plus second core or topics course Innovation Academy courses Honors College Seminars Pre-health Mentorship Themed Residence Halls Community Engaged Scholarship & Service Learning
Academic Values for Success Diversity & Intercultural Knowledge Problem Solving Critical Thinking Community Engagement Integrative LearningCreative Thinking Teamwork & Collaboration
For more information…. Kate First Year Programs: Honors: General Information: --> UNM A-Z for specific departments